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Lv 7

Why do Christians ask atheists to respect their religious beliefs...?

...when they clearly do not respect the fact that we do not believe because all available data refutes rather than supports their claim? Seems hypocritical, doesn't it?

*The plural of anecdote is not data.


To everyone asking for the data that clearly refutes the existence of God...

Christians claim that their god is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving. They claim that their god will punish non-believers for eternity in hell. These two statements are mutually exclusive. An all-powerful being would have no need for us to believe in it. An all-loving being would not punish us for no reason. An all-knowing being would not create us for the sole purpose of punishment.

A proof that something is logically impossible is more than any evidence that has ever been presented in favor of God (which is zero).

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Be respectful" translates as "I am insecure, don't shake my weak foundation."

    "Clouds are made of marshmallows and anyone who thinks they're water vapor is ignorant and deluded."

    Nobody would be offended by this statement. I am being disrespectful, I am blaspheming the clouds, yet nobody gets offended...why?

    Because people are secure in their beliefs about clouds.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I think atheists could be a little less arrogant, strident and impolite. After all what you have just said is simply not the case. Looking at the question of god with a scientific mind set that has not changed since the reformation is not very helpful or even valid since the discoveries of quantum physics.

    Cutting edge science tells us that our mind is "our own tiny piece of eternity"."A fragment of the underlying reality of the universe." Of course Mystics have been telling us this for centuries only they called it soul.

    Hard science is limited to measuring and understanding the mechanical workings of the universe. It was from its outset self limited to material fact finding. This is no bassis to argue about experience and meaning and was never intended to be. Especialy now we know that matter is only "frozen energy" and the universe may be composed of "mind stuff." These are the words of scientists not Mystics.

    Source(s): Sir Arthur Eddington, "The observer may indeed interact with the experiment. Niels Bohr "some part of our mind is our own little fragment of eternity." Einstien "Matter is frozen enegy" Bells Theorum.
  • 9 years ago

    You need to clarify, your question is confusing. Are you saying Christian's do not respect your right to disbelief because of data? This doesn't make sense. If you believe cheeseburgers are slimming, and I do not simply because tests show that it is not, how is my "belief" disrespecting your "belief"? How can "beliefs" disrespect one another?

  • 9 years ago

    I'm no christian but I'd definitely hope others would respect my way of life and beliefs and not slander me at every opportunity. I'd guess they feel the same.

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  • J
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Because atheists claim to be reasonable and intelligent individuals.

    And lol, if all available data refuted our claims, then atheists wouldn't need to perform such complicated twists and turns and dodges whenever someone asks them to provide evidence for their beliefs.

    It's easy to claim you've got data isn't it?

    Just like I imagine it must be easy to claim that there is no God.

    Lol, the problem always comes when you have to provide evidence to support those claims (dam you reality!)

  • 9 years ago

    You should respect persons right to believe what ever they want (regarding religion), but that doesn't mean you should respect the belief itself.

  • 9 years ago

    Christians hypocritical? Are you sure about that? Surely not.

    Ditto what Agent Sixty Three said.

  • Ducky
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Um...first and foremost, please actually educate yourself before thinking you know the 'data refutes rather than supports their claims'. I have multiple scientific degrees, and I know there is no data that refutes christian claims. The data 'provided' is usually just atheist-junk rather than real scientific data or research.

    Secondly, I respect atheism full-heartedly as many of my friends and family are atheist. However, I do not tolerate those who think they are more intelligent than others and make false claims.....

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Many...not all but many get offended when there is blasphemy.

    I love blasphemy by the way. It's funny to make fun of myths that half the world has been conditioned to believe is true.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    i don't see why they ask us to respect their belief when it clearly states that we are idiots and will burn in eternal hell fire.

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