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Leash asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

HELP! Is my sister's cat dying? Here are the symptoms....?

My sister, niece and her cat moved in with my husband and I about a year and a half ago. I also have a cat, whom I've had for 11 years. He's super healthy.

My sister's cat WAS healthy up until recently.

Here's the symptoms:

1) He's been hiding out-he's been under my sister's bed for 2 days. She went and pulled him out a couple of times, and brought him to his food and water bowls, but he didn't eat anything, and my sister had to pick him up and carry him back to her room.

2) He's moving SUPER slow...he's always been a bit of a slow cat, but now it's pretty bad. He seems to have little to no energy

3) He won't eat or drink-my sister always fed him hard food, and he stopped eating that a few weeks ago. She thought he didn't like the brand or flavor-she has since tried about 5 different hard foods-he wouldn't eat that, so she got wet food-again, no luck. I don't know for sure when the last time he ate or drank was.

4) He's lost weight. I hadn't seen him in a couple of days, and when I saw him today I was shocked. He looks sunken in. You can see and feel every knob in his spine, his shoulder blades, etc

5) My cat (who has gotten along wonderfully with my sister's cat) has been randomly going up to her cat and sniffing him for long periods of time.

6) My sister's cat seemed ok a few days ago-he even chased after a moth a few nights ago.

7) He's still purring when you pet him

8) He's always very vocal, that doesn't seem to have changed

9) His eyes still look very bright and clear

10) His nose is dry

Oh, and some background-my sister adopted him from a shelter 11 years ago. They estimated his age at the time of the adoption was 4-5 years old, so that would make him 15-16 years old now.

Does this sound like he may be dying?

I know all cats and situations are different, but I'm just trying to get an idea of what might be going on. My sister is trying to get an appointment at a local animal hospital right now. If he is suffering, she will do what's best for him.

Also, again, I know there is no one answer but I'm wondering if maybe anyone could give me an estimation on how much time he might have from this state to his death?

Thanks in advance for your help, advice and kindness!


I completely agree with you all, and really appreciate your help.

Were taking him now! Thanks!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    The loss of a lot of weight at that age suggests hyperthyroidism, and that can be easily treated.

    With not eating anything, organ failure can come in several days.

    Cats are very stoic, so they don't show when they are in pain. The sooner a vet sees him, the better for him.

    Is he is bad shape right now? Yes. Is he dying? Uncertain, as he is still relatively "young". But clearly he needs a vet assessment. He can still give many years of unconditional love, since he already has made it this far.

  • 1 decade ago

    If he hasn't been eating, she needs to get him to a vet. Especially since it seems to be a very prolonged period of time. A cat's organs can start to get very messed up after just a few days or not eating. He could just have an upper respiratory infection or losing his sense of smell. If they can't smell their food, they won't eat it.

    He needs to be seen ASAP. Take him to the vet. Don't wait for an appointment. If he's lost that much weight, that's an emergency to me. Just take him in - NOW.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you don't take him to the vet he will definitely die. The cat id dehydrated, you said your sister feed him only dry food? the cat was not getting any liquids on the dry food, the can food has liquids on them. The cat might be suffering from dental problems, that's why he is not eating and drinking. As for the dry nose, that indicates sickness.

    Before we diagnose him! please, please take him to the vet, waiting for him to die? this could be very pain-full for the cat. There is a chance to save him. TAKE HIM TO THE VET OR THE NEAR ANIMAL HOSPITAL. The animal hospitals are willing to make payments if you don't have the money up front, they will bill you.He needs fluids and meds...ASAP.

  • 1 decade ago

    If he's 15-16 years old, he may have renal failure. Is he drinking & urinating more than usual? If so, that's usually a sign of kidney problems. It could also be his liver if he looks jaundice (gums will look yellowish). I'd take him to the vet ASAP because they can at least give him something to make him comfortable.

    Source(s): 11 years as a vet tech & a cat lover =)
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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, the life expectancy for cats is about this age.

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah i think his life may be almost over my friends cat has been like this for a while to, hers is a calico.

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