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Explain why this is a crime?

Ok liberals, please explain to me why this is a crime, and why it should be.

Let's say my 8 year old son wants to play football. To do that he needs pads,helmet, cleats, etc. These days that can add up to quite a bit of money. Since he gets out of school at 2:30pm and we generally don't eat dinner until about 6:00pm, he has a couple hours of free time after school. We live next door to several small stores (restaurants, dry cleaners, barber shop, etc.). To earn money for his football gear, he wants to go to all these places and do menial labor (sweeping floors, taking out the trash, etc.) for a couple bucks an hour (maybe $3 or $4).

So, he is still in school, he is only working for 2 or 3 hours a day at most, he gets the football gear he wants, he is learning the value of work, and he is not putting any adults out of work. Why is this a crime? And why do liberals think it deserves to be a crime? Why do you think somebody like Newt is the anti-Christ for suggesting that this scenario is a good thing? I truly can not comprehend it. Please, explain it to me.

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Doing cores for pocket money (mowing lawns for the neighbors, etc) is a time honored tradition, and is not illegal. But would you want your child to work, unsupervised, with cancer-causing chemicals, or late at night, and alone?

    What Newt specifically suggested, is that a union job, paying about 37,000 a year, be taken away from an adult who is probably supporting a family, and sub-divided out to a group a children making less than minimum wage.

    This is a problem because

    1. It destroys a living-wage job

    2. It REQUIRES children to work.

    3. It requires children to work with dangerous chemicals, possibly fatal trash compactors, late at night and in an unsupervised capacity, all of which is dangerous.

    4. It makes that general assumption that poor people are poor because they don't work. Instead, poor people are poor because they lack specific job skills and qualifications, and because real wages for the working class have been falling (not rising) for years. They often work more and harder than the richer people.

    I appreciate your lack of understanding. But voluntary chores for a privileged child who needs money for extras is a lot different from six-year-olds being required to work, not play, in order to feed their families.

  • 9 years ago

    I'm just gonna put my thought out here...

    I'm not a liberal, but that shouldn't be a crime .___. Kids do chores around the house all of the time. They get paid a little here and there. If what you're saying is a crime, then apparently doing chores around the house to get a little extra money is a crime. The fact that he wants to work a little to earn what he wants so he can play football is good because it shows he's willing to work, which is a huge problem in America. Many don't really wanna work.

    So..that's kinda what I think .___.

  • 9 years ago


    Crime? FAIL!

    There is a fundamental difference between a child wanting a job and abiding by current labor laws and forcing a poor child to clean a rich child's toilets. Disease spreading in the schools by children cleaning bathrooms?

    There is nothing wrong with the labor laws.

    There is nothing wrong with a child wanting to work.

    There is something wrong forcing a young child to clean another child's toilet because they are not good enough, Chances they want to learn more than a spoiled TV baby.

    They are not prepared to understand the disease in the bathroom. Fingers in the mouth..? EWE!

    My kids worked after school so what is the question?

    Fire adults to hire poor kids is INSANITY!

  • bekis
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    I don´t persist with faith, yet even i detect this question somewhat unfair. Even a defective faith has loopholes which includes unfastened will, that provides us responsabilities for our movements. If we do "incorrect" isn't because of the fact "God" meant to. it would be defined that we are given the skill to do the two sturdy and evil deeds. On a extra robust attitude, we've got here across order previous chaos. which ability, that what would look "random" in actuality has a trend or follows a extra diffused way of order than what we are able to seeing in the commencing up look. So, even uncomprensible gruesome issues which includes random killings would have a function in what we call "civilized society". word that i'm no longer asserting that they do. I say perchance.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It's a crime if you send your son to work while you are at your home chilling...

    It's not illegal if he do something to help the neighbors and they give him for his help a couple of buck's but you shouldn't send him to go working! You should do something to help him his dream come true! That's why parents are!

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