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Whats the harm in religion?

Ever get into arguments with people over things they believe...and they'll say something like "Whats the harm in believing in something you think is silly, it doesnt hurt anyone?

Found a site full of counterexamples that Im sure you guys would probably get some use out of on here :)

Ammo for the great troll battle of Y!A if you like :)

15 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Religion is a synonym for harm.

  • john m
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    The harm is caused when you tell people that your religion is the absolute truth and you indoctrinate them as children to believe this.

    For 2000 years we have been in a war of words and spirit with the world of thought and freedom.

    The Redeemer/Religions like Judaism,Christianity and Islam are the root cause of the conflicts we now face in the Middle East.

    In the USA the democratic process has been hijacked by fundamentalism just as the Islamic world has also gone down this road.

    To say to someone that you will go to hell and suffer eternally if you do not believe and accept the principles of the Slavationist Religions is spiritual blackmail.

    These principles are.

    1.A Creator Male Father God who creates the universe and the world and who reside off the planet watching and recording everything we do to reward or punish us.

    2.A chosen race or religion that is the way to gain eternal life if you follow the commandments of this God.

    3.A Redeemer/Son/Prophet who comes here to save us by various means and then leaves us to continue until his return.

    4.A day of reckoning with an apocalypse wherein all non believers in this God and the principles of the religion are punished and sent to hell to suffer forever.

    Judaism,Christianity and Islam all promote this insanity in their delusional messages of salvation and redemption and each one of those religions are splattered with the blood of innocents who chose differently.

    Other religions appear to not practice this means to an end.

    The world hasn't moved forward for the benefit of humanity because of this.

    No matter what you say to defend this you cannot escape the truth that these religions have cause pain and misery untold for 4000 years.

    Religion is not spiritual because what appeals to the spirit is sacred and private.

    Religion needs converts and each religion of the Abrahamic religions does this to the people under it's yoke.

    Jesus never intended this to happen and I'm sure Mohammed or Moses didn't either but it did to the shame of humanity,reason and compassion.

  • 9 years ago

    Depends on the Religion and how it is used, Religion Crashed to planes in to the towers, Religion killed thousands of innocent women in the 1800's as witches when really the only crime they were guilty of is some Religious women didn't like them. More wars have been fought in the name of a god and his religion than another. Religion is very dangerous if you actually studied the history of it. But like all things it as two sides a darker side as in the things mentioned above and a lighter side. As long as people live with the side of love and acceptance from there religion noting, problem is some live by the convert and or kill laws from there religion.

  • 9 years ago

    I don't think religion itself is harmful. The problem I see is that people use it to further their own agendas and interpret the teachings of their religion as they see fit. More wars have been fought and more people have died in the name of religion. I find it interesting that majority of religions do teach forgiveness, kindness etc. and yet many followers overlook that little tid bit of the teachings.

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  • Archer
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    There is actually no harm in religion itself nor is there a "wrong" religion as asserted by theists.

    They are all creations of man and as such subject to the bigotries and biases of men and in that thought comes the harm of religion.

    When one is unable or unwilling to accept another's right to their belief or non-beliefs. When one persecutes others for different thinking. When one subverts truths to facilitate their point of view we do harm to others.

    Think about it!

    Source(s): Atheist
  • 9 years ago

    Religiously-based civil unrest and warfare

    There are close to 20 wars right now where religion is a major reason.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    There is harm, when A religion calls evil good, and good evil. When our Great God sees this, we have a real problem.

    Source(s): Love
  • 9 years ago

    Religion has led to the deaths of thousands in the past (think of all the wars) and it hinders scientific progress

  • 9 years ago

    If we would just respect other people's religion (as soon as they're not hurting anyone) there would be no wars in this world.

  • 9 years ago

    Thanks, but I already have by own prepared list. ("9/11, the Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, the Crusades, the 1993 WTC bombing, Montségur, the burning of the Library of Alexandrea, the KKK...")

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