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Lady Luck

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  • How to transfer game save data from an external hard drive to a ps3?

    I lost my game data once with the first Ps3 I had, it got the yellow light of death and the play station itself stopped working beyond repair. Now my second ps3, the super slim bought last october, is showing hard drive problems and I may have to replace the hard drive itself or format it thus losing all my data again. The ps3 won't turn on properly so I can't perform the ethernet cable solution.

    I'm just thinking that if I do end up having to change or format my hard drive then I at least want a back up in case it happens again in the future and not have to lose all my data a third time.

    So, if i get an external hard drive and back up my game data on it, will I be able to transfer my game data over to another ps3's hard drive and not get the "data belongs to another user" message?

    in reference: Here is my question on the problems my PS3 has been experiencing, if that helps.;_ylt=ApNXH...

    5 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • Has anyone else encountered a problem with The Last of Us after patch download?

    I downloaded patch 1.02 on June 28(same day the patch first released). After I downloaded it, i've encountered some problems with the game.

    These are:

    -During multiplayer-

    ~When selecting "find match" on either Supply raid or survivor, with or without parties, the game won't start up. It does find players,when and if the voting screen shows up, I can't see the picture nor name of the voting options. When the place has been voted for,then the tips show up but without a picture above them(sometimes they do have it other times they dont)

    *But the mayor problem with this is that the game stay on tips before the match for a really long time then it backs out to the multiplayer menu. It's not a lag problem because this hadn't happened before not even when my connection is awful. I've checked my connection several times,tried restarting and what not but everything seems fine, yet this keeps happening.

    ~Also, upon attempting to exit the multiplayer menu(exiting it to go to the game's main menu) the screen freezes, I can't even press the home button on the controller to quit game because even if i press it the screen stays there frozen.So i have to unplug the ps3 and do the whole file check up when i turn it on again.


    -Single player-

    ~At first,the first loading screen(not the one with the "%" on,the one before the main menu) takes really really long and sometimes it will stay that way. Now, the problem has subside but when i load a game the second load screen freezes up on 15.21% and stays like that for a really long time so i end up having to quit game. Yes, i know the loading screen is slow but nearly 30mins long on 15.21%? it's not normal.

    *I checked my ps3 for heating, it's fresh not too hot,barely hot at all, it's not making any unusual noises either. The game would play just fine on either single player or multiplayer,but after the patch it won't play accordingly. The game was bough new, it's not used and it has not dirt nor scratches and any other game i try o the ps3 plays accordingly.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • My macbook pro made a weird sound?

    I was just watching a video, not touching any keys at all when all of a sudden this sound came up in my headphones. It wasn't a glitchy sound nor was is and audio problem sound. It was like sound that would have the property of any other mac sounds in the preferences but when i checked my sounds it was none existent, none of them sounded that way.

    The sound is hard to describe. It wasn't continues, it was short and it happened about 3-4 times. Twice closely in intervals and the third time was a little while after.

    When i first hear it, i was confused about it then I covered my webcab thinking it could be some sort of hack that access cameras..yeah idk about that it was just a reflex thing i guess.But he weird part is that the sounds immediately stopped when i covered the webcam then when I uncovered it one last sound was made just like a second after i removed my hand, the noise came back for one last time. Weird coincidence maybe?

    I would like to know if something like this has happened to any of you. And I clarify, the sound was audible like any sound played on a mac, I heard it through the headphones and without them. The audio did not come form the video, I checked and also I checked if there were any pop-ups and or any other opened web page that could have maid the sound but there were none.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Risk of mercury in fish?

    I've been planning to increase my omega 3 intake, ever since I was little I haven't been a fan of seafood but I was gonna give it a shot. I was looking around the internet about sources of Omega 3 and I learned that fish has mercury in it, and mercury does not pas through us, it accumulates.

    Should I be concern over fish having mercury? (I know some fish have less than others).

    How much fish should I eat in order to get enough omega 3 and nor over do it with mercury?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Getting into drawing,where do i start?

    I want to learn different styles,however, I decided to start of with realistic drawing.

