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Can you find a flaw with my meaning of self and existence?

Whoever can find a flaw will receive best answer. It is a simple philosophy, yet much too complex to prove to you in the space provided. Please read before answering. Thank you all.

(For those who may have read it before, please read it again, it has been updated to provide more insight)


If you have understanding of this philosophy and you wish to know how to achieve oneness, one must share this with rest of existence.

Update 2:

@cat "We feel hot/cold and other things differently because we are physically different."

There is no physical only thought.

That is the essence of the whole. One can figure out the whole, as that is all that really exists. The whole must be something, and the only thing one can prove is thought, so the whole must be thought.

Update 3:

One must share this with others, because to keep it to one's self is self perceiving itself as separate from existence. Sharing it with others, is really sharing it with yourself, thus making self achieve oneness.

Update 4:

@Godequals3 - A dream is a thought....that is precisely the same reality as being awake, just different levels of awareness.

Update 5:

@cat, the whole is infinite, thus it can only be one thing. There cannot be two infinites, otherwise they would encompass each other being as one. The only thing we know of to exist is thought, therefore this infinite whole must be a the whole thing please.

Update 6:

@ EP "states of awareness of self" means how self perceives self. Self is one infinite, thus it can perceive itself in infinite ways, these are the levels of awareness that I speak of.

Update 7:

^Regarding above:

Since one can perceive self in infinite ways, one can also perceive self as finite which is exactly what self does during this finite life.

Update 8:

@EP "Self is one infinite' is exactly what I'm talking about. It's a conclusion you've already reached and doesn't include the map to how you got there."

Re-read the 2nd paragraph. The universe as a whole is infinite, thus it can only be one thing. There cannot be two infinites, otherwise they would encompass each other being as one. The only thing we know of to exist is thought, therefore this infinite whole must be a thought...You cannot deny that you are a thought, for the very act of doing so requires a thought. "I am not a thought" <-- Is a thought. Thus thought, or consciousness, or perception, or self, whatever you want to call it, is infinite.

Update 9:


"the symbolic staff of a herald; specifically: a representation of a staff with two entwined snakes and two wings at the top"

Yes, it holds symbolic meaning to the truth, just as everything does. Self is perceiving self as one. Two snakes represent self (ego), the staff symbolizes their unity, it is the same as DNA, and all the symbols of the world's religions / all perceptions of the world (Judaism - two triangles as one, Christianity- a cross connected at the middle, Taosim- ying and yang as one, even the Mayan symbol for God - an eagle with a snake in its mouth, your very symmetrical body, etc)

The fact you perceive yourself as psychic, is your perception of self. It is real. This is because you are perceiving yourself connected to all in some way, congrats :D

Update 10:

@Zap - "This is false. Dreaming is based upon memory and memory is based upon reality as experienced through sensory perception."

All existence exists as a thought. A memory is the same as any other experience. They are 2 different thoughts entirely. This is why a memory is never exactly the same as a previous experience. This is why a dream is never the same as a memory or any other experience. No two thoughts are alike. All thoughts build upon each other. That is how a memory is conceived, or any other experience. All conceivable thoughts are one in the present. Reality is one as a whole.

Physics says time is an illusion...there cannot be a past or memory of a past event.

Update 11:

^Regarding above - You cannot deny that a memory is a thought, as memories are perceived through the mind. You cannot have more than one thought at once. Its impossible. Rather one thought is infinitely quick, thus the illusion of time is created, with a finite perception. A memory is a thought perceiving another thought. That is exactly the conclusion of this philosophy. Self is perceiving self.

Update 12:

@zap - " "All existence exists as a thought." This is your hypothesis but it is not established fact."

Read the 2nd paragraph...The universe as a whole is infinite, thus it can only be one thing. There cannot be two infinites, otherwise they would encompass each other being as one. We know the universe is infinite because numbers are infinite, if you sit here and count every number, you must exist forever. You cannot tell me that the universe stops this set of infinite numbers somewhere out in space. The only thing we know of to exist is thought, therefore this infinite whole must be a thought...You cannot deny that you are a thought, for the very act of doing so requires a thought. "I am not a thought" <-- Is a thought. Thus thought, or consciousness, or perception, or self, whatever you want to call it, is infinite.


"Physics says time is an illusion". This is not correct either. Physics says that time is the 4th dimension which qu

Update 13:

@U- In order 4 anything 2 xist it has 2 b perceived otherwise it nvr xists. If 1 is infinite 1 is all things so 1 must b perceiving self, there is nothin else existin.

