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Do republicans have the answers to fix things?

In always keeping an open mind I have read where both parties stand on the issues. Now looking beyond the smoke and mirrors that comes with elections. I keep hearing people don't like the democratic policies. Yet most people have no clue as to the policies. Just like everyone else I want things to get better in this country. Although I have enough intelligence to realize turning things around takes time. Our government has failed in many ways over the last 30 years, mistake have been made by both parties.


wrfine - I have to agree with that. Term limits would be nice.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, you and I both know they don't. I don't follow the trail of the question put large, but as a "large issue," the Republicans are basically trying to facilitate all of the policies that make big business so lucrative and keep down the working man.

    I like what Bill Maher said the other day: "the best thing the Republican Party ever did was rebrand itself as the Tea Party." People like the Koches feel out some populist sentiment and feed it with money, and it turns into a movement.

    No matter what you do however, this is a two party system, and liberals who don't vote for Democrats are throwing away their votes (or even worse, abetting conservatives). Gore/Bush anyone? Speaks volumes.

  • 4 years ago

    ok, malicious program, we've been right here earlier, yet enable me to reiterate. there is no longer something incorrect with our wellness CARE device, we've the final. Our device enables innovation, all and sundry gets the care they choose, and there is two times as many MRI's and CATscans in line with million human beings than all of Europe. what's faulty is the thought all and sundry desires insurance. this is ridiculous. till you're a whiny little female that has to work out the healthcare expert each and every 2 weeks, insurance is a waste of money. the choose of the individuals? have you ever observed that in case you ask the splendid question, you get a splendid polling? The polls coach only approximately 80% of human beings do no longer choose nationalized medical wellness insurance, and sixty seven% do no longer choose something remotely on the factor of what congress is pushing. did no longer you pay interest to city halls? there have been a great number of alternative recommendations presented, yet congress stayed centred on government takeover. Hve you heard the democrats say something? Republicans presented state line opposition, medical fee decrease fee rates money owed, catastrophic, tort reform, and clamping down on corruption. Democrats presented government run medical wellness insurance with and with out the widespread public selection. See what I advise... no longer plenty on recommendations. What i do no longer comprehend is how the brightest democrats can not arise with something that doesn't fee thousands of billions, and how is going to be greater low-fee to insure 3 hundred million rather of only 15 million? I venture you in looking me 15 million people who have been refused care. I wager you won't be able to locate a million. and would you locate an insurance organization that refuse insurance greater cases then the US government? and finally, to boot the only business enterprise allowed by using the form (the militia), discover me one business enterprise that operates "deficit nuetral".

  • 1 decade ago

    Some do, as a party I am not yet convinced. One thing I am absolutely certain of though. Democrats do not have the answers to fix things. I am sure there are a few good dems but they have the outsider stepkids who have no influence with the lefty loon leadership.

    Im voting for solidly fiscal conservatives, whatever party they are in. thats gonna mostly be republicans or libertarians though. Not that im against voting for a dem who was but there just arent many.

  • 1 decade ago

    What i don't want to see is socialism. If we "spread the wealth" by taxing the rich, the rich WILL leave and there will be no one left to tax. Which will bring us all down to lower class except the elite few (government) who will do whatever they want because they have all the power. Now i don't like the direction either party is going right now but i do like the idea of getting fresh new faces in the government because politicians now are way out of touch with the people. And term limits for them all!!!

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  • Mike S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Conservatives want responsibility. We want people to go back to a time when they lived within their means, instead of demanding for more more more until they are so far in debt, there is no chance at getting out. We want crimes punished, more jobs than we can ever fill, and no belly to be hungry around us. We want to bring back small town pride, after school activities, and family gatherings. We want to go to bed knowing we are safe in our homes and in our country. We want the government to protect us from outsiders and stay out of our lives otherwise. We want to take up action within our own states and rectify problems on a more personal level, we want to have a booming voice to be heard from the mountain tops, not a small whimper seldom heard from a corrupt government.

    Is that a bad thing?

    The dems are forcing a one class society, where the government reigns supreme on all decisions. I see words elegantly spoken about healthcare reform and why we need it, yet the only thing that happens is more money out of pocket, lesser care, and more insurance companies getting fat. I see weak military movement creeping closer to a never ending money pit. I watch Pelosi with her botox injected cheeks give a sinister grin as she blindly throws money hand over fist at anything that moves, in hopes no one will notice her incompetence. I watched my Government bail failing companies out after practicing bad business decisions, without asking the companies leaders to resign.

    Is this a good thing?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They have the answer if you like the increase in inequality that happens every time they are in power. Personally, I prefer the increase in equality that happens when Democrats are in power, and that is what the country needs drastically right now. We're losing our middle class.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We have to change the guard with someone younger and has new fresh idea's. These old Politicians are just there for power and $$$...

  • mick t
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No not really. They just want votes, but they won't change things if elected. We need some guys like Jesse Ventura (independents who have a social conscience) to fix things

  • 1 decade ago

    are conservatives usually the most intellectual in a group?


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