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Gerry G asked in Food & DrinkCooking & Recipes · 1 decade ago

Anyone have a recipe or link for a recipe for Poleko Bheda? This is an Indian dish with Lamb.?

We had dinner last night in a North Indian restaurant. We had a dish called Poleko Bheda. The description is "tender lamb marinated in yogurt and spices and roasted in Tandoori Oven served with vegetables and vegetable Korma." It was great. I am looking for a recipe for this dish. Can anyone help?


1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay I spent a bit of time researching my cookbooks and googling with the translator. LOL.

    Here's what I found out. Bheda is lamb..specifically lamb under one year. Apparently Poleko is actually a Nepalese dish. And though not originally Indian. Many Indian restaurants like to serve it.

    Here is a sample recipe I found:

    As for the word Korma part of the dish. That is just thesweet tasting yogurt part of the dish with the veggies.

    Hope this helps! You could ask the restaurant for a bit of info on the dish too!

    Source(s): Chef Susy AKA me =)
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