    I can sorta draw a bit, i consider myself a beginner still, and I have a hell lot to learn.

    I want to know how to tell which shapes (geographic shapes) I would use as guidelines when drawing and such. I want to know how to use lighting properly and what know..

    Anyways in general I want to know where do I start learning, what do i pick up first and start practicing.

    Do you know any good books or any tutorials that may help a noob?

    Also..i've heard of this "drawing in the right side of the brain"book, is it really as great as I heard it is?

    After this, I plan on learning anime style so if you can offer good tutorials/books for leanring it too then it be great,thanks.

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • I'm very afraid of cancer,help?(this is dressing the heck out of me)?

    Please bare with me or this is bound to be long...

    I didn't use to be afraid of it, let alone think of it, ever. Since last summer or so i've been getting on and off episode of cancer fear. My sister tends to talk about how cancer runs in the family how dangerous it is for us and my mom sometimes does too. And sooner than later this got to me. It started to work up in my mind and now I realize that I'm terrified of it. I have many ambitions and within 7 months i star college, what i consider finally starting my life. I have high expectations of it, I know i can be someone great at what I love doing but... the fear just won't let me enjoy it, rather more it makes me feel sad about it. Why? because I start thinking about if i get cancer my life could be cut short and I won't be able to achieve those dreams. I'm not afraid of death, I've come to terms with death, what I am afraid of is of dying before being able to accomplish my dreams.

    This has me very depressed and discouraged. I don't know what to do.

    I know you might say "get your mind off it" or "just ignore it". I've honestly tried. I've also tried talking to my mom about it but she says to not be afraid, It's just not easy.

    My great grandmother(from my father's side) died of cancer, so did my great great father(mother's side),my great aunt recently died of breast cancer, they all got it after 50 years old,but my step brother (form father's side) died of cancer two year ago and he was in his early 30's, and my long time childhood friend has cancer. So all this things have gotten to me.

    Also,one time my sister was having an endoscopy due to a none-related cancer case but during the endoscopy the just happen to find a tumor and just removed it,she was never told of the nature of this tumor, nor felt it(i think it was in her stomach,I'm not entirely sure where) . She even said "imagine what could it have been if they wouldn't have seen it in the endoscopy"

    It scares me and saddens me so much to think that someday I could get cancer too. I don't care too much if i get it when I'm very much older and have accomplished things and had a family but still I don't ever want it in my life,ever. Even if older I wouldn't want it in my life,that I just said is under my "acceptable" parameters.

    I've been hearing a lot about cancer "cures" advances like the "moonshot" and such but honestly, it there's another things that scares me and it is greed. I'm afraid that if they do find a cure they won't say it or won't use it all 'cause of the money they get from alternative methods and such.

    I use to be more optimistic when my fear began, I'd say "if i do get it then by that time there will probably be a cure anyways"(and yes i do know cancer is a umbrella term). I'm just 17 years old, soon to be 18 and honestly this is destroying my young life.

    I know you'll think I'm hypochondriac and who knows? maybe I am but I'm not here for a diagnose. I would like some help if any you can proved. yeah, i know I'm asking random people over the internet but that's just it, You're all people who have gone through things and I never know who might surprise me actually help me.

    I know I shouldn't waste my life thinking about stuff like this and just live, but it's always in the back of my head hurting me. Maybe I can somehow somewhere along the line let go of the fear but it would only be temporal and I'd still think about it every other now and then, as it has happened before. But this time I feel is much worse, yet I'm luckily sleeping at night.

    Can anyone please help somehow? encourage or give hope? idl, anything t hat may help.. and please don't go pointing out that I should got to a form of mental and or spiritual help. They are somewhat already in consideration.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • are my pictures in picasa now public!!?

    I downloaded the picasa application to my mac book pro. When I opened the program it immediately started importing all of my pictures to the app. These pictures it imported, are they automatically public whens they are in the app? I imminently uninstalled picasa as fast as I saw the imports, i have no picasa account online or anything nor did I sync any pictures to be online but I'm concerned over this.

    Thank you for your time

    2 AnswersGoogle8 years ago
  • Ever felt like you wanna be the first at something?

    Like being the first at inventing or trying something?

