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Lv 6
lovely asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

My cat is phyco??????????????????

I owned a lot of cats in my lifetime and had house mates in college that had three cats so I know every cat is different and full of personality. I generally love cats however my current cat is beyond strange. It is loving to me and one of my daughters but it hates my youngest child and yesterday she drew blood on the kid. I believe I if I adopt an animal I should keep it its whole life but now I wonder. I have tried isolating the cat for misbehavior (putting her in a room by herself), stared her down (the kid has too) and hissed at her, I wonder if a stray bottle will work? I never used one. The real problem is that my ex allows the youngest to be mean to his cats (picking them up when they don't want to, chasing them when they are at their food bowl etc.). I have told him to not let her be unkind to his cats but he just thinks the cats will get over it (they have been depressed for years and they run and hide when my youngest comes over). I told my kid to not EVER approach my cat unless the cat comes to her first and everything seemed to be okay. Yesterday however the cat was on her lap and my kid scratched her ear too hard and the cat went ballsiest. My oldest said when I wasn't around she is unkind to the cat. How should I handle it?


If you read carefully I did divorce the idiot that is unkind to his cats. I have told his lawyer and mine about the situation and they told me the cops won't care and now I don't were to report him without him bringing it up in court that I'm being petty (it's been six years and he has taken me to court eight times over crap, I took him once to get a divorce). What I want to know is despite his infulunce how to have my child (she is 11) and the cat get along without me becoming the animal police 24/7

Update 2:

BTW beating my child and not trying to solve the problem makes you a terrible person (beating a child, nice) and not a great trainer. You gave me an idea though I will take them both to a good animal trainer to solve the problem.

Update 3:

Getting rid of the child is cruel because she has a problem. I wouldn't want to be your kid

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First I think you need to report your ex on being cruel to his cats! It must be a worry when you send your children to his home. Your cat is obviously nervous of your youngest child you need to make sure that you keep your child away from it until your child learns to not lash out at it. A water spray will only work if you use it in the right context ie: when he randomly bites someone. It should not be used if the cat is just lashing out if its been hurt.

  • 1 decade ago

    Since you know that your youngest has a pattern of being mean to cats because her father allows it, I would think that it would be best not to have any pets in the home. Maybe when she gets older, she will start to understand her behavior is wrong and realize that she can be kind to animals. Punishing her won't help and could make things worse. For now, I think rehoming the cat is the best option.

  • 1 decade ago

    give the cat to a close friend...the baby is obviously to young to handle a pet. Remember she/he may not realize she/he is being cruel. When i was little i did the same kind of horeseplay with the cat and I had plenty of scratches because of it... I was just trying to play...

    Either way, i found that my mom got rid of the cat and I was heart broken :[ But it but it was probably for the best

  • 1 decade ago

    **not trying to be mean** if your daughter "scratches" your cats ears too hard and you see it, pull her ear or scratch it. ask her if it hurts. if she pulls the cats tail, pull her hair (lightly). Treat her like you would a toddler who is learning right from wrong. I did the same thing when i was small, and my parents did this and i'm so gentle with animals now, because i "felt" how they felt. And if your daughter is being mean to be cat, tell her "how would you feel if you were in the kitties shoes/paws?" and "just cause daddy lets you doesn't mean mommy will"

    Source(s): owner of a cat/daughter of animal lovers
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  • 1 decade ago

    If you read your own question carefully, you'll find that there is no problem with the cats. If the kids stop chasing them and "scratching their ears too hard", and just let them be cats, your problems will be greatly reduced.

  • debbie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, all cats are different.

    But if any one is cruel to them, then they have a right to retaliate.

    I think your boyfriends attitude is out of order.

    Perhaps the cat would be better off and happier in a loving home.

    Source(s): 5 cats
  • Will
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Keep them away from each other.

  • 1 decade ago

    not to sure.

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