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Atheists, do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials?

After all, the Hubble space telescope has given us a glimpse into just how immense our universe is.


For all of those atheists who said that extraterrestrials are probable, you are correct. Jesus said that his kingdom was not of this world. The angels are not of this world. There is no evidence that supports extraterrestrials, yet they are probable, but God isn't. Maybe you could tell me why it's logical to base probability on a complete absence of evidence.

Update 2:

@Everard: if it's reasonable to count the probability of extraterrestrials without evidence, why not God? Simply because you count God improbable by reason that it's superstition, isn't superstition, by definition, the insistence that something exists even though no evidence supports its existence?

Update 3:

@Samaath: so extraterrestrial existence is only probable if they are equal to or less than us? If they are superhuman or make claims of godhead, leave artifacts of their teachings regarding their way of living, not probable. Hmmm. At one point in our history, it was thought improbable that we weren't the center of the universe.

Update 4:

@Vernon Dozier X: the chemical building blocks of God are the same as us. The Word (God) became flesh. (John 1:14)

28 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that extraterrestrials are petty likely to exist, but I do not believe (in the religious sense of certainty without supporting evidence) that they exist.

    We have very good evidence that life exists on one planet. We have good evidence that there are lots of other planets that have a wide variety of conditions on their surfaces. We have fair evidence that some of those planets appear to be quite Earth like. Therefore, the evidence does not rule out life on some other planets. And more evidence is being collected, all the time. Stay tuned for the latest news. Note that none of this involves belief.



    John Popelish

  • 5 years ago

    not sure the place you get you stats from, yet I do say the existence of extraterrestrials is a risk. that's no longer a "perception in" something. i will additionally choose to function that the potential for extraterrestrials on a planet with the possibility for protecting existence is seems a heck of plenty extra in all probability than an invisible terrestrial "spirit" it particularly is worried approximately my weight loss plan or no count number if i'm married until eventually now I carry out the organic act of procreation.

  • 10 years ago

    We have different standards of proof for different things. Extraterrestrial life (whether conscious or not) would not be such an extraordinary thing given the size and variability of the universe. You can construct a logical argument, or at least a rational one, to conclude that such life probably exists.

    God is a whole other ball of wax. The concept of an omnipotent, omniscient, eternal being that created the universe and interacts with humankind is a much, much bigger claim. I don't think you can construct a convincing argument that such a god is probable.

    Personally, I think that if you tried you'd have to compare that to an argument of how probable is it that god does not exist. I think that the probability of god existing is much lower than the probability of god not existing (and lower than the probability of extraterrestrials existing).

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I've seen the new estimates based on the extrasolar planets discovered by the Kepler telescope todate. Based on the sampling of about 1200 planets discovered to date--the estimates tell us that we are looking at the potential for 60 billion planets existing in the "lifezone" where liquid water would be present.

    Given those numbers it would seem reasonable that life has a banging big chance of existing elsewhere in our galaxy. This doesn't mean it would be intelligent--who knows. I think what it says is that the probability that the earth is the only planet in the gaxalxy with life is remote.

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  • 10 years ago

    I think it is highly probable that there is life on other planets. Especially, because we are now finding planets in other solar systems that look a lot like ours.

    Firstly, our evidence is more concrete than yours. You have an ancient book, written by several people who claim to have talked to god. We have recent pictures from the Hubble Telescope.

    Secondly, look at our Earth. You look at it and say that we are here because we were created, I say that we are here because the Earth is just far away enough from the Sun to produce life. We can go across the entire universe and you can find things that you think support your "god" and I can do the same and find things that support my way of thinking.

    You think aliens support that Bible verse and I think that it's evidence that life can be reproduced on other planets.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Well, yes. The Universe is massive, it would be stupid not to. There are so many things we have yet to discover.

    EDIT: The guy who said Physics has proved this to be impossible is talking rubbish. Some - almost all - Physicists believe that there is extraterrestrials. So much so, that they have even made plans on what to do if they were to attack.

    Now, they also believe that they won't come in their phsyical forms - as the journey to earth would be very long - but instead they would be using technology like drones etc.

    Source(s): me
  • 10 years ago

    It's logical because, unlike your deity, life has verifiably occurred at least ONCE in this universe, making the odds at least one in something. This one case and the vast data set contained within can be used as a model for how life might form elsewhere. It gives us tell-tales to look for, like an extrasolar planet orbiting at certain distances, water-ice and other chemicals in distant nebulae, and other attributes to our universe to determine that the conditions which produced us are NOT unique. The model is most assuredly a crude, toddling first step, but it's SOMETHING.

    There are no tests for the existence your deity, and there never will be.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It's ignorant to not believe in the existence of extraterrestrials, so many different forms of life have evolved on our planet alone. 1/4 of all the sun like stars in the galaxy have earth like worlds.

    Let’s say the Milky Way is a stubby cylinder 100,000 light years across, and 2500 light years thick. The equation of volume of a cylinder

    volume = π x radius of disk2 x height of disk


    volume = π x 50,0002 x 2500 = 2 x 1013 cubic light years

    That’s 20 trillion cubic light years

    Now we just divide the volume of the galaxy by the density of stars with planets to get

    2 x 1013 / 8000 = 2,500,000,000 planets

    That’s 2.5 billion planets that are potentially habitable!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes, I think it's probable other life exists in the universe. Why? Because the chemical building blocks for life found on Earth (oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and calcium) are also found in our Solar System and beyond.

    Can you name the chemical building blocks of "god"?

    EDIT: A "complete absence of evidence"? What are you talking about? Chemical building blocks create the conditions suitable for life.


    Source(s): Science
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I want to know how physics proved this impossible @Chuck Norris

    But yeah I do believe we are not alone. If we formed from a long series of very fortunate events, then why couldn't another race on another galaxy at another end of the universe have done the same?

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