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Christians: Do you ever wish?

That the god of the bible was nicer? or that Hell didn't exist?

Or do you like that, according to your religion, Hell exists and God is vengeful?


Interesting that the 'Christians' that have posted haven't actually answered the question. Not one of them.

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes I wish that God was nicer and not so vengeful.

    Then again I also wish the world were a beter place and people were also nicer, kinder and fairer. But it is not and nor will it ever be. As the saying goes If wishes were horses then beggermen would ride.

    I don't know what happens when we die I only know what I hope for and only experiance will tell me if I or you are right or wrong.

    By the way you obviously didn't read the answers correctly otherwise you would have noticed that it was answered. It just wasn't answered to what you wanted to hear.

    Source(s): Only time will tell
  • d.k.
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Honestly? It REALLY helps to REALLY TRY not to pin

    feeble human "that's not fair!" emotions onto God.

    Sometimes when reading a passage, I didn't quite "get" what God had done --- or why.

    But, one thing I KNEW for certain.....

    God wasn't the one with the misunderstanding.

    Sometimes it took years to actually "get it",

    and to comprehend what God had done-- and why.

    Sometimes, I have to honestly admit, that I am still not exactly sure

    "What just happened here?" when I read a passage.

    and I have to slow down, and often go back, frequently quite far back, to try to find out.

    It really does help to TRY to remember, though,

    just whom you are dealing with in the accounts in the Bible....

    This isn't one of your "chums", your parents, your siblings, your teachers,

    your neighbors, your classmates, or somebody you met in the mall.

    Realizing that, might just help you comprehend

    that in most, if not in ALL of the accounts in the Bible --

    God "tends to" act with the utmost restraint, and

    it's the people in the record that have seriously screwed it up.

    So --- to SPECIFICALLY ANSWER your "test"ions:

    1. Do I ever "wish" that God were "nicer"?

    Not anymore. God is fine. WE, however, are very seriously twisted.

    2. Do I ever "wish" that Hell didn't exist?

    No -- Because Evil exists. And Evil is far more atrocious

    than most of us can really even begin wrap our heads around.

    Hell HAS to exist. I don't "like" it, but, yeah, I can certainly understand it.

    3. Do I "like" that "God is vengeful"?

    I believe that in MOST of the cases in the Bible

    where WE might "think"

    "God is just being "mean" and vengeful" -- He's actually not. Justice and

    Vengence are not the same things. Also, Vengence is not the same as "Revenge" either!

    Evil "demands" a Hell, Evil also "demands" vengeance.

    I know of nobody better qualified and nobody I would rather call on

    than God to carry it out.

  • 9 years ago

    The Bible doesn't mention hell the way you think.

    It describes a death without an afterlife and it compares that to torture.

    And only the Old Testemant described God as vengful, if you're a Christian then you accept that God changed his way of dealing with things because vengence wasn't working.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i be attentive to a a good distance larger proportion of atheists who're acquainted with each and every thing interior the bible than christians are. i might say of each and every of the atheists i be attentive to, a minimum of 80% of them have the two examine the bible or are interpreting it. a million. you're patently incorrect 2. why might atheists be acquainted with each and every thing interior the bible? 3. how many atheists and christians heve you interviewed in the past you got here to your conclusions ? BTW, Torah is the 1st 5 books of the BIble, have you ever interviewed Jews/Atheists to confirm who's extra acquainted with it, and if no longer, then why ? how related to the Qur'an ? what related to the Baghavad Gita ? that's stable you examine Genesis, please additionally examine Arno Penzias (Nobel prize triumphing physicist) on the large bang and Genesis EDIT: those you be attentive to won't do as a statistically substantial pattern, Tomas de Torquemada... EDIT: what's *bah mitzvah* ? is it like *blah blah mitzvah* it may well be bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah, genius... EDIT: i'm no longer offended at your question, i'm disillusioned with relentless bashing of christians... i'm no longer attacking your spelling, in basic terms correcting it... you probably did no longer refute my arguments, BTW...

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • God isn't vengeful, and Hell exists for a reason. For all good there must be evil, that's just how to world is, we can't just sit and pout about it all day, we must accept that it is a part of the world, and a greater plan and move on.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I think as humans we all have trouble grasping God's righteousness. God says His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not our ways. God created us not because we are something great, but because He thought of each of us, and desired that we would live. None of us merited being created, nor do we deserve to be kept alive - yet God wants to keep us alive with Him for all eternity.

    We are not even half as interesting as Him, and He wants us to live with Him forever. God's Spirit is eternal, and His Spirit cannot die, but God wants us to know that He loves us enough to die for us. That is His great expression of love through Jesus, because Jesus is God in human flesh.

    And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. - 1 Timothy 3:16

    Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. - 1 Timothy 3:16

    Father's Love Letter (watch below)

  • 9 years ago

    If you are christian, you know that God is fair and will forgive us for anything, as long as we are sorry. I was concerned about this too. But people make their own choices, however right or wrong they are. Think that everyone has a chance to go to heaven,they just dont all except us. Also, new testament God seems alot nicer than old testament God. :):):)

    Source(s): Church and school and self
  • 9 years ago

    Of course Christians like to believe that people they dislike go to hell and that they get to go to imagination land when they die.

  • How much nicer do you think He could get? Numerous times the Israelites were saved through miracles, only to go against God numerous times. How did God respond? God sent numerous prophets to guide them back, waiting decades each time to deal with the Israelites. And how did He deal with the Israelites? All He did was precisely as they asked, He withdrew His protection from them (they didn't want to listen and so did not want God's interference or protection, and all He did was remove it from them just as they asked), and let them face the world alone.

    How is it in any way not nice to protect someone, repeatedly help someone, and when they ignore you to wait patiently for decades as you try to reconnect with them, finally giving in to their demands that you not help them no matter how much you want to?

    And Hell does not exist.

    Genesis 3:19--In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.”

    Psalms 146:3,4--Do not put YOUR trust in nobles,

    Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.

    4) His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground;

    In that day his thoughts do perish.

    Ecclesiastes 9:5--For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all...

    According to the Bible, the dead, ALL the dead, are currently nothing more than dust, and as such are "conscious of nothing at all." And what is the point of burning someone for eternity when they are dust and so are completely unaware of it?

    Dust has serious trouble forming coherent thought, which is probably also the reason their thoughts did perish, right? But the point is that they are not burning for eternity in Hell, no matter how bad they get. The punishment for those who "practice vile things" (John 5:28,29) is that they remain unconscious for eternity and do not get to partake in the paradise that God is giving to those who do follow Him. They do not suffer, but neither do they enjoy the blessings of the paradise God meant for mankind and will give back to us.



    Numerous Christians have answered your question, and God answered your question thousands of years before you even asked it. God is precisely as you wanted Him to be, but you are so filled with hate for Christians that you refuse to accept precisely what you say you want: a forgiving God that does everything He can to help you, listens to your requests (you are the one asking Him to stay out of your life, and He does even though He wants to help you, because He is giving in to your request even though He could force you to follow Him...He chooses to allow you to do as you want).

    And He won't even send you to Hell, because He never created such a place, and it is the Bible that shows that. Hell does not exist, it is a pagan teaching that was not even a part of Christianity for over 1,000 years after the death of Jesus, and was simply adopted by early Roman Catholics who were trying to convert pagans by adopting some of their teachings into Christianity (rather than following the Bible).

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