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I usually don't allow e-mail or IM but sometimes I do. I am a Bible believing Christian

  • Noncustodial parent kicked out his kid?

    She is a great kid-A student, class president and is very kind and thoughtful. Her father is remarrying and doesn't want the baggage (ie the kid) from his past to effect his "new" family. He says mean things to her-that she is worthless and cost him too much money that he needs for his new family. What can I do to legally protect her? This happened tonight and kid a mess emotionally. She always has a home with me.

    1 AnswerFamily6 years ago
  • car wrecked in parking lot?

    and my sedan went on two wheels next to a curb. The person that hit me admits fault and their insurance company already sent my car into repairs without my authorization. What the repair shop states is that my alinement is off and there is body damage (that they already are fixing). This doesn't sound right to me. I want a second opinion but the repair shop says I can't because they are already working on the car. My boyfriend says I'm screwed now. The repair shop said they would repair anything that comes up if they determine it is accident related. So what they can say whatever they like after the fact. So internet, can I do anything at this point to protect my car?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • We got two dogs from the pound last month.?

    I have always been able to train my dogs in the past and now both dogs have learned basic skills. One dog is very polite the other is a bully. He beats up the polite dog and this morning he got one of my cats in its mouth. I had to wrestle him off her. On a walk the other day he almost knocked down a kid (again I had to wrestle him off because no and other commands didn't work). I'm taking the bully(as well as the other dog) to obedience classes next Saturday hoping the trainers can help. I believe pets are for their lifetime however keeping him isn't fair to the other animals. Can this kind of aggression be trained out of a dog?

    2 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • My dog is depressed and lonely?

    I had two dogs. One just passed away. My dog that is still alive is very depressed as her and her "sister" were playmates for 13 years. I give my dog that is still alive walks every day after work however I know she still is lonely with no one to be there for her 24/7. How can I brighten her day? She is still healthy and has quite a few years left on this planet, thankfully.

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • How do I despose of not needed meds?

    My youngest daughter had her wisdom teeth removed and she was given Tylenol 3s and vicodin. She only needed one vicodin out of the 30 that I filled a prescription for and she has 13 Tylenol 3s left. She isn't in any pain anymore and been off the meds for a week. I had a friend tell me to keep them in case I needed them in the future. Well if I need them in the future a doctor will prescribe something for me and I'm sure the dosage would be different and it could be a different medication. I don't want to flush them down the toilet but I don't want them around taking up space. Where can I get rid of them safely?

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Why do men make catcalls?

    Seriously neither my husband or I can figure it out. Do they want a reaction? Do they think they will get lucky from a catcall? I got one today, I wasn't wearing anything revealing or tight. So what is the deal?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • How do I block off part of my large backyard?

    I have two huge dogs that I need to keep away from my lawn furniture and gas grill. I have a very big back yard and would like to block of them from my outdoor entertaining area. Something that they can't get though when I don't need them to but with a gate to let them enjoy the whole yard when they want to (they like to sleep on the lawn furniture). Any suggestion would be helpful, thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • ex husband keeps kids sleep divprived?

    My ex husband has my kids two school nights and wakes them by being being loud on his video games each of those nights. We divorced almost 8 years ago and he still won't talk to me about the kids although I do email him notices from their schools (days off, concerts etc). He is constantly pissed off at me (we don't even talk and it has been years for God's sake) and tells the kids I'm a witch (they know better and know dad is lacking in self control). The kids have told him that him that they wake them up in the middle of the night and he calls them whiners and that sleep is a luxury. They are teenagers and need their sleep (at least 8 to 9 hours a night). How can can I get him to be be quite when the kids are asleep without going through an attorney? The lack of sleep is affecting their school work and when they come home to me they just want to crash. It takes about two days before they aren't continually sleepy. What can I do?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • What kind of oil should I use for a deep fat fryer?

    I have never fried anything in my life however my mom gave me a deep fat fryer to make my kids french fries. No one in our family is overweight so I thought I would save myself a couple of bucks a month to make them myself instead of buying McDonald's fries. I have no idea what kind of oil to use. My husband saw the fryer and said that he could make fried okra. What does okra look like? I have no idea what to buy at the store. He could get it (or them) but I'm going grocery shopping this week and would love to surprise him. Is it difficult to make?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • my email was hacked!!!!?

    My email was hacked and I have IM through yahoo on my mail. Some robo bot took it over and is asking for sexy webcam and claims it is some 24 year old girl. The machine (I did figure out it is a machine) is asking for credit card info. It has contacted everyone on my email list (including my mom!) asking them for all kinds of unholy acts if they just can have their credit card info. I got a new email account with a very complicated password but I want to import my files without having the bot follow me. Can this even be done?

    2 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • What is a good fiction book for my mom?

    I need a good wholesome book for my 84 year old mom. She can't find one with a happy ending. Unfortunately the only other reader in my family is my liberal sister and she is recommending books that are violent and often sexual. My mom is a conservative Christian woman and is at a loss on some good fiction to read. I read technical books primarily so I don't have a clue on what to recommend. I asked the local librarian to recommend something and that was a bust as most of the books had sexual overtones or were written for children. My mom has read ( and reread) most of the classics, so what is new in fiction for her to read? Thanks for your time.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What happened to the guy that was being chased by the mafia?

    Did they catch him or is he in an undisclosed location? Fake his own death?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • How old does a kitten need to be to get fixed?

    I have had lots of cats throughout my life but never a kitten. It is really my daughter's kitten & she never asked the vet how old the kitten must be to get fixed. So a rough age would be helpfull, I'm having her save the money for the proceedure & want to give her a time frame.

    6 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • why are fluoroquinolones not recommend as the first antibiotic of choice for bacterial diseases?

    Needed to know yesterday. So if you know please let me be enlightened ASAP

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • What are the stupidest questions that have heard on Yahoo answers?

    I have heard the weirdest and wildest questions like "Am I still married if I move to another country" or "He cheated on me twenty times, do you think he will do it again?". What have you heard?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I can't find the genus species of microbes in soil?

    I swear I have been looking for three hours for two names of microbes that live in the soil and I can't find anything on the internet. Some one please please please tell me at least the names (genus and species) of two microbes. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHAAHHHHHHHH

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • My cat is phyco??????????????????

    I owned a lot of cats in my lifetime and had house mates in college that had three cats so I know every cat is different and full of personality. I generally love cats however my current cat is beyond strange. It is loving to me and one of my daughters but it hates my youngest child and yesterday she drew blood on the kid. I believe I if I adopt an animal I should keep it its whole life but now I wonder. I have tried isolating the cat for misbehavior (putting her in a room by herself), stared her down (the kid has too) and hissed at her, I wonder if a stray bottle will work? I never used one. The real problem is that my ex allows the youngest to be mean to his cats (picking them up when they don't want to, chasing them when they are at their food bowl etc.). I have told him to not let her be unkind to his cats but he just thinks the cats will get over it (they have been depressed for years and they run and hide when my youngest comes over). I told my kid to not EVER approach my cat unless the cat comes to her first and everything seemed to be okay. Yesterday however the cat was on her lap and my kid scratched her ear too hard and the cat went ballsiest. My oldest said when I wasn't around she is unkind to the cat. How should I handle it?

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I can't get my water to stop dripping from my roof?

    My air conditioner is broken and is leaking. The T that turns off the water isn't working and this is ruining my floor. I can't get a plummer until tomorrow but can I do anything tonight to save my hardwood floor?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Why do some men in the west think that taking their wife's last name assaults their manhood?

    Really what is up with that? Do men honestly think they are less of a man if they have their wife's last name in marriage? Why?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago