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Question about God and Devil?
If you believe in god or devil or both, please answer these questions...
1. first of all are there any people who admire devil, and not god? as we see there are only worship places of god like Mandir, Mosque, Church etc. and not of devil.
2. as shown everywhere that god is powerful then devil, then why do devil exists, we see in the movies [may be that is fiction] that a man with the help of god, defeat the devil, then why god dont fight himself and eliminate devil?
3. if ever devil exists then what is his story, as we read stories of god in books, and if that is not available what those people know about the devil who worship him and how?
just few question came in mind thats why...
thanks for your answers...
12 Answers
- SatanLv 59 years agoFavorite Answer
Here is Satan`s side of the story in the Devil`s own words behold
Source(s): look who the author is - MathewLv 79 years ago
"If you believe in god or devil or both, please answer these questions..."
FTR, I believe in God, but NOT the Devil. That is, the Devil doesn't exist.
Therefore, none of your questions concern me.
Concerning "2." God doesn't need to fight or eliminate the Devil because the Devil doesn't (and never did) exist. One reason I can say the devil doesn't exist is because no-one and nothing could fight God such that God would need to fight that person/being/thing. The notion of a good vs. evil conflict is called dualism. When the forces of good and evil are personified (as in the case of a god of good and a god of evil), that's called polytheism, because it suggests there are two gods. It is this dualism (and NOT the trinity) that makes Christianity polytheistic, and therefore a sinful religion.
- 9 years ago
1.) yes there is, where they practice black magic and staff, how ever it's illegal, so you can't find it on public like: Mosque, Church etc.
2.+3.) devil existed long before humans did, at first devil wasn't bad he was a great worshiper of god, how ever he was too arrogant and couldn't obey god commend due to his big arrogance,
th is his story:
God created him from fire, and cause he was a sincere worshiper god gave him a good position between angels, how ever when God ordered him to bow to Adem he refused, cause he think that he's better than Human race who are created from clay, and so satan refused God order and chose hell over bowing to humans, after it devil asked god to let him mislead human and show him that they are no way better then him, and that they would chose hell like he did......,
that's when th bad thing started to happened with humans....
if you want to know more about god and lucifer relations, this is a question that would help you:
- JLv 79 years ago
1). There are plenty of people who admire and worship the devil. As for me, I don't have enough information to make any real claims about what "the devil" is.
What I do know is that there is something referred to as "the satan" who claims this world as his own, who stands behind the works of evil in this world, and who opposes God's plans for it.
2). Instead of getting your facts from movies, maybe you should pay more attention to reality and history.
God's way of waging a war against evil is not by taking arms against. It is by doing what Jesus did:
Love people, forgive people, heal people, and then sacrifice yourself for them.
That is what power looks, it is a complete redefinition of the power paradigm, and it is a complete redefinition of what it means to fight.
Understand what true power, and real fighting looks like, and then you will understand how God is fighting evil.
3). Again, no one (that I know of) really has any real information to make any claims about the devil, except that there is a force behind the evil in the world, and that Jesus (and the Jews of his time) referred to it as "the satan".
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- PelvisLv 69 years ago
Satan worshippers exist but I am not sure about a church. I think the Christian and Muslim belief is very similar concerning the concept of Satan that he is a rebel and told God that he was going to try to lead human beings astray into Hell.
- EstherLv 79 years ago
There are people who worship satan, yes. I don't know if they have actual "churches"....I've never seen one.
I'm sorry it's a bit hard to follow your wording. Why does the devil exist, is that what you're asking? He is a fallen angel. Why doesn't God destroy the devil? He will, in time.
- kirkerLv 44 years ago
One issue: If the bible grew to become into the e book of the devil then, how come the bible states the thank you to be good in life. except the devil is nice and god is undesirable, your concept is mindless.
- Voice of SoulLv 69 years ago
The true meaning of human life is.. Self Realization....
Love /hate, Good/evil, happiness/sorrow, positive/ negative, virtue/sin, soul/ body, heaven /hell.. are the creations of God ...So, by pure faith in God we can understand our eternal nature... which relates to our soul as our soul is Part and Parcel of ... Supreme Soul "God"..
And sometimes, God test us that How much we trust on Him, how much we Love specific situation.Do you really think.. God feels happiness when we suffer pain? Not at all. But He expect something from us.... that is "Pure love in Pure Soul"....
Actually, we are spiritual souls but we are in human body.. we are from spiritual world. God has sent us on the earth...only for self realization.. as our souls are not as pure as, they have to be... So, God has given us human life where our body feels happiness as well as suffers pain. Therefore, we souls are here... to achieve... the level of purity..... To become pure soul.... we should make an effort to understand the deeper meaning of unconditional love for all living beings.... in every situation....
Moreover, the eternal nature of our soul is to Love God...
Read Bhagavad Gita deeply..... for every answer about Human life and Eternal Life...
- BallfireLv 59 years ago
If the first pages of the bible are not believable then it follows that the whole book is trash...