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cant walk on heel after exercise?

It runs from mid heel by arch, but after ive walked for while, then rested, i cant walk on it again, it horrendous. Been dr she said use a good lace up and an insole ! (thats going look just fab isnt it !)

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds like you could possibly have plantar fasciitis ,inflamation of that tendon that runs all the way down the centre of the bottom of your foot.

    If you sit on a sofa with legs on it and bring your toes towards your shin you can feel it stretching,this is a good stretching excercise for before and after running.

    You can loop a towel around your foot and pull it towards you.

    Anti inflammatories are good too.

    Google the diagnosis if it seems correct there are lots of excercises you can do.

    Im not a doctor but have had this problem myself it is entirely up to you whether to take this advice or not.

    Good luck I know it's painful!

    Source(s): Had the condition myself and worked in Orthopaedics
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Neuropathy Treatment
  • 9 years ago

    I go to physio for foot pain. The thing is, there a so many small bones in your feet that they are very prone to injury and pain. Try physiotherapy, and if that doesn't work you may need orthotics. They are insoles molded to the shape of your foot, which provides much better support than a generic insole or even the gel insoles sold in stores.

    PS The pain is likely coming from stress on the arch of your foot. It's common.

    Source(s): Experience
  • 5 years ago

    Avoid excessive alcohol. Alcohol may worsen peripheral neuropathy.

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