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. One can argue that we can agree upon a measure of frequency of which an atom is vibrating and can conclude a correct temperature that is objective to the observers making qualities inclusive.

    2. Another statement is that universe is a singularity, that we all are 'one'; however, there is a delay of influence which gives the unit a relativity true perspective... another reality from this singularity .

    3. The misconception that existence is thought, yet any person that knows about neuroscience is that thought is in fact physical... aka matter leaving that existence is in fact influence.

    - Our brains functions are mainly chemical reaction that are triggered by electronic pulses and this is know as the consciousness... this is general. I believe if you want to talk about the brain/consciousness you owe it to yourself to learn more about it rather then to go about on misconceptions. Such as..."When we are dreaming, we are capable of having our 5 sensory perceptions, yet we don't actually use our eyes, nose, ears, etc" but yet we do... (I recommend that you should go to a public library and use their database such as EBSCO, ProQuest, Lexis-Nexis... etc for your information)

    4. Dreams are in fact already processed information (part of psychical reality - qualities) and the brain goes about this several different ways... foresight, organization, analyze and reprocessing info that has strong influence...etc.

    5. Time is not an element of the universe.. you know this as you declare its and illusion in which that there are several paradoxes that supply evidence; however, time is not an illusion in which it is an measurement to recognize relevance that is inclusive hence the 4th dimension.

    ...add more later

  • 9 years ago

    You are ranting! Blah blah blah... blah blah (rhymes with FLAW)

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Physical reality does exist and is not solely in one's mind, this flaw in your "dream argument" disproves your further expansion that all of life or whole is thought.

    You state that only thought exists, however if I have never thought or perceived a tree in a forest does it mean that it also doesn't exist!

    Furthermore, the basis of your argument is that because you dream without using the senses and thus makes all reality only real in one's mind is nonsense, a fire or loud noise can easily wake you up which exist even without you thinking of it.

    If I am sleeping and a fire starts to burn in my house, does this make the fire not physically real because I have yet to perceive it or think about it?! The fire will be physically real whether you perceive it or not, which proves the existence of physical substances.

    And to say that that all of existence is thought, then I ask you, whose thought, God's? If that were to be true then god's thought created the physical realm and gave you the ability to think, which are distinctively different as to use the ambiguous term that all reality is thought or nonsense that all of reality is only in ones mind.

    I await your rebuttal

    Source(s): *kicks rock* Refuted!
  • 9 years ago

    Perhaps i'm just slow, but it seems you assume an infinite being of everything needs an alter ego to define itself? how does one define an infinity of everything? or are you looking at this as a yin yang sort of setup? in which case... your god can't be part of everything? Isn't what you believe to be the devil merely PART of your god's very infinite being and infinite perception?

    Yet again i'm slow to catch to things at times, forgive me if I made a large mistake in that interpretation.

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  • 9 years ago

    I never got past the first sentence because it contains a flawed premise.

    You wrote "When we are dreaming, we are capable of having our 5 sensory perceptions, yet we don't actually use our eyes, nose, ears, etc; thus reality gained from the senses must exist solely in one's mind, not as physical reality."

    This is false. Dreaming is based upon memory and memory is based upon reality as experienced through sensory perception. When we are dreaming we are accessing our memory of reality. If we had no senses, the mind couldn't make an imprint of reality and there would be nothing there to dream about.

    EDIT: First, you responded "All existence exists as a thought." This is your hypothesis but it is not established fact. You are basing all your arguments upon a presumption, i.e. you are committing the logical fallacy of presumption. Your arguments are circular because your conclusions are based on the premise being true.

    Second, you stated that "Physics says time is an illusion". This is not correct either. Physics says that time is the 4th dimension which quantifies motion through the three physical dimensions. As long as matter exists, the three physical dimensions exist. Since all matter is in motion, both cosmically and atomically, time exists when matter exists. Time is not an illusion, but our perception of it is dependent upon our frame of reference, which is illusory.

    Reality exists outside of the mind, but we cannot perceive it except through the filter of our human physiology. Therefore, the reality we perceive is not true reality, it is a version of reality we have established in the mind. Only in this way can your theories be supported. Denying that there is no reality that exists outside of the mind is, again, committing the fallacy of presumption.

  • Jesere
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I have been "awake" for as Long as I can remember. Being Psychic and using the 6th sense, having Telepathic Abilities and have OBE's on a regular basis since grade school gives one a much different perspective of "Who we are?"

    The Mind is where our 'Soul/Spirit' resides. I have known for decades that the Brain which is Physical is not the same as the Mind...