    I wish I could :(

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • holographic video games?

    I personally would not like this. I rather video games as they are, sure they will advance in graphics and such which is not bad but holographic? nah...doesn't appeal to me. Sure some of its futures would be cool but it just wouldn't be the same. I'm into game desgin and I wouldn't like this to be the future of gaming, maybe some games could be holographic and others not or maybe it can be a "turn on and off" feature a console has. Idk.

    What are your opinions on this? do you think it can happen? would you like it?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • I'm afraid that my story might have similarities with another?

    I love writing and I believe I have very original story ideas but I'm afraid that someone might publish something like my stories before i can or that someone has already published something like my stories an don't know of it. I really want to be the first to bring this idea(which i will not mention publicly) to the world of writing, i just know it could be something big someday. and other than that i don't want people to think i copied someone else's work, since i despise copying.

    For example like what happened with the Quillan games books, it was published before the hunger games but since Suzanne Collins(author of the hunger games) had more of a known name since she had contacts, her books became famous and even movies. The quillan games is practically the same only way longer and in some ways, better developed.

    So i don't know what to do about this feelings, I've thought of copy writing but it'll be long before i fully finish this books, and even with copy write i don't see much of a help on this, in a way.

    Anyone else can relate to this?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Is there any sort of connection between the elder scrolls games?

    I'v been playing skyrim but before it, I had never played an elder scrolls game (which i consider to do eventually). I know they are all set in different time lines and locations but i figure there's gotta be some sort of connection since they're all under the "elder scrolls tittle". Or is it more like a final fantasy connection in which theyre not directly connected but certain futures appear in almost every game.

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • I can't enjoy video games as i use to?? :(?

    I've asked similar question before but this time I'm more clear. Ever since I got into writing and game design/development i can't seem to enjoy video games as i use to/ It's like I'll find myself over analyzing everything of a game and thinking that I wish i could make something like that and it generally ruins the feel of the game for me. Like just a two weeks ago I was all normal, I could play video games and then all of sudden this happens. I wish to still enjoy video games as i use to but i don't know how.

    Has this ever happened to any of you? like maybe you get into writing and now you can't get the same feeling from books you read anymore or anything of the sort or like it's happening to me with VG. I know a lot won't take me seriously but it's very saddening, sure i have a life and friends but still I miss being able to just sit down and enjoy a video game as I just to...I don't know maybe I just see such an interesting plot in a video game(or games) and I think i just won't be able to be as great when I make video games or stories, and instead of enjoying the amazing plots I get all down with this thoughts...

    Any advice? thanks for your time

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Do game designers play video games???(don't even know if this is even my question :( )?

    ok so where do I start...

    Ever since I started self learning game design and such I just can't enjoy games the same way again. Like i start to over analyze them and think things like if I'll ever be able to make something nearly as great as this or not. Last year this also happened but somewhere a long the way I got over it but now it's worse because now I'm learning much more seriously. It's like i feel that if i actually become a game designer I just won't be able to play video games and I don't want this, I want to be able to play other games as always not only make my own and never again play games from other industries/companies .It's highly frustrating cause just about a week ago I wasn't feeling like this, i was all hype for AC3 and then boom no hype at all. To many I know this will sound stupid or silly but video games a huge part of my life and I don't want to lose the love I have for them, sure I have a life and all but in a way they are part of my life (not wanting to sound weird there tho). Like so many good memories and they got me out of certain difficult times, i ended up becoming a writer and I thought, what better way to express ideas than to someday make my own games besides books(which i love also). Has anyone ever wondered this or had a similar situation?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Help choosing a shirt size for my boyfriend?

    I want to get him this shirt but I don't know which size to get him. I don't want to ask him cause it be too obvious. I had bought the L size one but it was way too wide so I ended up returning it,tho i think the length was about right. He is average and 6"3 tall guy.

    Here's the link:

    If you scroll down to the shirt's image, on the left side where it says"regular/unisex t-shirts" ,below that there is some pictures on the sizes that zooms in if you place the cursor over it. Please give me your opinion!

    idk if this is in the right category

  • Ever had common interests with someone you hate?

