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leigha asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 9 years ago

blood pressure medication cause weight gain?

Im on several tablets for bp, and other meds too, would nay of these cause weight gain as I am quite active and watch my diet but increase all the time


I know what to eat, eat healthily and do exercise, and gain at least 1st every yr for past 5 yrs ??

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I take 3 meds for high blood pressure and also have a weight problem too. My weight problems have been with me all of my life though. I have recently started eating low carb and for me this is working well. I have started a website charting my progress, not much there yet but I do post the articles I find that I like and a weekly update of my own progress. I am doing great on all fronts, weight, blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, blood glucose and triglycerides.

    Not sure about your other meds as you don't say what they are nor do you mention your age. I truly believe that the metabolism ages depending upon what it has to do. For example if you eat a lot of carb then your body will start to resist the insulin it produces making it work even harder which will increase fat storage. Try cutting some of the carbs you eat generally such as pasta,bread,rice and see how that works for you.

  • 5 years ago

    3 years ago, I was diagnosed - hypertension with a reading of 160/100. I used to feel dizzy a lot, my legs had awful cramps, and levels were very low in my potassium, causing my fingers and toes to always cramp together. One day I started to feel really faint while I was driving with my daughter in the back seat and I passed out, hitting 3 cars and ending up in a ditch. That moment,I knew I had to do something because my meds weren't working. I heard about this diet from a friend and thought I'd give it a shot. The results have been remarkable. In just 21 days, I honestly can't remember feeling this good, my blood pressure went from 175/110 to 125/70.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes. I as well am On 3 different medications that cause weight gain, this does not help us at all. I know how you feel. Talk to your doctor, see if he can change something or adjust your dosage.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Hi! From what I have studied, BP meds doesn' t increase you weight. In exception if you have problems with your kidney. Check your body if you have any edema. Since our kidneys regulates our blood pressure and fluids in the body, you might also wanna check on that to see if you are having some water retention. Or the BP meds have a side effect of increasing one's appetite. Read on the drug's pharmacological side effects.

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