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Are there really people who believe evolution has no evidence?

I can't get my head around this. Have none of these people been to school? Do they completely reject facts?

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, absolutely! My sister homeschools her children to ensure they will never be exposed to the evidence for evolution. She believes that the evidence can be explained away other ways.

  • 9 years ago

    I think there are people who claim this, but that they don't really understand evolution. For example, I believe that I understand what evolution really is, and I do that from within a creationist viewpoint. I believe that God helps certain species adapt to their surroundings as needed, but that macro-evolution is a false concept. I believe that mankind, in his efforts to understand the world around him, tries to devise theories. Some of those theories are more correct than others. Without the lens of creationism, it would appear to humans as though macro-evolution did occur. However, when God made the mountains, he built them up and so there is the appearance of different geological periods. When He made the first tree, it had rings like its descendents, because that is the template of a tree. God made apes and other creatures with similar features to humans because these features have good, solid functions, such as being bi-pedal and having thumbs. It does not mean that they evolved from lower lifeforms, or that they will evolve into higher lifeforms.

    Unfortunately, you have people that hear the word evolution and automatically assign some evil definition to it, as if admitting that species can change is like denying Christ or something. It's not the same thing. One just needs to be smart about how they look at these things.

    Source(s): Religious scientist (armchair scientist, that is).
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    did you see any transitional fossils in school? the whole idea of one species evolving into another species MUST exist in the fossil record if it is true. But where are those fossils? What you got in school were claims that certain species are transitional forms, but no proof for those claims. Facts don't interpret themselves, people interpret them. Remember the Coelacanth. It was claimed to be a link between fish and land animals that became extinct with the dinosaurs millions of years ago ... until one was found alive in 1938. After all those millions of years, its swim bladder had NOT turned into a lung as had been claimed. But the facts had never made that claim, only the paleontologists who interpreted them erroneously.

  • 9 years ago

    The creationist propaganda machine spreads the lie that there is no evidence for evolution to all the faithful. Most creationists get all their information about evolution from the propagandists, so they don't know any better. It's not that they reject facts so much as they have been feed so many lies they can't tell truth from fiction any more.

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  • Henry
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Somehow, yes. I never understood how exactly. These people must have gone to school, and most private schools, and all public schools (I think, I never went to one) teach evolution. It especially doesn't make sense to me because I was raised that science and religion are not mutually exclusive, while 99% of the people who don't believe in evolution are very very religious.

    Source(s): Catholic who accepts evolution
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes, these people do exist. I happen to know a few (classmates) who do not believe in evolution and think there is no evidence behind it.

  • 9 years ago

    Indeed there are. A true iconoclast like myself could never become orgasmic about the standing religion of western hyper-secularists like everyone else is, without a speck of evidence that would even qualify it as a hypothesis. Your saying there's a mountainous plethora of evidence doesn't translate to there actually being a mountainous plethora of evidence. Repetition is unconvincing, and boring might I add. You guys are always championing skepticism and free thought, as long as it isn't applied to your scientific mythology.

  • 9 years ago

    If it's told to you from birth it's kinda hard to forget/deny al of it. Some people believe rather in the bible because it gives an explanation(as crazy as it sounds sometimes), while in evolution there are still things left to discover.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes, there are.

    And the problem is "belief" -- they reject facts because they ignorantly assume facts are a matter of "belief," and that if they believe there's no evidence, there isn't.


  • Joel V
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Evolution is not science, it is a belief based on a worldview. Science can be tested, repeated, and potentially disproved. Evolution can not. Evolution is based on a large number of unprovable, unDISprovable, and untestable assumptions, simply because it is based on the past, not the present. You can not prove that one animal is descended from another through scientific testing any more than you can prove Abraham Lincoln was the 16 president of the United States through scientific testing. These things can only be proven through reliable eyewitness accounts, and there are none of evolution.

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