    I'd like to know how you deal with this or if you are not or have never been in a situation like this, i'd like to know your suggestions. Now this is going to sound very silly at most but I hate having a common intrest with a person I hate. It's like..for example is we like playing the same video games. When I play it, I remember this person I hate and it makes me somewhat have resentful feelings over the game. And also with other common interest is the same. It's like we are a lot alike and even my boyfriend has pointed out our similarities. This person, a girl, she has done a lot of wrong in my relationship and I just hate the fact that we like almost everything the same, even the same dream job and studies in university..hell, we even sorta look alike

    I just don't want to have resentful feelings over the things i love doing...but it's not as easy. 5 months ago I was able to just let go of all this but the bad feelings are back.

    P.S: idk if this is in the right category,sorry!

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • I have bald spot on my tongue?

    -This happened before, about two months ago but it just went away on its own. Now I have one again but it's even larger than the last one and in a slightly different location(very slightly). The last one I had was no bigger than a cent, this one was around the size of a quarter or so and it got smaller over night. I'm worried it might be something serious.

    - I have heard about a benign condition called geographic tongue but i don't know, they characterize it with white ridges or multiple appearance of the patches or bald spots, and I only have one and I don't see white ridges but i guess it could be relative.

    >In additional details, if it may help, about 6 or 7 days I ate spicy food and sometime before that i also ate a lot of sour candy. Oh and when I say bald spot what I refer to is that it looks like it doesn't have the usual whit-ish surface of the tongue, as if it's a red-ish or pink patch there. Which is painless and smooth.

    Thanks for you time!

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • If i have cellulite on my thighs does that mean it will spread to my butt too?

    So i noticed that when I press the back of my legs or my thighs it dimples. I'm guessing I have the infamous cellulite. Been wondering this..and if so is there a way to stop it from spreading? dont say losing weight cause sadly I'm currently underweight, and yes i know there's no direct cure but at least somehting that can help.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • I'm starting to hate the things I like because someone I hate likes them?

    Well there's this girl I hate with all my guts cause she's been a huge problem in my relationship with my boyfriend. She likes the same videogames, tv shows and aspires the same job as me. I just hate it so much and it's making me hate those things I do. I've been trying not to hate but I just can't help it. And I just want to like those things without relating them to her...I just don't know how and it's really frustrating and don't tell me to get her our of my life cause in a way I can't; she's my boyfriend's best friend and talking to him about it won't help either. Have any of you ever had this problem or similar? :/

    PS. I don't really know if this is in the right category. Thanks for your time.

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • If I am blessed with the glory of going to heaven when I die, can I be with the one i love?

    When I think of heaven all I wish my reward to be is to be able to be with the man I Love(my current fiance) and my family and friends. All I want is to be able to spend eternity with them, to be able to walk hand in hand with the man I love in eternal peace of heaven. But here's where my question comes in. The Bible says there will be no marriages in heaven, and it also says that we will be reunited with those we came to know on earth.

    What i wonder is: Will my love him remain the same as it is on earth? (i know love in heaven is far greater for it pure) but will we recognize the bond we have different to the one we will feel for everyone else in heaven?(i don't mean a bond like brother and sister type of thing i mean like a couple) Will I still want to spend time with him? (despite there being no loneliness in heaven) I truly love him with great devotion and care and it truly would be the most wonderful thing if i could spend my eternity in heaven with our heavenly father,all whom I've met and the man i love.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is lust a sin if it is between two people that truly love each other?

    I can't help feeling or having thoughts of sexual desire towards the one I love and neither can he towards me. Sexual desire is NOT the most important thing in our relationship but it is a part of it. We respect each other and we love and trust each other incredibly. Sometime I can't help having lustful thought about him (not that is the only thing i think of him,because i do think of him with great care and love just as he does of me) and it's really easy for us to feel sexual desire towards each other.

    We believe in God and not knowing if this is wrong has been stressing me a lot lately,not letting me sleep nor have a peace of mind even hurting me emotionally.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago