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I need advice about education and career options.?

I'm a 21 year old male. No car, no job. I've been looking for a job for six months, and can't seem to find one. Let me give you a brief history of myself.

Graduated high school when I was 18.

Started attending the University of Arizona in 2008 after highschool. I attended for three semesters, and decided it wasn't the right fit for me at the time.

At the beginning of 2010, I shipped out for basic training in the USAF. They don't like it when you sleepwalk, so six weeks later, I was sent back home.

I tried finding a job for a couple weeks, but couldn't, so I decided to try another school.

In April 2010, I moved to the Phoenix area, and in May, I started school at the Le Cordon Bleu college in Scottsdale. I was attending to get my associates degree.

From May 2010 through June 2011, things went relatively smooth. Then July came around, and I had finished the academic portion of my program, and was supposed to start the externship portion. I was unable to find an externship location then, and have still been unable to find an externship to this point.

A few months ago, I also started applying for any job that I thought I'd have a chance of being hired for, in addition to continuing my search for an externship position.

To this day, I have still found no job, and I'm really ashamed of myself.

To make matters worse, since I've been out of school for six months, my loan lender is about to start collecting on a debt that I have no way to pay.

I just really need a fresh perspective on the situation.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I would especially like peoples' thoughts on whether I should continue looking for an externship job, just forget about the externship and find any job, or completely write off the past year and a half of my life and try to go back to the state university on pell grant money.

Thanks for your thoughts. Sorry if I'm kind of scatter brained, I'm just confused about the whole thing.

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    i was sort of in the same boat. i'll spare you my life story and tell you what i did.

    it took 10months to find a job, i didn't have a car either

    with my first 4 pay checks (got paid weekly) i paid off my bills. With the last $40 in my account i spent it all on a college application. got accepted, and i couldn't be happier. I'm now at a university, doing AFROTC next semester.

    i got the pell grant, and map grant, had to take out loans this semester federal loans, but this is the only semester i have to take out. the rest of college will be covered by AFROTC.

    This was the best decision i've ever made, besides proposing to my fiance :)

    The last couple years sucked bawls it's finally getting better

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