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  • Could Apple bring back IROC, the international race of champions?

    It sounds like IPOD, so Apple computer could be the sponsor.

    They could call it the Apple Iroc series

    3 AnswersCorporations6 years ago
  • Do they sell Tatas in Perugia?

    The cops told her that her boyfriend did *NOT* back her alibi. He claimed he could not "remember" if Amanda spent the whole night with him or got up and went somewhere and came back while he was sleeping. despite their claims that they had sex and watched movies.....and smoked pot. (Must have been some blunt) he couldn't remember everything that happened the previous day.

    In fact, he also changed HIS stories back and forth repeatedly, as did the police. First he was there, and heard Meredith scream, then he said he wasn't even there.....then he said he was just dreaming, then went back to saying, he was not even near the place.

    Their claims of watching a movie on the computer were probably true. We don't know for sure because The police seized 4 computers from Raffale's place and the memories of all 4 were "accidentaly" destroyed.

    They were telling the TRUTH. BOTH of them.

    Police investigating the finding of Meredith's missing cellphone arrived at the house. They instantly made up some story of finding the house in an "odd state"....and "suspected" something odd had taken place.

    Before the police arrived Amanda and Raffi were standing outside, calmly. When police asked if they had phoned the cops...they replied yes.

    Records show.........that call was made 19 minutes before the first cops ASKED if they phoned the police. After checking out the house.......Raffaele made the call.

    The cop who typed that "confession" said The break in was *staged* . Her 5 page written note was a masterpiece. Amanda may have a successful carreer as a writer in the future.

    Then there was her extremely cold and W.A.S.P. behavior while the ITALIAN roommates both acted suitably shocked and horrified at the horrific grisly Death of their friend. Then they found lawyers.

    In short.........she's as guilty as Casey Anthony.....but unlike Casey Anthony, the ITALIAN jury forgot about resonable doubt.

    Amanda was found GUILTY as charged. Of course her conviction did not stand up on appeal. then she was allowed to FLEE.....the RULING that freed her, was itself challenged, and found to be ***WITHOUT***** sound legal merit or reasoning, and overturned by some Guido who never learned about double jeopardy. Her status, thus returned to "Provisionally GUILTY, as charged." The re-trail was ordered, there seems to be quite a bit of fishy business here. Both lawyers, who advocated her release, took the cash, and promptly RETIRED their cars.

    she is so sure of her innocence, but if she would return to the kangaroo courts and face the re-trial we all know she will be found guilty, and that verdict has already been decided. Americans care about injustice and kangaroo courts......that unbelivable theory that Linda Drain Yurdick dreamed up sucked and that dumbass case couldn't get past resonable doubt. That jury was sequestered and never watched Nancy Grace, so they let Casey Anthony go scott free.

    Amanda is no less "innocent"......but cried and whined and bribed her way out of prison. You can do that at a reasonable price in Italy.


    Incidently.....she recently stated that she couldn't "afford" to return to Italy. She Did burn thru the $3,800,000 she got for her book deal already, paying debts. I also find it interesting that 48 *HOURS* after the murder, she "couldn't remember a thing" , I mean it was like she wasn't even there during the murder, but 4 *YEARS* later, suddenly has enough "memories" of her ordeal, to fill a whole book. She also said she doesn't wish to interrupt her current studies. Oh? Is that all one needs to do to avoid going to jury duty for a MURDER trial? Just say you're busy taking classes?

    As for extradition....I hope Americans remember their atttitude, when some Italian murders an American, and flees back to Italy, and we demand extradition and we get told..."well, we don't give our citizens up to other countries".

    Italy was an ally of the nazis....and should they request extradition, in a CRIMINAL should be met with the same cooperation we would like and expect....right?

    2 AnswersTata8 years ago
  • Should the Lincoln dealers sell a car named Daimler?

    Since the demise of Mercury the Lincoln-Mercury dealerships have been unable to compete in the medium and low priced segments of the market. This doesn't seem fair that Ford should make such a drastic reduction in what they can sell. If the the plan is to seperate this dealer network from Ford a make it purely a purveyor of luxury cars, then at least some of the cars should be imported. Many Americans believe that if a car is not from Germany or Japan, then it's level of quality is not high enough to be a true luxury car. What they could do is purchase the Daimler brand name. Mazda, Mitsubishi and some other Japanese automakers would have liked to have created a luxury brand like Acura, Lexus, or Infiniti but the market was saturated by the 1st 3. The "Lincoln Company" could buy luxury cars from these companies and sell them thru the Lincoln dealer network using the name Daimler.

    In 1895 a British company purchased the right to use Daimler as a brand name for cars from Mr. Daimler. Mr. Daimler's company used Mercedes as their brand name and later merged with Benz. Daimler Ltd. was a make of car until the 1960's when they were bought by Jaguar. The cars became jaguars to which the Daimler name was affixed. Tata motors bought Jaguar and got the Daimler name as part of the deal.

