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How can people say that Mormons are a secret society?

Our temples are out there, bold as brass. People know that only those Mormons who have a special recommend from their area leaders can enter the temple.

When we have built a new temple, or completely refurbished an older one, we usually have an open house where everyone and their brother can enter and see what it looks like on the inside.

This is what another LDS wrote in another forum, about the temple. His name is Dwight Rogers. I found it profound.

"Latter-day Saints invite all people to qualify themselves to come to the Temple and receive instruction. It is not intended that anyone be left out. However, as taught by the Bible prophets, the early Christians, and Jesus Himself, sacred things are shared only when people are prepared for it. The responsibility to prepare and become qualified rests on each individual. If any do not come it is because they exclude themselves and not because they are not invited. It seems so ironic to me that some people complain about being left out when, all along, we have been pleading with them to come, qualify themselves, and join with us."

So, how are we a secret society?


We are not out to make money. Churches need money to survive, however. But, if God asks you to give it all up, and follow Him, would you do it? Some say, Oh, YES! I would! but they absolutely refuse to give a measly 10% to the church to keep it afloat.

Update 2:

gar69, Did you read the entire post? We don't WANT to exclude anyone! But, not everyone is ready to hear what we teach there. Same as with Jesus and His disciples.

Siver C, our temple garments are not magic. We don't talk about our private life with anyone. as for the rest, the plates were not misplaced, God hid them away from greedy, evil men. And the hat thing, well, I don't know what that has to do with the price of rice in China.

Update 3:

What are we protecting? Do you know the verse Matthew 7:6?

Jesus did NOT do everything in the open. There were many things He taught His disciples that He would never tell anyone else. There were many times He told His disciples something, then said, Don't tell ANYONE!

And it's not just about giving money. It's about accepting everything that we teach and believe as from God. Not the anti-Mormon clap trap, what we REALLY teach. We make sacred covenants with God when we are first baptized into the church. How well we keep these covenants is how we get into the temple.

As for family who would like to see their child wed in the temple, but can't because they are not members, it's strictly between teh family, the church has nothing to do with it. No one HAS to marry in the temple, if they don't want to. If a couple chooses to marry in the temple, and know that many family will be left out, they need to sit down with their family and try to explain it to them.

Update 4:

To me, SECRET society is one that IS a secret.

Jesus' disciples did not feel that any secrets need be kept about what Christ taught them after His ascension. But, the fact that you can have three people read a verse in the Bible and come up with five different interpretations just tells me that Jesus was probably right in telling them not to tell anyone.

Like I said, we don't WANT to exclude anyone. Any members, we are constantly encouraging them to keep the covenants they made at baptism so that they CAN go to the temple. And non-members, well, you know.

Cherry blossom, If God prevents someone from doing something that they would otherwise be able to do, because of skin color or race or whatever, He WILL take their willingness and their sacrifices into consideration. He won't penalize them for not doing something that He didn't let them do, for whatever reasons.

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    How can they say it? Like this: "Mormons are a secret society."

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Come now dear even the African Americans weren't allowed into the temple to do their temple work, without this how were they suppose to get to heaven? Prey-tell?

    You misinterpret Jesus telling his disaples or those he healed not to tell anyone, you forget the Jewish Saducess and other leaders in the Jewish church at that time wanted him dead, if people told that Jesus was in town before he finished his ministry, he would have died on the cross sooner.

    The point is there is no record of handshakes or special cloths that Jesus teaches his disaples in the temple, no record anywhere in the bible. Yes your D & C talks about eternal marriage, but the BofM does not talk about secret handshakes and special temple cloths...from what I can remember and Jesus had disaples supposedly in the US.

  • 4 years ago

    there is rather no reason to associate the gadianton robbers with the knight templars (assuming of course that that's @all "real")...they have been divided by centuries to boot as continents. the BoM 'secret mixtures' take place in connection with the jaredites, then disappear. reappear some years only before the appearance of the Savior interior the hot worldwide, and then disappear for 2 hundred years+ and then reappear to play a place interior the only stunning denouement of the nephites. they compose the main adverse conflicts of the BoM (specially the gadianton robbers). a million. not unavoidably. a individual would be in contact with or perhaps found diverse companies with diverse involvements and agendas. 2. not unavoidably. oaths and covenants should not be perplexed with symbolic representations whilst the meanings assigned to symbols are open to those utilising them. 3. not unavoidably. together as a hassle-free enemy would make allies it would not mandate it, nor does it exchange the backside of id. 4. back nope. you would be heavily achieving to declare those. edit: in basic terms non-LDS declare that the LDS plan to "take over the worldwide". the LDS particularly do not and by no potential have. (LDS 40 3 years)

  • 9 years ago

    Mormon_4, if Jesus taught His disciples "secret" things and commanded them not to tell anyone...why are they included in the Bible for everyone to read? I think you may have misinterpreted Jesus' intent...or His disciples did.

