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Lv 6
Dad asked in PetsCats · 9 years ago

Is this cat's behavior normal?

I have a cat whose breed I don't know what it is. Here is a link to its typical breed:

It's a male cat. He likes to rub himself on me, but dislikes greatly when I return the love. He will snap at me for touching him. He's healthy an d in no health condition... It's like this: I can touch you, but you can't touch me. Get it?


Nope, the coat was not adopted. I bought it when it was a baby, and it was never abused. He does the abusing if he's touched. He's 3 years old now.

Update 2:


6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cats are like women, always obey them, as they have a 'breed of their own'.

    It is a really nice cat, and clearly well looked after and could be a specific breed, or just a bitza. (a bit of this and that)

    I believe a cat cat can give birth to kittens sired by different fathers.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If you cower away from the cat, you'll make him think he's the alpha of the household. Don't force the cat into being picked up or anything like that, but when you go to pet it and he snaps at you or hisses don't freak out. Keep your hand still, and if he REALLY doesn't want to be pet, don't... But don't cower away or it will get worse.

    If you ever DO get to pet it, be sure not to be too rough (i.e. rubbing noses, cupping head in your hands, petting it in the opposite way the fur grows - for it causes discomfort). Though the cat may not ACT like it minds, it may hurt you in the long run, or possibly other people.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Some cats are just like this. They can come to you and slick you, but the second you try to touch them they attack. If you can learn to love him with his type of personality that is that.

    Is there a possibility he's in any pain? A cat in pain can be unpredictable and bite and bunny kick too. A vet visit is in order.

    Another possibility: Does he stop suddenly while walking and sit and start licking his back? That's possibly a hypersensitivity (feline hyperesthesia) that can cause him to dislike being touched as it is uncomfortable. This seems like a neurotic behavior, but it's more, like the poor guy feels he has creepy crawly restless leg syndrome all over his body even in his brain. Youtube has good vids so you can see if he is like this.

  • 9 years ago

    If he was adopted at a shelter/adoption group or given to you by someone he could be feral. Also, pet stores aren't picky about where they get their kittens...He could very well be a feral "bought" from a pet store.

    I have been taking care of a family of feral cats. The mom & 2 kittens for about a year. I sit outside with them when I feed them. They have become very friendly. They love to rub themselves on my legs. At first, I couldn't touch them now they even sit on my lap! They have been spayed & given shots. I wonder- is you male cat neutered? I know having them fixed makes them better pets- more loving & calm.

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  • 9 years ago

    You cat is just showing you affection. Some cats can be like that, though. Your cat probably doesn't like to be touched. Did you adopt it at a shelter? If you did, then it's behavior is probably in response of a memory of when it was mistreated badly by a human.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes it is normal. Most cats have the attitude love me my way on my terms period. He might not like where or how you are petting him. Are you petting him while he's sleeping? Most cats don't like that. If he is rubbing up against you, and you are sitting down put your hand down next to him, and see if he rubs his face in your hand. if he does he is telling you he wants to be petted on his head. To much over stimulation can cause them to bite too.

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