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Should a Christian date an unbeliever? Why or Why not?

please support your answer with scripture?


I'm happily married for 18 years, though coming in to this marriage, neither of us were "believers". I'm looking into the why's and why not's of others.

Update 2:

@Lauren, I meant no disrespect. I'm glad your marriage is working out for you. Many that contain believers and non, however, do not meet the same measure as yours.

Update 3:

@Lauren, I meant no disrespect. I'm glad your marriage is working out for you. Many that contain believers and non, however, do not meet the same measure as yours.

Update 4:

@ KS, what if that love turned into a marriage? Can you see how it might cause problems down the road? who is going to raise the kids? in church? out of church? just things like that to consider. And, what is the purpose of dating if not looking for a long term relationship? It just causes the heartache to be greater.

Update 5:

@cheesphh... while what you say is true, the idea may have been there. I'm not saying dating as in how we date today, but don't you think that perhaps there would have been time spent together to see if the couple were compatible? Now don't get me wrong, I understand that many, many marriages were prearranged by the parents, but there were a few who had a say in them.

It's kind of like how the word "Bible" isn't mentioned anywhere in there, but we know what it is, as well as "trinity" and "rapture."

16 Answers

  • MK6
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Never, - the Bible talks about being "unevenly yoked".

    Check it out here.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It depends on what you are defining from the bible as 'believers'. Is it a belief in Christianity. What if you are a believer as the prophet Muhammad as bringing the final word of God. What if you are a believer in a polytheistic religion such as Hinduism.

    Considering how outdated some moral teachings are in the Bible, one cannot not take certain passages literally for their convenience. Either accept the entire bible in its totality or nothing at all. Simply non tolerance for secularism and the proliferation of these such beliefs is the exact backward thinking that should be avoided if we want any kind of progress in the world where humans can evolve and create a more peaceful world to live in.

  • 9 years ago

    Christian's should not form a close liaison with a non-believer whether in business or marriage, for decisions need to be made from time to time and the Christian ethic generally does not agree with worldly or fashionable principles, by which most people live their life.

    This verse says it clearly ."Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers...Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?......What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?..."

    2 Corinthians6:14

    In my case my husband-to-be was a believer but not a Christian, so I had to prayerfully consider whether I should marry him. Had I been very much involved in church life it may not have been a good move, but being a nurse on rotas I could not be closely involved in church activity anyway so it made little difference to my practical Christian life. My intended lived a good quiet hard-working life so his life style was not anti-Christian. However! 20years later he had a powerful vision and was filled and anointed by the Holy Spirit in one fell swoop! In a sense he overtook me in faith and fervour!

    In most of the UK the church is full of women of all ages so the possibility of never marrying to have a home and family is very real for Christian women, I was in middle-age, so, many have to face falling in love with a non-Christian when marriage is on the cards. The wisest thing is to come clean about one's Christian and church commitment, but to bluntly say that Jesus will always come first is likely to kill both romance and passion stone dead! for Christians simply do not understand this loyalty.

    Who one should marry is a matter between the Christian and God, but some Christian friends and acquaintances will voice there own opinions!

    There is also the promise that the unbelieving spouse will be sanctified by the believing spouse, in

    1 Cor. 7:14. - Children are sanctified by one believing spouse.

    I trust that helps.

  • 5 years ago

    Thats true but I believe that sometimes God puts us with unbelievers so we can be a good example and win them for Christ... If all the believers hung out with believers then what good are we? Reach out and find someone lost and nurture them and care for them and show them the word by being a doer and example... Jesus hung out with people that no one would talk to and in the mean time just looked what happened.. Those men are the disciples who went out into the world and preached and changed the face of Christianity to be what it is today... So don't turn your back.. There are plenty of Bible verses that support this also.. Being me is being married.... If your fiancee isn't converted by the time you get married then don't yoke with that person...Just one person can be responsible for caring for another lost person and in the meantime change the world and bring many to salvation

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  • 9 years ago

    Dating simply doesn't exist in the Bible. I'm surprised a believer asks this.

    So, if you're the woman then the man should come to your father and he should give the Ok to marry you.

    There are plenty of examples in the OT for this but I can't think of any proscribed dating except for a few cases involving unbelievers and fornication and God didn't bless it.

    Remember, you're the one who asked. The Bible is supposed to be and settle all matters of faith and practice.

  • 8 years ago

    Marriage has it's ups and down as it is even if both are following God's pat.

    the bible which is the Word of God does advise us

    and is our decision to take it or not like always

    2 Corinthians 6:14-15 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.

    If you read Leviticus God gives lots of advises to his people and one of them is not to marry man or woman that do not fear and love Him(God).

    it is for God's people own good.

    as you read and follow with many examples from the bible you can understand more and more why God says what He says.

    Now for the ones who didn't know Christ and have now come to Him.

    Christ can help because he knows and understand and He is always there to help us and guide us from the moment we surrender all to Him.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The purpose of dating is to find a spouse

    the bible tells us not to be unequally yoked believer with non believer

    there is no firmer yoke, than marriage

  • 9 years ago

    It depends on what criteria the Christian is using to date. If religion is a high priority, then a non believer would be a tough match.

  • C T
    Lv 5
    9 years ago


    2 Corinthians 6:14-15 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? (15) What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?

  • Clyde
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    If my wife didn't date me cause of that then i would never be in church. I would still believe in God though.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm Atheist, I had four kids with a Christian, not a strong believer, but a Christian at best. I'm pregnant with my 5th with him.

    So, the bearded man in the sky hasn't shot me down yet ;-)

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