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How do I convince my irrational mother to let us bow hunt on her property?

She said she'll call the police on my friends if she sees us bow hunting on her property (I do live with her) because she likes the deer. I tried explaining to her that the current population is reaching its carrying capacity and she says then the guy down the road will shoot them or they'll get hit by a car.

Then I told her he is only allowed to shoot one per season and that the overpopulation is encouraging more deer to leave the forest and cross the road into suburbia so it's better if we get the deer before a car does that way it's not a waste of life and it doesn't die in vain. Then comes the whole "I hate hunters! I hate seeing deer die!"

Even if I tell her that there is such a high concentration of deer trapped in this little forest that requires crossing busy roads and land development to get to other forests will only cause more deaths by car, starvation, and disease, she still goes on this emotional tirade and runs away from me.

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, since she is irrational you can tell her that they have overpopulated to the point where they are potentially carrying wasting disease which can turn them into zombie deer at which point they can infect humans causing encephalitis much like mad cow disease, but much much worse.

    That's totally ridiculous, but she may not know any better.


  • bernie
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I'm reluctant to suggest this because I agree with her. If some people didn't breed excessively, there would be more room for the deer. BUT contact your state department of conservation to find out what alternatives are available (some are co-operating in studies involving contraceptive injections for the deer). If nothing else most conservation departments have publications that will tell her essentially what you have been trying to tell her. Since the information would be coming from an alleged authoritative source, she might be more inclined to listen to you.

  • 8 years ago

    its her land, i would leave her alone about it. i dont agree with her opinions, but you gotta respect her wishes. i would go hunt somewhere else. im sure you dont want to hear that because its easier to hunt the ones near home. if you wanna get even, bring it home to butcher it in the back yard. maybe she will come to accept dead deer. that or she will threaten to kick you out. never know til you try.

    besides her emotional objections, there are legal issues. she is responsible for certain things being a landowner. and if your friends are under 18, they dont have a say in if your mom gets sued or not.

  • 8 years ago

    Sorry, but some battles are impossible to win. If she is dead set against it you aren't going to convince her with anything short of a miracle. You may want to ask to hunt where the guy down the road does.

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  • 8 years ago

    It's her property. Stop pushing her. There are many places one can hunt deer, and you only have one mother.

  • Andrew
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    That wont happen. The other animals will feed off the weak ones making for stronger better deer.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You can't, so ask the guy down the street if you can hunt on his property.

  • 8 years ago

    hi there

    her property and her rules, have you ever gotten your mother to change her mind about anything, i thought not, best to find another place to hunt and let nature take its course on her property. have fun shoot safe.

    Source(s): son of a mother lol
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You have her adjudicated as being mentally deficient, and have yourself placed in power of attorney over her property.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    shoot her first

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