    People say that Mormonism is a secret society because there are many Mormon teachings that outsiders are not told. That is the definition of a secret society.

    EDIT: Ah, that explains it. You are using a different definition of "secret society" than everyone else is.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    When people are left with a lack of proof, its natural to insert their own ideas. Your fault. But for the most part, we don't really much care that your ceremonies are only for mormons. Keep them if they give you some sort of "special" religion charge. Why don't you ever get that?

    Every person besides mormons realize Jesus was never an inclusive kinda guy. HE did everything out in the open, for all to see, which glorified GOD. The whole purpose of this thing called life. He didn't die for some yahoo whirling their arms around thinking it means something, while playing dress-up in wearing crazy costumes to make them feel a false sense of superiority (only they won't admit that, not even to themselves). You don't want to exclude anyone?---BUT, by the church's very nature, it does. Jesus never did. So people naturally tend to gravitate to HIM. Face the facts.

    Come on. Who's kidding who here, M-4. Please. You wasted 10 points.... on this?? Sheesh. I'd have thought much better of you. Seriously.

  • 9 years ago

    The opposite of a secret society is on open society. Can you explain why parents are excluded from their children's weddings if they don't pay tithing to LDS Inc? Those weddings are held in secret.

    Secret doesn't mean nefarious. You can do good or bad in secret. It's still secret if people who should be there are excluded.

    And I can't see Jesus approving of secret marriage ceremonies where parents and children are excluded because they don't pay up.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You bombarded me with emails and acknowledged that the temple does not allow even mormons in unless they have been accepted for it!

    What are you protecting?!

  • 9 years ago

    oh the magic garment.... the talks about your private life with the elders. it seems full of little gimmicks .. no disrespect intended... the entire "misplaced" solid gold tablets... you don't put that out there... looking into a hat improves mr smiths memory... I'm sorry but it seems full of little bits of nonsense.

    just sayin'

  • 9 years ago

    They may not be as secret as they used to be, but they are sneaky. For example, why do Mormons still insist that they are Christians? They don't believe what Christians beliefs, but use the same lingo and that makes them SNEAKY.

    Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) beliefs are so different and contradictory to Christian beliefs that they cannot be classified as Christians. The belief that Jesus existed (or someone named Jesus) does not make you a Christian. I’m going to focus my answer on Mormon beliefs that are so different from Christian beliefs that they cannot rationally be considered Christians.

    Mormons believe that God was once mortal just as we are.

    Mormons, believe that God and his wife first existed as mortals on a different earth, overseen by a different god. This mortal couple died, received resurrected bodies, and eventually achieved godhood. They then procreated the millions of spirit children that are on this earth. Thus God is part of an eternal chain of gods populating different worlds. Mormons believe that they too can become a God.

    Source: (History of the Church, vol. 6, p. 305)

    Mormons believe that Jesus is the literal first born son of god.

    They believe that we are all the sons and daughters of god because we were spirit babies created by god having sex with goddesses. To Mormons, what makes Jesus special is that he was the first born spirit baby who rose to the status of godhood just as the Mormons believe they can do. Mormons believe that Jesus was the only son that was created (sent to earth) by god coming to earth in a physical body and having a physical sex with Mary.

    Source: (Improvement Era, vol. 19, pp. 941-942, June 30, 1916)

    Mormons believe that men, gods, angels and devils are all the same species. Thus both Jesus and Lucifer are literally our elder brothers. Men are viewed as being the same species as God and Jesus and they have the same potential to achieve godhood.

    Source: “Journal of Discourses, vol. 13, pp. 235-256, February 20, 1870”

    As mentioned above Mormons believe that god literally sired Jesus in the same physical sense that any other man begets a child. Consequently "the virgin birth" is redefined for Mormons to mean Mary had physical intercourse with a god, not a mortal, in order to literally conceive the baby Jesus.

    Source: “Encyclopedia of Mormonism, vol. 4, pp. 1670-1671” OR Google “Mormon Doctrine, by Bruce McConkie, p. 742”

    Conclusion: Considering the above, I don’t understand why Mormons insist on calling themselves Christians, it’s obvious to see that their god is different from ours and their Jesus is different than ours.

    Just because you call your Mom “Mom” as I call mine doesn’t make my Mom your Mom…Just because you call your god “God” doesn’t make him my God who was never mortal and never created. Just because you call someone in your religion Jesus, doesn’t make him the Jesus that Christians follow who was never mortal and never created.

  • 9 years ago

    Any organision that has secret handshakes and meetings behind closed doors is a secret society. And any secret society has no reason for being on the earth.

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