    4 AnswersLincoln8 years ago
  • What was the ultimate musclecar?

    While the answer depends on waht you think a muscle car is, My choice would be the 1969 Camaro COPO zl-1. The race car aluminum big block 427 should give it the highest power to weight ratio that was ever let out of a Chevy factory.

    8 AnswersChevrolet9 years ago
  • What are the reasons why someone would NOT vote for Ron Paul?

    Paul and Romney seem to be the only 2 that can hold on to any popularity they acquire.

    21 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Could Ron Paul be a problem for the GOP?

    This year it seems like he has a chance of winning the GOP nomination,. If so he knocks out their moderate, Romney, and the GOP will wind up saddled with a libertarian candidate. This may be the only way the democrats could win.

    8 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • "ex sex", does this really exist?

    I have heard about this on tv, but can it be true?

    I mean she knows what a loser he is, how can she stop saying "eewww!"?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • what is a popular site that has a troll of the month?

    Some websites have a troll of the month award.

    I need to win such an award. Its the only thing I am good at.

    I am in love with this girl I am stalking. I need to show her I can win something, to prove to her I am not a total loser.

    I don't think she will be impressed if the award if from a small site she never heard of.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet10 years ago
  • should the patent law be abolished?

    The reason for a government to get involved with patents is a belief that inventors are motivated to invent something useful, if they can later earn lots of money from their invention.

    This does not happen anymore.

    Patent trolls may buy patents cheaply from entities not actively seeking to enforce them. For example, a company may purchase hundreds of patents from a technology company forced by bankruptcy to auction its patents.

    The cost of defending against a patent infringement suit, as of 2004, is typically $1 million or more before trial, and $2.5 million for a complete defense, even if successful. Because the costs and risks are high, defendants may settle even non-meritorious suits they consider frivolous for several hundred thousand dollars.The uncertainty and unpredictability of the outcome of jury trials also encourages settlement.

    What the patent law really does is allow lawyers to use the legal system to extort money.

    So America should just make it legal to ignore patents and let a manufacturer copy anything they can sell.

    Part of the health care crisis is that we can't buy generic derivitives of drugs that are patented, so the drug companies charge us whatever they feel like charging, even if the markup is 600%

    It is about time the rest of the world starts paying corporations to invent things.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Newt Gingrinch, is someone like him qualified to be president?

    His opinion on illegal immigration is that if he has been here for many years he should get amnesty.

    An illegal immigrant, is someone who violates the law by being here, then he steals the job of an unemployed American.

    So according to newt it is ok to violate a law 24/7 as long as its done for many years?

    14 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Do older people enjoy Saturday Night Live?

    I think this show has changed to appeal to the youngsters, and it is not funny now like it was in the 1970s and 1980s.

    It seems they lost their old audience to MAD tv (back when MAD tv used to be funny)

    They had to evolve into a new show and create something to please the youngsters.

    my other theory is the show just sux and nobody enjoys it.

    Does anyone think any of the shows from the past few years are funny?

    4 AnswersComedy10 years ago
  • Remember Mrs. C? the one who is always saying Amanda is guilty?

    here is the answer she posted that she doesn't want you to read.

    "People don't believe Amanda Knox is guilty because she's a white American. They'd rather believe the black African immigrant acted alone.

    Knox has been found guilty by a court of law so that conviction stands. You can't have an opinion on the case unless you heard every shred of evidence from both the prosecution and defence."

    Well the Appeals court heard every shred of evidence, they thought it was crap!

    2 AnswersPerugia10 years ago
  • President Christie? is he too heavy?

    I would think that that Christie is just too fat to win a presidential election, but I could be wrong.

    Would all the overweight voters choose him, because they want to see someone they have alot in common with win?

    If you look at the other people running this year, they are all easy to beat.

    7 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • The Appeal for Amanda knox is back in session today?

    Will she be freed when they realize how ridiculous the case against her is?

    8 AnswersPerugia10 years ago
  • Amanda Knox, will her conviction stand up on appeal?

    I have read about how things are different now that prosecutor Mignini has been convicted on other charges and the DNA evidence has been disproved.

    I have also read that the judge and jury decided to try to forget about Mignini's rants and the bogus DNA tests, and focus on what is important, the believable evidence found at the crime scene and statements Knox made when not under interrorgation, as well as her cell phone records.

    In addition they decided to ignore anything she may have been forced to say while being interrorgated by the down's syndrome cops or anything they read in the local guido news papers.

    Essentially the case against Knox was written in the blood stains found on the floor of her home.

    10 AnswersPerugia10 years ago
  • Why cant the British police get robots?

    They could build something like a dalek, but it was remote controlled and the operator could see what was going on.

    If the chavs were misbehaving it would shout ,exterminate, exterminate, and shoot them with rubber bullets.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Will the riots lower the rent?

    If the riots make white people want to move out of the more affordable neighborhoods in London and into the suburbs, that will lower demand for apartments there, which will lower the rent.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago