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My 7 year old female cat will not leave the kitchen.?

She stays on the counter/stove area and will not get down. She acts like she is now scared of the other kitties we have. She used to be the queen bee and the other kitties would never mess with her and she always ate first and if she walked by the others she would whack them. Well one night the youngest female cat seemed to have had enough and attacked her back. Ever since then my 7 year old kitty hasnt been the same. She no longer attacks the others and remains in the kitchen 24 hours a day, everyday. She comes down to eat but only for a moment. She has now started using the counter as her bathroom. Its horrible and I am tired of cleaning it up. I have brought a litter box in there for her but she refuses to use it. I took her to the vet and they told me she is fine and healthy and sent her home. This has been going on for 4 months now. I feel terrible because I am feeling so much stress towards her when she is my sweet kitty. I love her very very much. I just dont know what is wrong with her. I called the vet again and now all of a sudden the want to see her immediately. Any ideas as to what might be wrong? I am feeling so guilty now that all of a sudden the vet wants to see her and I keep thinking what if its bad and she is super ill and has to be put down. Like I said, I feel absolutely guilty.

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should look up Jackson Galaxy or even check him out on Facebook-(he does the show my cat from hell) He's like the cat whisperer. He has seen this behavior before. What he says happens is this-your 7 year old cat was traumatized by the other cat and now it is as if the other cat and her never even knew one another so he suggests re-introducing them with positive reinforcement. Like to feed them together or play with them togehter (maybe about eight feet apart so they can see one another during a positive event) She is feeling insecure. Do you have cat trees in the house? If you could get a cat tree and place near a window-and create sort of a tree dwelling environment for her where she feels safe that will help. For example, a cat tree, next to a high back chair -a few places she can jump up-you have to get her off your counters. Also the other cat may need to have some energy worked off with some play. According to Jackson-when cats act like your kitty is-they have become the "prey" and the two kitties no longer are speaking the same language. They need to re-establish a relationship where they are equals again or respecting each others territory. Jacckson says when cats act like a mouse they are treated like a mouse (by the other cats) because they are hunters-they need to work that hunter energy off-so play with the other cat like 15 mins a day with a toy to wear the kitty out-try to feed them so they are near enough to see but not have a fight-maybe even a baby gate at this point-but please get her out of your kitchen-she needs a safe spot where she can go up high but also walk to litter box without feeling like she will be attacked or cornered in her litter box. Please check out Jackson Galaxy online -hope this helps. Also maybe kitty natural remedies that calm like feliway spray

    Source(s): Jackson Galaxy of My Cat From Hell
  • 8 years ago

    She just got knocked down the totem poll by the younger cat and now she is at the bottom. She isn't sick and doesn't need to be put down. She is just no longer queen bee and doesn't know how to handle it. Try feeding her seperatly from the other cats and as for the litter box issue, a single cat needs at least 2 litter boxes. Try putting hers somewhere she feels safe at. Shoo the others away from hers. If any attacks happen, stop them. Do things that help move her up in the ranks a bit like let her sit on your lap and play with her. When the others see and try to join in or bully her away, shoo them off and continue with just her. That should help restore some of the balance in your home.

    Like I said, there is nothing wrong except that she got knocked down and is at the bottom of the chain now and the others are taking advantage of her and now she doesn't know where she belongs.

  • 8 years ago

    Maybe she just does not fit in an environment with more than one cat/pet. Some are just like that. There is a hierarchy thing and if she has lost, she may feel cast out and frightened. However if the Vet wants to see her again, get her there it may be something else get her there.

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