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For all those that don't believe in God, ?

How is the world suppose to overcome all their ills? Every good thing comes from God, who is everlasting. If we don't call on His name, whose name are we to call on for salvation, that is good all the time and everlasting?


Scientist don't last forever, but their discoveries do. The elements was already there, so who placed it there for us to see or discover it?

There are forces that we cannot and do not see in this realm (atmosphere). There is good and bad, evil and righteousness. God is not divided and cannot go against Himself. He allows Satan, who is the god of this world to reek havoc because of the heart and motive of mankind. God delivers those that trust Him. Death is fearful and the imminent domain to all mankind. Those that lived for themselves and in their own might will see. We are living in the same instance as the men of old (Bible era). Some believed to live eternally with God, and others did not believe and went to their eternal doom. I know we all leave here and don't have control of that.

21 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's called taking responsibility for your actions rather than depending on an invisible man in the sky to do everything for you.

  • That's assuming there is a God in the first place. It's like if I ask "For all those that don't believe in Naruto; how are we supposed to deal with all the ninja crime? All the good crime fighting comes from ninjas." But to say we need God to solve the problem is assuming the problem is one of a religious nature; it's a self fulfilling argument.

    Who placed the elements there for us to see and discover? We don't know. There's not enough evidence to say who or what caused it for absolute certain. That's why Atheists don't claim to know. This is also the grounds on which the existence of God is denied: It's an unanswerable question at this point, yet people claim to know without any good evidence to back it up.

    The forces we cannot see until we believe in God is simple to explain; you believe it, and therefore sense it. It's similar to watching a horror movie; before the movie, you don't believe there's a ghost in your house. Afterwards, you feel a very strong ghostly presence. Even just typing about ghosts, I can practically feel the gaze of a ghost behind me. It doesn't mean it's there, just like how there isn't a zombie about to jump out through my door, despite the fact I can slightly feel it's presence. It's a simple mix of paranoia and wishful thinking.

    Here's a tip for trying to debate with Atheists; don't use unverifiable arguments. Don't say "God must exist because those that didn't believe in God are in hell", because that's just the kind of unverifiable claims putting people off religion. You need to start from a non religious viewpoint, and work up.

    An example; the marbles in this bag are green. You can either say "the marbles in this bag are green, because I don't like marbles of other colours", or you can show them the bag of marbles, open it up, and reveal the inarguably green marbles. Likewise, instead of making claims to back up your claims, use evidence to back up your claims. If you can't find any, you should realise you're going solely on wishful thinking and the words of man, not a God.

  • 9 years ago

    "Every good thing comes from God, who is everlasting."

    So does every bad thing, if he made everything. And saying he's 'everlasting' doesn't really add anything helpful to your propaganda.


    "If we don't call on His name, whose name are we to call on for salvation"

    This doesn't work if someone doesn't believe in salvation. A decent loving omnipotent god wouldn't need people to 'call on him' before helping them, he'd just help.

    If you saw someone collapsed in the street, would you wait for the to ask for help before helping them? What kind of person are you?


    "that is good all the time and everlasting?"

    Again, pointless words. If god is real, and he made everything, then he is NOT good all the time,because he allowed suffering to exist. Suffering by the way, that he doesn't have to go through himself.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Okay, I will try to explain this as best as I can. The world overcomes it's "ills" by working together, win you get rid of the differences there is less to fight about. We overcome our ills by furthering our knowledge and our understanding of the universe and what's in it. We don't believe in putting our life in someone else's hands, we do what's right because it's right not because it will get us into a paradise. Because when it boils down to we're all just humans and we need to be able to help/trust one other and not this other figure.

    Source(s): Myself, Thinking
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  • MattH
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    You're making the logical fallacy of equating morals with God. Morals may be influenced by religion... but if God is a social construct.. then ultimatley they are really just influenced by man are they not? IT was "moral" in 19th century Christian America to take indian children away from their homes so they coudl be "Christianized" and assimilated into white culture. It was moral in Nazi Germany to persecute Jews. IT was moral in the old testament to kill every other person in the land of Israel to make room for the "chosen people". It was moral to stone homosexuals.

    So.. tell me again... how does God equate to morality when morality has been proven through history to be extremely relative and subjective? Don't you think that realistically morals are whatever we teach them to be?

  • 9 years ago

    Why must you insist that there is no good without god? Give a bit of credit to yourself, to your race, and to your planet. There would still be beauty, good, evil, and everything else if your religion didn't exist.

    As far as salvation- you're the one claiming that we need saved. I feel comfortable the way I am. Perhaps it is you with the crisis, and you alone that is co-dependent on God.

  • ND
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    "How is the world suppose to overcome all their ills?"

    By resolving the issues facing humanity without reference to God. Resolving the problems here and now, not in the hereafter. You are in control of your life not some God or planet.

    Source(s): Atheistic Hinduism
  • 9 years ago

    The 'world' won't overcome it's ills. Life is a struggle. What is a negative thing for one living thing or person is often a negative for another.

    I don't require any salvation, thank you very much. I rely on myself.

  • 9 years ago

    I really hope you are a troll.

    If everything good comes from God, then so does all the bad stuff. If he exists, he sees it. If he sees it, why should we have to beg him to fix it?

    How do you think the little kid who is starving and homeless somewhere feels about your question when he prays to god every night and it still doesn't work?

  • 9 years ago

    World is never supposed to do anything if there's no God. Why do we have to call for salvation on anyone except ourselves? Because we're weak. We have always needed tomeone with a whip to make us do what must be done.

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