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If I am blessed with the glory of going to heaven when I die, can I be with the one i love?

When I think of heaven all I wish my reward to be is to be able to be with the man I Love(my current fiance) and my family and friends. All I want is to be able to spend eternity with them, to be able to walk hand in hand with the man I love in eternal peace of heaven. But here's where my question comes in. The Bible says there will be no marriages in heaven, and it also says that we will be reunited with those we came to know on earth.

What i wonder is: Will my love him remain the same as it is on earth? (i know love in heaven is far greater for it pure) but will we recognize the bond we have different to the one we will feel for everyone else in heaven?(i don't mean a bond like brother and sister type of thing i mean like a couple) Will I still want to spend time with him? (despite there being no loneliness in heaven) I truly love him with great devotion and care and it truly would be the most wonderful thing if i could spend my eternity in heaven with our heavenly father,all whom I've met and the man i love.


By the way I don't care about having a sexual relationship "up" there(i know there is none in heaven)

I just wish to have the company of the man I love,and feel the love I feel for him now. I don't care if i can't even kiss him nor hug him I just want that love to stay and that even in heaven we what we had on earth and still have now only a lot better(because we will all be free from pain and sin,and that obviously make every feeling better).

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Read carefully the account where Jesus says there will be no marriage in heaven. The unbelievers were trying to come up with a scenario where it would be impossible for God to make everyone happy, and used an illustration where on earth everybody is having an unhappy experience with marriage commitments. Jesus, the God who several times said, "My thoughts are not your thoughts," responds so emphatically that one of the accounts says, "They didn't dare ask him any more questions."

    Jesus gave one of His most scathing rebukes in answering this question: "You do greatly err, not knowing the scriptures or the power of God." Now where in the previous scriptures was the topic of marriage in heaven addressed, hmm? He goes on to say that in heaven we'll be "like angels, neither marrying nor giving in marriage." And where in the previous scriptures does it talk about the love life of the angels, hmmm?

    I personally believe that when He talks about marriage in this conversation, it's with the same tone that the story of Noah and the ark was told in scripture, where it says that the people were "marrying and giving in marriage," "every imagination of their heart was only evil continually," and "they knew not until the Flood took them all away."

    Marriage truly is a dirty word (sorry!) when all it involves is the barter of human lives. In heaven happiness and survival are freely available to everyone, You don't need contracts and a bunch of snarly people and laws to enforce them in order to provide for the weak and satisfy the strong.

    We're told that in eternity "the highest ambitions will be realized." We're told that "eye hath not seen nor ear heard the things that God has prepared for those that love Him." Loving your sweety is a good thing. You can bet your life your Creator / Redeemer is never going to tell you to stop!

  • 9 years ago

    In 1 Thessalonians, the apostle Paul assures the early Christians that they will see their departed friends and family again upon Christ's return (4:13-14). What's more, in his description of the Resurrection of the Dead, Paul stresses that heaven's beauty and joy will be infinitely greater than anything we experience in this present life (1 Cor. 15:35-57).

    So, I think it's safe to say you will see your reunite again. Your question, however, is more specific: will your relationship/marriage will continue in heaven?

    Most Protestant commentators since the Reformation have not been comfortable going that far. However there is an earlier strand of interpretation, from the first centuries of the church, that I find appealing. It would suggest that there is a special meaning to the marriage bond that continues in heaven, though we can't know what it will be like. It is based on Paul's description of marriage in Ephesians 5: 21-33, which concludes: "This mystery is a profound one, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church."

    What might that mystery be? Fourth-century commentator John Chrysostom connects Paul's words with Jesus' teaching that "the two become one flesh," and with Genesis 1:27, "God created man in his own image…male and female he created them." Male and female yearn to reunite, Chrysostom says, in order to regain our original creation as the image of God.

    Scriptures like these suggest that the marriage bond has a spiritual meaning different from that of most earthly relationships. If so, God may preserve that mysterious quality in heaven just as he seeks to do on earth: "What God has joined together, let not man separate" (Mark 10:9).

    The Sadducee's attempted to trip Jesus up with a question about marriage in the next life (Matt. 22:23-33). They believed that the resurrection of the body was a silly idea and spun a tale in which a woman had been successively the wife of seven brothers. Would they all try to claim her in heaven? Jesus restated the reality of the Resurrection, and explained that in heaven no new marriages are formed: "they neither marry nor are given in marriage." He doesn't say what happens when a person has had more than one spouse, so I can't tell you.

    Although we can't imagine how the marriage relationship might appear in heaven, it's sure that we will see and enjoy our believing friends and family again. In fact, John, it's possible that this temporary separation between you and your fiance' is felt only on your part. He is very likely united with you in worship in that "great cloud of witnesses," honoring God in heaven even now (Heb. 12:1).

  • 9 years ago

    If you truly believe what you wrote then you have no reason to be down on soil living naturally in your flesh when you can actually be up in the realm of the Spirit and in the invisible Kingdom of Christ while STILL ALIVE IN YOUR FLESH. Christ's Kingdom is to the east of our Republican wing and up in Heaven. You and family are down on American soil in our Democrat wing and of course Lucifer's Kingdom rules over all flesh that descends from the womb. A Believer always has two churches to choose from and the one in the community is always the choice of Christians and they never shed light on the only Church that unites the body of Christ into one body. For some stupid reason, Christians want Christ and the spiritual life born of the Spirit AND live born of the flesh together. The choice has always been ONE or the other so of course the Christians shed no light on the Kingdom of Christ out in public and that darkness enables them to choose the local church which means every congregation faces Lucifer's Kingdom for six days a week and they face their own Kingdom on Sunday for an hour or two proving NO one can be led by the Spirit to seek the true freedom in Christ that is God given. The proof of this freedom is demonstrated when members of the body of Christ do as did Jesus and come in from the east and out of Heaven. If you love your family you will teach them this as all males from Christ's Kingdom will given an answer for birthing seed with their backs to Christ's Kingdom.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Wow. You make salvation sound like multi-level marketing. I've gone over the "steps of Salvation" many times. And I remember that the people Jesus was going to reject were the talkers, not the doers. It might help if you looked at the larger quote: Matthew 7:21-23 - "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'

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  • 9 years ago

    Given the scenario you propose, sure. At the same time, I'm sure that if the Disney corporation allows me to live in Toon-Town at the back of Disneyland, that Minny Mouse will agree to marry me and be my life-long sex slave.

    The two propositions contain an equal amount of potential validity.

  • 9 years ago

    Everything depends on your and his Deeds(karma) SO keep performing your deeds on the right path.Don't worry about the fruits. You will get your results accordingly.



  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    you wont feel the emotion love cause u gonna love everyone and if u start acctin'g up gods gonna throw u into hell

  • 9 years ago

    As long as the one you love is Jesus. He will be the groom, after all. Everyone else will be our fellow brothers and sisters. Besides, no sex as we know it here, in heaven. No SEXES as we know them here, in heaven.

  • wait, so theres more life after this life?? I had no idea! where can i read an article that verifies this information?

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