    Yes the Mind is who we are and we are just using a physical body on the Physical Plane for experience. Hell is the Physical Realm because of the Adversity, Tragedy and Pain one deals with to further the souls knowledge

    When one has an OBE (Out of Body Experience)you still perceive you have your body, you can walk and function as you do in body. However, when you return to the body you feel extremely heavy,

    I was brought up in a household where these "abilities" were the norm and was quite taken aback when I got out into the world and had people negate my experiences and saying "it was not possible for that to happen" it did happen...

    I have had an NDE and been visited by deceased family. So from My perspective these past 48 years of being aware that I was awake without knowing what awake really meant...I know of My Oneness and that the Spiritual Realm is our True Home and we have lives, jobs, a social life. And we can create anything with thought immediately, we can change our appearance but everyone knows "Your Essence"

    Thought is the fastest form of Travel...

    The Universe had no beginning and has no end...

    and Yes there is No such thing as Time, there is only the Now

    Below an Excerpt from the article:

    "The snake is of the same symbolic nature. The snake lives solely for itself and perceives itself separate from the rest of existence."

    Do you find it interesting the use of Caduceus Symbol for Medicine?


    1) the symbolic staff of a herald; specifically: a representation of a staff with two entwined snakes and two wings at the top

  • EP
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    "All is one" - understood - but where do you go from there?

    "All is one" cannot perceive. From the perspective of "all is one", there could be no self awareness - no "perspective". To recognize self AS "self" requires "other". There can be no "one is all" perspective.

    "One is all." equals "the end" (or "the beginning") - at any rate, it does not equal "here and now". Here and now we are "other" to each other and that's a good thing. It gives rise to awareness, itself - and it makes all things possible - and "experience-able" - from individual perspectives.

    When people speak of "becoming one", what they usually mean is some sort of state where all think alike. Not just "alike" but as THEY think. It sounds "good" and "peaceful" to people and they think that's what they want, but it is not. Variety is the very basis of "life" AND "awareness". "One is all" is nothing. It is no thing, at all.

    "One is all. The end.".

    "One is all", literally, has no meaning as we are so far removed from it that it has no relevance. Even if one could find it, to continue one's existence would require that one experience it from one's own perspective which would be the perspective that everything else has ceased to exist, at which point, YOU would cease to exist. Does non-existence inspire you? It doesn't inspire me.

    "One. Sameness. No diversity. Non-existence. No point. No life. Nothing. The end." - where's the inspiration in that?

  • Harlot
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    You must be dreaming.

    Are you a member of some religion? What is it?

  • 9 years ago

    Sure, I could find a flaw in it if I wanted to. I can find a flaw in just about anything. But let me explain my meaning of self and existence. I honestly believe that your meaning of self and existence is yours and yours alone and none of my business as far as finding flaws with it. If your meaning of self and existence was such that your actions turned out to be harmful to others I would definitely have a problem with that but just your cerebral meaning of anything is, in my opinion, nothing that I have the right to find flaw with.

    As far as finding flaw with your statement that understanding any philosophical construct one must share this with rest of existence in order to know how to achieve oneness is totally incorrect.

    When one operates from the concept of what someone else "MUST" do, then that, in and of itself, is proceeding from a philosophical position of coercion.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    ''To me, something could be hot, but to you it could feel cold. Matter cannot be both cold and hot, therefore qualities must exist only in the mind.''

    We feel hot/cold and other things differently because we are physically different. For example a chilly room: you have just woken up, enter it and it seems cold to you, whereas I have just ran a marathon and so it seems hot to me. Nothing to do with mind. It depends on our body temperature etc. We feel differently because of purely physical reasons.

    ''We know one cannot prove the existence of any physical substances one perceives with our senses, because of the dream argument. But to doubt the existence of thought requires thought itself,thus the only substance in existence, or the universe itself as a whole, must be mind; also known as thought, perception, or consciousness.''

    You seem to misunderstand Descartes here. He doesn't claim that nothing material exists because we can doubt it. He only says that senses cannot be the only base on which to build knowledge because, as dream argument shows, they *sometimes* are wrong. And thus, not to indulge in scrupulous analysis of which data gained from senses is correct and which false, Descartes *assumes* that all the data is false for the sake of quicker moving forward in the search of something that cannot ever be doubted. Descartes isn't a radical sceptic.

    Sorry but I didn't read it any further. Way too much ''God'' and too esoteric for me.

    Architect, you have no basis for claiming that there is no physical.

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