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Continuing Revelation And The 21st Century?

For those that believe in this doctrine.Are there any new doctrines,scriptures, etc on the horizon that you know of? Why or why not? i'm just curious as to why there hasn't been anything new in many years.God speaks to people in modern ages through modern people,if I understand this doctrine.I'm Just Curious!

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. God has been fully restoring His church to the functions it had back in the days of the original apostles. There have been movements since the dark ages that have restored truths that were lost during the dark ages.

    Luther for example, restored the truth of justification by faith. There was also a holiness movement, and more recently there has been a Charismatic movement that God initiated to restore the gifts of the Spirit. And even a Apostolic / Prophetic movement to restore those two offices to the church. We've enjoyed Pastor, Teacher, and Evangelist for quite some time and now the offices of the Prophet and Apostle are coming into focus more and more. Of course, some still cling to the heresy called, "Cessationalism" which falsely proclaims that there is no need for the gifts of the Spirit or such offices in the Body of Christ. Those who hold such views can't give any Biblical basis for such beliefs, at least not without tinkering with the meaning of the text and grossly exaggerating the context to fit it to their (carnal) desires.

    We're still in the "catching up" phase of what had been lost so I personally don't believe we really need any "new revelation" in that sense. It may seem like new revelation when we experience a restored truth or doctrine personally for the first time but while it's new to us, it's far from new to God and that great cloud of witnesses from both the Old and New Testament times.

    But does God still heal today? Yes! Does He still send prophets of Christ? Yes! Does He still speak through us in other tongues? Absolutely! Does He still do miracles? Of course. He's a supernatural Being who communicates. He didn't go mum once His book was written. He spoke before the Tor rah was scribed and will continue to speak far after this rock burns.

    Having said all that I must add that He isn't like that king in the Old days of Israel who showed his guests and other kings all of his treasures.

    “ Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,

    Nor have entered into the heart of man

    The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Cor. 2:9)

    Source(s): LOB
  • 10 years ago

    In my opinion, there HAVE been new scriptures given. One book in particular changed my life. The most amazing explanation EVER given of Revelation is given in the book called

    666, The Mark of America—Seat of the Beast: The Apostle John's New Testament Revelation Unfolded.

    There is only one person upon earth who knows what Revelation's author intended--John himself. And the proof is in the words of this book. The author claims to have been taught what the symbolism means by none other than John. Every verse in Revelation is explained in detail. If it's not the truth how it is explained, it sure all makes too much sense!

    Amazingly, anyone can read the book for free.

  • Achmed
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    The bible is complete as it is. I just wrote a book on a new bible prophecy showing how the future was written out in the bible. If you look at the story of Jacob you will see he served under the heavy hand of Laban for 20 years then offered everything he gained during the 20 years for peace.

    If you look at Israel they served (were being attacked) by their enemies between 1948 to 1967 (20 calender years) and now they are trying to offer everything they gained with those 20 years for peace.

  • travis
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    from Adam on through time, GOD has communicated to any one who would listen to His Prophet(s), Yes there is now a prophet, . There is a period called the dark ages without a prophet

    Source(s): Enos
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  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    I would encourage you to read a companion to the Bible called The Book of Mormon

  • Rene
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    The bible is complete. It tells us our history. There is no need of any more doctrines and scriptures.

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