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11 year old son is making noises but doesn't realize it?

My 11 yr old stepson has been making these little whimpering/humming noises for a few years. They are getting louder and more frequent (almost constant now), He also has a small hand washing issue - it has been worst in the past but has subsided in recent years. He is very well behaved for the most part, he is an A student and he wrestles and swims. I can't find anything on the internet that fits his symptoms. He doesn't have ADD or ADHD but has never been tested for Aspergers (though he socializes just fine, has no problem learning or behaving and does not fit any description of Aspergers I have found);he is also very, very intelligent. I want to help him not have raw hands and stop this behavior. It's terrible to say, but even worse thane being annoying, I am very concerned for his mental health. He is only 11 and this is not characteristic behavior for most "normal and healthy" people.


When asked about the noises, he says he doesn't know he is making them. This has always been the answer and he isn't the "doing it for attention" type.

...and he clearly has a larger IQ than this first poster.

Update 2:

About going to the Dr. and speech therapist: Obviously we will do this, but I am looking for opinions from people who may have experience with such issues.

Update 3:

Also, I am not worried about Aspergers. I am more concerned about Schizophrenia or something serious.

8 Answers

  • Spunky
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    He may have a very mild form of Touretts syndrome combined with OCD.

    I say that, because his behaviour sounds exactly like a very good friend of mine.

    He make small noises, and squeaks and he cannot hear them. He also cannot control them.

    He washes his hands excessively and has other small tics.

    He isn't medicated and his learning abilities nor social abilities are affected.

    It made a WORLD of difference to his friends and family though. Knowing why he makes those little sounds somehow makes them less annoying. As terrible as that sounds.

  • PR
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Could it be turrets syndrome? I would try looking for hidden food sensitivies: eliminate sugar from his diet, and do the elimination diet. This will show whether he has sensitivities to wheat or dairy along with many other foods. This might be a good first step. Does he feel under pressure to perform in school? If so, he may need to learn to relax more, have fun activities, do other things besides school work. He may need someone to talk with him to help guide him through difficult things in his life. Speech therapy may not help if it has to do with Turrets or stress.

    Even though it is not a normal suggestion for Turrets, I would still look into hidden food sensitivites. It shouldn't hurt. If he is on any medication for any other conditions, I would seriously look into any possible side effects which might be exhibited in what you are seeing. Many doctors won't admit nor do they often know the side effects of medications.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    No offense but that sounds nothing like Asperger's.

    Washing hands isn't an issue for AS.

    Being good at sports that young that using shoulders and arms is not like AS.

    ADD is a common misdiagnosis for Asperger's.

    And speech isn't an issue for AS.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    This might not help but my aunt , (who is 60 mow) does that. She humms and makes weird noises constantly with out realizing it buy she is normal and fine not sick or anything she's been doing it for years I font know why maybe its just a habbit they are unaware of?

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  • 9 years ago

    Oh dont worry when i was 10 - 11 years old i did that allthetime. Now i never do it. Its a phase!

  • 9 years ago

    Ask him about the noises, and see a therapist.

  • 9 years ago

    I suggest you take him to doctor or psychologist that would be the best way to see what's wrong.

  • 9 years ago

    He is retarded

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