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What are the reasons why someone would NOT vote for Ron Paul?

Paul and Romney seem to be the only 2 that can hold on to any popularity they acquire.

21 Answers

  • Matt
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here are few. Dr. Demento is scary.

    Ron Paul is a complete racist and is just about the nuttiest candidate out there in any party. I would vote for Obama before Dr. Demento - Ron Paul.

    Paul thinks the majority of blacks are criminals - stated it in his own newsletters over and over again.

    Paul thinks Bush did 9/11 as an inside job. Waaaaaayyyy nutty.

    Paul thinks America deserved to be attacked on 9/11. Said it himself many, many times.

    Paul claims to be a strict constitutionalist, but does not understand the basics of how it works.

    Paul would generate warfare all over the globe by bringing back US troops from every overseas base. We provide a lot of security and stability in the world.

    Paul thinks America should have never fought the Germans in WWII.

    Paul thinks Iran should be allowed to build nukes and they don't threaten anyone.

    Paul thinks meth, marijuana, cocaine, heroin and LSD should all be totally legal because the Constitution says so. What a lunatic.

    Paul is just about as insane as they come. He is racist and frightening in so many other ways too.

  • 9 years ago

    Alot of people don't unstand Ron Paul's policies. If the people took the time and did some research on Ron Paul they would realize that he is the best candidate to beat Obama. Some people like to keep the hate going and use every race card because of their pride! Ron Paul endorsed by the NAACP. The organization is run by African Americans! Some Americans that are on welfare and social security don't understand that our country is broke! When Obama gets reelected that he doesn't have a say on keeping the 2 programs funded to 2020. People are out of work and are not paying back into the system to fund these programs. I am going to call him a racist because he going to take my disability check away. Ron Paul can't force people to go back to work nor can he make people pay for program that is going bankrupt. That is why he keeping social security for the elderly that paid into the system all ready. Ron Paul is against wars because it is waste of government money to aid foreign countries.

    Source(s): We can't keep fighting other countries wars. For instance, the deal with Isreal wants America to bomb Iran. Isreal keeps these fake wars going to make a profit. Most terroist are from Isreal. Ron Paul is pro muslim! Ron Paul is pro Isreal! Even the Prime Minister of Isreal Benjamin Netanyaha agrees with Ron Paul that we shouldn't bomb Iran. The Feds fund these wars! http:// Google Agenda 21 Google War Crimes Google Sopa Act violates the 1st ammendment, National Defense Authorization Act violates the 5th ammendment and Obamacare violates the 10th ammendment. Ron Paul wants smaller government by letting the states decides on gay marriages, abortion and the Department of Education. What sources do you have they say he wants abolish civil rights, abortion and the Department of Education. Read up what state and federal laws are what they can do to our consitutuion. Ron Paul wants to keep our bill of rights entact.
  • 9 years ago

    As you can see from the answers, it's mostly ignorance - people just buying the rumors and repeating them. Some of it is laziness - people not wanting to do their homework so they just name call.

    People who are open minded and interested in educating themselves typically like a lot of what Ron Paul says - or can at least provide a reasoned argument. He is very common sense and not at all extreme in his positions. He's a veteran, a physician and an economic scholar. He's exactly what we need right now.

    When he has spoken about what he would do, he has put it in fairly easy to understand terms - bring the troops home, cut government waste. He's not changing his story but he is saying that it's important to make change gradually - to head in the right direction. I'm not sure why someone is complaining about that?

  • 9 years ago

    Mainly because it is a waste of a vote since Ron paul cannot win either the primary or the General election. Paul has a ceiling of about 25% and won't go above it. we need a winner that can go all the way not just stand on stage and make angry political accusations. We need some one with a "Workable" platform, Paul is too radical. The big argument against obama is "No accomplishments" same for Paul who passed 1 maybe 2 bills in 20 years. Even Obama has a better track record.

    Matters not if you are right if you can't get it done. We need a leader and a doer. Mitt seems to fit that mold to defeat obama.

    To sum it up, a Vote for Paul is a vote for Obama!

    Proud vet

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  • 9 years ago

    1. Ignorance of the voter

    2 Misunderstanding of Paul's policies

    3. If one loves war.

    4. If one is an Israel firster

    5. If one does not want the debt paid off

    6. If one is not interested in trying to preserve the USA.

  • 9 years ago

    If you hate the constitution then don't vote for Ron Paul.

    If you're an advocate of tighter government control, then don't vote for Ron Paul.

    If you love abortion, then don't vote for Ron Paul.

    If you wish America to be a second rate power, the PLEASE DON'T VOTE for Ron Paul.

  • 9 years ago

    People don't like Dr. Paul's foreign policy - for some people, it's because they haven't taken the time to understand his reasoning and for others, it's simply because they don't agree with non-interventionism.

    People don't like that he wants to dissolve several departments - He wants to dissolve several departments because they are, in his opinion, inefficient money hogs. He has stated that he will not truly dissolve them as much as he will merge some of their more important tasks with other departments and return more of their duties to the states so they are no longer federal matters, but states matters.

    Some people don't think he can win against Obama so they won't vote for him.

    Some people say he's crazy and won't vote him - I've found that these people tend not to give any reasoning for their beliefs, they just state he's crazy and move on to the next article about Ron Paul to say the same thing.

    People think he's racist - people like calling the race card. If you do enough research you'll see that he isn't a racist.

    People don't like that he's pro-life and personally doesn't support gay marriage HOWEVER he believes it's up to the states to decided so it ultimately doesn't matter what he believes because he wants to people to have what they believe.

    People fail to understand that more states rights means more power to the people. People in California probably don't want the same things as people in Texas. When the Federal government is in charge, they can't really appease both states. The Fed has to pass the same law for both states. When the states are in charge, they can do what's best for their state and please the people in their state.

    Source(s): Thousands of news articles from the last 20+ years. Google it.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Because Rick Santorum is a way better candidate then paul is thats why Rick Santorum will bring back are country from the boat without a paddle we have all been in since obama took over with his goons and bring back some decency to the american people one thing about it when ur country is being taken over with all the illegal people and all those people protesting wall street how do they expect us to have a good econimy when they are doing number two in are parks. Rick Santorum needs u to vote for him so he can clean up the mess that obama made in washington and Rick Santorum is way better looking the paul is to hope this answers ur question.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    As an IRAQ vet I WANT RON PAUL. He is the only one who won't lead us down a war path saying "it's the only way, we have no choice" like that idiot Bush did.

  • Tim J
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Someone with eleutherophobia might be too fearful of him for a wide variety of reasons.

    Someone who wants to ban abortions might be upset that he said "the federal government has no authority whatsoever to involve itself in the abortion issue" and that a federal law banning abortion across all 50 states would be invalid.

    Someone who hates gays might oppose Ron Paul's views on marriage, since he wants for all voluntary associations to be allowed.

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