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Im still a virging and I'm turning 18 in 3 weeks?

Is that bad? I'm kind of embarrassed because all my best friends are younger than me and I'm the only virgin in the group lol! I CAN lose it whenever, if I want but, I don't know. I guess I'm waiting for that Special Someone if it ever does happen.

*One of my friends always tells me "wat are you waiting for?" -_- which doesn't help my situation at all.

14 Answers

  • honey
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good for you!!! Don't do it untill you are ready and you find that someone who you feel is the right one.

    When your friends ask just say...the same thing you waited for..a guy I like enough to have sex with. When I find him...I will have sex! I don't care that you have sex...that is your business.. Why do you care that I don't. Is it really that good? (it isn't for girls untill they are comfortable enough to really trust somenone enough to REALLY enjoy it) Girls and boys..have sex these days just so they can say...I had sex! I dont tell anyone when I have sex. is none of anyones business. Sex should be a personal experience..not guess what I did yesterday in the backseat of a car.

    Wait! you won't regret it. I am not saying for marriage..just somenone you "think" you love..which you may...and definatley trust!

  • 10 years ago

    Yeah, I get that too. Personally, I am abstinent, so Idc. But if my point of view helps, feel free to read on!

    So, it is not bad to still be a virgin: some guys are like me and think that that is a really admirable characteristic. Then again, you are in the minority: at least 50% of your peers have had sex before. And of course, because you are a girl, you can lose it whenever you feel like, so if you just want to do that and get it over with, feel free. Just ask any random guy, he'll probably take you up on that offer (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be careful if you decide to go this way!!! You might get hurt, and I would not like that, and neither will you)

    Of course, it seems like you are waiting for that special someone for you, which is nice too. Significantly preferable to the other option...

    Option 3 is to lie. Its pretty freaking easy. Just make friends with a guy that your friends will never contact, maybe from another school or a camp or something, and SAY you slept with him (or do it anyway, whatever). There, problem solved.

    Another one would be to do as I do and not give a F***. It's pretty easy too. Think about this logically. If you do not have sex RIGHT NOW, then...what? Does it really affect your future to have sex right now, or in a few months, or in a few years (granted, if I'm still a virgin in like 10 years, I'm probably going to have a crisis. But I am a bit older than you ;-) ).

    That's all I got

  • 10 years ago

    There is no right age to have sex. I am appalled that someone would say "18 is the right age." I believe in waiting for marriage. I am 28 years old and I am a proud virgin. Don't worry about what your friends think. True friends try to understand your feelings and not just push you into something you arn't ready to do yet. Know that you arn't alone. There are a lot of virgins out there and a lot of us are waiting for marriage and there is nothing wrong with that. My advice is to wait for that someone special just like you already intend to do. Follow your own good judgment.

    Source(s): life
  • 10 years ago

    No that's not bad, you have morals! I waited until I was 19 and I am now married to him for 5 years and was my first true love. We also dated for almost 4 years until we did, we were each others first. Just don't have sex to feel like you fit in. If they make fun of you then they are not real friends and it's not really a competition and your first time should be a memorable one with someone you really care for. Just tell them you're waiting for the right person and if they can't expect that answer to bad, it's your life and not theirs. I think it's great you still are and save it for that someone special!

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You've made a great and mature decision, I'm in a similar situation as you and I'm waiting for that special someone. Try to ignore what they say and stick to what you believe is right :)

  • 10 years ago

    it is not bad at are the smart is nothing wrong with saving yourself for someone special.anyone can have sex with who ever or when ever they want too,but i reckon you should have bid more respect for you're self and you're body.but i believe you would always remember you're first make it special,and wait for that person.and don't listen to you're silly friend.i have waited until i was like not saying what age is good,i done it when i felt it was right time,and right that i look back, im very happy with my decision,and glad that i im married with 3 beautiful kids.

  • 10 years ago

    I think it's really cool what you're doing all of the people that I know that have had sex regret not waiting to do it with a person that they truly care about.

  • 10 years ago

    It's fine. There is no need to rush. I know there is because you feel like everyone else is, but in reality, you're not missing that much of a big deal. I know, easy to say, and you're curious, but certainly nothing to feel guilty about!

  • 10 years ago

    Nothing wrong!! And it's not an accomplishment to lose your virginity or anything. You are a mature young lady!

  • Ethel
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    18 is the proper and healthiest age to first have sex, not before then and not too long after. Just wait until it is someone you trust and really like if not love.

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