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Is there a single shred of evidence that Nibiru exists?

12 Answers

  • Bella
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    None whatever. It was invented by Zecharia Sitchen from his misinterpretation of Sumerian references to the planet Jupiter. After Nancy Lieder's Planet X failed to show for her previous doomsday, she adopted Sitchen's imaginary planet for her new one.

  • 9 years ago

    None. Zero. Nada.

    Nibiru was invented for a story published in 1967 (the book is called The 12th Planet, by Zechariah Sitchin).

    In the story, we (humans) have been created by the inhabitants of Nibiru. In the story, it is a planet that has a ellongated orbit around the Sun, coming close to us every 3700 years (roughly). In the story, there is enough information to determine that the next passage should come in (or after) the year 2085.

    When ideas from the story were stolen (taken without the author's permission) to be added to the Big 2012 Hoax, Sitchin himself confirmed that he intended his planet Nibiru to return in (or after) 2085 because, at the time, this was deemed to be the start of the Age of Aquarius (Sitchin was also a believer in astrology).

    The Big 2012 Hoax is a re-run of the Planet-X hoax (we all died when Planet X passed too close to Earth on May 13, 2003). The charlatans made money scaring people with this fake planet (not the same fake planet as the fake planet Nibiru) and selling them books on how to survive.

    In order to re-run the hoax, they "improved" it with different ideas taken from older hoaxes and stories (including Sitchin's story). Sitchin tried to fight them (using infrigement of copyright laws) but he died shortly after. Someone took over his web site and made it look as if Sitchin had finally agreed with the Big 2012 Hoax.

    IF (a big if) the planet Nibiru - described in Sitchin's story - existed for real, it would be visible in amateur telescopes AND the orbit of Mars would have been disrupted by the earlier passages (in fact, Mars would probably have been ejected from the Solar system).

    If (a much bigger if) the planet Nibiru was to be here by 2012, it would already be easily visible with the naked eye.

  • 9 years ago

    No. So far, all the things that people believe about Nibiru is fake. You can get THAT evidence by going to NASA, and sending an email of your question. NASA has all the real evidence.

  • 9 years ago

    Plenty of speculation, no evidence.

    An object so close to Earth would be easily visible to the naked eye, as Jupiter and Saturn are. Moreover, a planet like that would create noticeable effects in the orbits of the outer planets. The supposition that it is somehow been concealed behind the Sun is geometrically impossible.

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  • 9 years ago

    Not really. There is a little evidence that there may be a very massive planet a long way beyond the solar system of which we are aware due to the asymmetry of cometary orbits, but not one with an orbit eccentric enough to enter the inner solar system.

  • 9 years ago
  • 9 years ago


    Niburu is the Akkadian name for the planet Jupiter. So it exists.

    However, if you are referring to the 2012 collision and other sad hoaxes, then there is not one iota of evidence.

    Source(s): Years of stellar research
  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago


    The invisible pink quantum unicorn in my backyard told me that Nibiru exists. Everything she tells me is true. I know this because she tells me. I challenge you to disprove this!

  • Only in the confused minds of those who believe in it.

  • Zardoz
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Not a wit. And plenty of evidence that is doesn't.


    Source(s): [n] = 10ⁿ I'm promoting this as a convention. I encourage you all to join me. It's fast, it's fun and it's free.
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