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Which general stands of the party you usually vote with do you disagree with?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm a Conservative. 5000 Characters is not enough to express all of the things that I disagree with about the behavior of my chosen party (don't get me wrong, 50,000 characters would be needed to describe our worthy opponents, but that is not your question, and I'm trying real hard to teach people that we should not be looking at each other as OPPONENTS, that's a big part of our problem.)

    1.) Raise taxes-make people/corporations pay "fair share". (I know, fair share is a buzz word) Simplify the whole thing, so the GE's of the world don't end up with a NEGATIVE (that's right, they made $10B in profit and we owe them $1.1 trillion) Stand up, take it on the chin and let's be fair and even handed.

    2.) Cut Spending. No Talking Points, No Campaign Slogans, rhetoric or hash-slinging. Write down on a single sheet of paper, Which Programs, How Much, WHY you chose it, and When the Cuts begin.

    3.) Negotiate-Compromise. It's how the world works. In, 2012, the Proposed Presidential Budget will put the country about $1.5T further into debt. We all know that some debt is okay, and needed, but too much debt gets our Credit Rating dropped and costs us more to borrow. SO, say thank you Mr. President for your submittal, BUT, we know we are in dire Economic times, and although many Economists think Gov't spending is warranted to stimulate the economy, we would like to OFFER this (insert lower number here) with these specific Cuts and Revenue increases to ease the strain. And respectfully allow him to respond, then counter-propose again, until we find ground we can all stand on-without drowning.

    4.) Stop the bickering amongst can we come to a joint solution with the Democrats when we can't even decide on policy and desires between the Tea Party, Moderates and Extremists in our own group?

    5.) Quit telling people what is morally right and wrong....I am personally against homosexuality(yes, I said it out loud) but, Normally, I keep that view in the closet, so to speak. BUT, and this is important...I realize that I have no say whatsoever in another's personal sexual proclivity as long as they do not force me to follow along. That goes for religion, personal hygiene, preferred language, et al.

    6.) Stop the regulatory bodies. The EPA, FDA, Dept of Ag, ad nausea are making RULES. They are NOT allowed to make rules...only enforce the rules that you, the CONGRESS makes, so get rid of some rules...make some intelligent rules...and enforce the rules that you feel are good rules that serve or protect us. Grow a pair, please. Hire some really smart people. Send them out into the field and find out HOW MANY different agencies have control over chickens. Isn't there, like, 13? One oversees chicks, one oversees, eggs that are going to be chicks, one oversees eggs that are going to be food....enough already, can't we get ONE agency to handle all of that without 13 different sets of Overhead?

    7.) Last one, I promise..One Bill--One Vote. I'm tired of you all hiding from accountability. If you believe in something, write it down, pass it out, let everyone look it over, READ it yourself, not have your lackings do it(hey maybe even put it on a ballet in your constituency so we can express and opinion-too far out of the box? lol)...Then put it up for an Open Honest Vote, so all your constituents can easily tell if you are looking out for their best interests.

    Thanks for the forum...feels good to vent a little.

  • 10 years ago

    I couldn't just list things as each requires an explanation.

    But, I think we all do not fit into a special slot.

    We all have hopes, dreams, ideas.

    My party voted to increase the debt ceiling, for example. Wrong choice and I mourn the opportunity lost.

    Lost chance to save this country from bankruptcy and further ruin. Lost chance to stand tall and firm and stand for the empty pocketed taxpayer. A dismal failure.

    Republicans won so many seats in the Nov. election. It was a chance to have dominance in congress and they folded. I would rather have shut this government down than to bend and compromise on this. We should have not taken any more loans, we should never had had the stimulus either and bail outs, but that is in the past. I'm sicken and truly wish there was a way for me and for my family to escape to another country. Jobs and a mortgage we are responsible for, on a house that is worth so much less than what we paid. We are hard working honest people who have been stolen from by an over-reaching government.

    Both parties have sold us all out when they had a chance to fix this. We are spiraling out of control. We are in trouble and they continue to spend.


    I stand only with those who intend to seriously fix this and my party let me down. They all have let me down. Only a few deserve to stay in their jobs, they rest need to pack up and leave Washington DV as they are useless drones who have been bribed by special interests and unions.

    USA = failure

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I usually vote Republican, but the things that they do that I do not like are done by both sides. Republicans are also to blame for the massive government expansion over the last several decades. And they also tend to support laws that increase government intrusion into your personal life. In that regard, I am more of a Libertarian, but their party at this point in time, will only split the republican vote and guarantee victory for DEMONcrats. .

  • stupka
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I've voted Democrat ago, however as I'm aging and making more cash, I'm sorry to mention I am establishing to comprehend why persons vote Republican totally on top tax bracket/capital earnings tax matters.

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  • 10 years ago

    I'm fairly conservative and disagree with the conservatives who want a blanket ban on abortion. While I think abortion is a terrible thing, I'm not going to impose my will through an outright ban. It should be strongly discouraged and restricted, but not completely banned. There are always some cases where it may very well be the proper choice.

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