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1. Why doesn't TSA or DHS realize that...?

...while they're making it more difficult for terrorists to travel through the air, they can easily commits acts elsewhere?

My idea of TSA thinking: "Let's sink millions into uber-radiation revealing scanners and inappropriate pat-downs, while terrorists learn that they should just stay out of the airport."

Nothing is stopping terrorist operatives from making car bombs, shooting up crowded places, or even blowing up buildings.

2. How long is it before DHS tracks our purchases or makes us undergo scans upon entering malls, schools, etc.?


“Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security”--Franklin


I would "thumb up" your answer because I agree, but I wouldn't want people to think I'm sympathizing with that plan.

Update 2:

If you've noticed, the only successful terrorist activities of the last few post-9/11 years have been majority non-air-related (train bombings, London bombings, etc.).

Update 3:

Secondly, all the SERIOUS airline threats have been handled by the passengers, not TSA, otherwise we would have never seen the end of the news of how TSA busted this guy or that guy. The Nigerian, shoe bomber, etc., were not foiled by some TSA agents, but by observant passengers.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Or blow up the long lines.

  • 1 decade ago

    The TSA focuses on what they can. So far terrorists have mostly targeted airlines here in the US, so it makes sense for the TSA to worry about airlines. A plane can obviously do a lot of damage in the wrong hands. They also have radiation scanners in subways and railroad stations. Obviously the TSA can't watch every car on the road.

    The problem is that when a terrorist does sneak through it's the TSA we'll blame. You can hate them now, but you'll hate them more when they fail. They have a hard job.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have to take the threats as they come. A car bomb, like the abortive Times Square one, could have killed several people and injured several more.

    A bomb on the large jet will kill hundreds, not counting what it may hit on the ground.

    I'm not happy with tighter security, but if my family was flying, I would rather TSA err on the safe side.

    By the way, because of domestic killers, we now have scanners in schools. Yes, it may extend to the malls, but what should be done? Its not just Muslim terrorists doing the mass killing in this country.

  • NDMA
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is already looking to expand things to mass transit or to trains or maritime. Next will be naked scanners at the Subway stations, Greyhound bus Terminals, Amtrack stations and docks.

    Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, introduced legislation this past September that would authorize testing of body scanners at some federal buildings.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because the TSA and DHS all realize that al Qaeda perfers sertain types of targets and airliners is their favorite.

    In addition - attacking an airliner cand be done with a very small amount of explosives. Any other explosive attack would require large amounts of chemicals (to make the explosives) whose sales are carefully monitored by the government.

    Care to name any other target where one person could expect to kill hundreds of people with ony a pound or so of explosives?


    Source(s): Hint: TSA and DHS pay close attention to the targets the terrorists are likely to atttack.
  • Ki_Ki
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The government is forcing it's citizens to give up their civil rights. The terrorists don't need to blow anything up. They're winning.

  • 1 decade ago

    With a hair do like that you can't possibly know what you are doing.

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