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Lv 5

Why do Pagan Christendom followers think they are Christians?

If you celebrate pagan customs that have been woven & twisted in to Christian worship, then it is no longer Christian worship as it is defiled & becomes Christendom.

1. The Trinity doctrine of three gods in one is not a Christian teaching and the word Trinity & any scriptures encouraging followers to worship a trinity god are not in the bible. You can find them on pagan websites & other books though.

2. Holidays & customs such as Halloween, christmas & Easter all derive from pagan traditions, so if you involve yourself with these customs you are not Christian.

3. True Christians have a knowledge of scripture according to their educational level & research & study of such Christian scripture, they would know that God is a title and that God has a personal name & they would know what the Kingdom of God is & what action it will take to resolve the issue for all mankind who are willing to live under that Kingdom arrangement.

So why don't pagan followers know this?

What reasons do you give for these wanna be Christians?


@ Graig b

Unfortunately even though you think you have a point & believe its a clever answer, you have proved my point, your educational level of scripture is poor.

Cross reference Philippians 2:1 then get back to me...Remember all scripture is harmonious & inspired by God, where is the triune balance in this scripture? = 2Timothy 3:16

Update 2:

@ Exodus

I don't presume to know all scripture & i certainly am not pompous and i try hard not to be arrogant.

Genesis 1:26, the us & our is referring to a conversation between God & his first created spirit son, this is clearer understood in Proverbs 8:22-31 = The very first thing God created was a son for himself, this son was in fact Gods master worker, So going back to Genesis God was talking to his son & said come let us make man in our image. His son worked next to his father God creating everything we know.

Please read Proverbs 8:22-31 carefully and you will get the understanding of this fact.

Update 3:

@ 2 edged sword

This Old testament scripture is all you need to know that Jesus came after Jehovah & was in fact created by Jehovah, its the same scripture I just mentioned to Exodus:

Proverbs 8:22-31

Update 4:

@ Biblechooser

I was going to address your response, but as you have misrepresented me deliberately & attempted to draw me into an argument, I will post this scripture for you to read:

Romans 1:21-23

Because, although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor did they thank him, but they became empty-headed in their reasonings and their unintelligent heart became darkened. Although asserting they were wise, they became foolish and turned the glory of the incorruptible God into something like the image of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed creatures and creeping things.

Update 5:

Edit: Biblechooser

You wrote: "I expected no response whatsoever" then went on to write "in fact, have no rational response to any of my comments."

So whats it to be, I used your own words to highlight that you did in fact expect a response, but i deduce that you was not satisfied with the response you got.

Your mind games are weak & you are not that good at it, my advice to you is stop now as all the previous answers you put to my original question are full of twisted comments, that i was not going to address such as redefining the English dictionary's meanings and rapping on about Christianity when i clearly have not mentioned the meaning on the word Christian (to be christ like).

There is many more words I could take apart that you accuse me of, but like I said this is not an argument.

However, express yourself in whatever way you feel fit to do, I will attempt to bend in the wind & compensate to find a meeting of minds for the sake of the good news that ca

Update 6:

Continued - for the sake of the good news that can save all men.

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some haven't learned what Christendom is; right?

    And others don't want to know it.

    And some try to hide their heads "in the sand..."

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    A) Why do Pagan Christendom followers think they are Christians?

    There is no such thing as "pagan Christendom" - at least, not by standard definition.

    B) If you celebrate pagan customs that have been woven & twisted in to Christian worship, then it is no longer Christian worship as it is defiled & becomes Christendom.

    Not according to the English dictionary. According to the standard English usage of the word "Christendom", ALL Christians are a part of Christendom - including you.

    1a) The Trinity doctrine of three gods in one is not a Christian teaching

    I agree. The Christian trinity doctrine teaches something logically incompatible with that.

    1b) the word Trinity & any scriptures encouraging followers to worship a trinity god are not in the bible.

    Logically irrelevant.

    2) Holidays & customs such as Halloween, christmas & Easter all derive from pagan traditions, so if you involve yourself with these customs you are not Christian.

    a - SO: do you involve yourself with religious activities held on Wednesday (Wotan's Day), Thursday (Thor's Day) or any other day of the week using the standard English name of that day? If so, then you are doing the very same thing that you rail against.

    b - You are also redefining the word "Christian". The standard English definition of the word does not agree with your personal definition.

    3a) True Christians have a knowledge of scripture according to their educational level & research & study of such Christian scripture,

    a - Is "True Christians" a trademarked term?

    b - If we accept what you have written as true, then a Christian who has no knowledge of Scripture is a "True Christian"®.

    3b) they would know that God is a title and that God has a personal name

    Directly contradicts the previous sentence!

    4) So why don't pagan followers know this?

    Because pagans are not Christians. Why are you fairly ignorant of pagan beliefs and religious practices? It's because you are Christian.


    a - rant

    b - redefines English words according to your unique definitions and then expects us, the readers, to accept those non-standard definitions as valid and/or accurate and/or authoritative

    c - in general, the proposal is both illogical and **completely unsubstantiated**

    Basically I read this: "If you don't believe all of the things that I believe you are not actually a Christian. Why? Because I am the most arrogant human being on the planet, and I and only I decide who is and who is not a Christian."

    Advice: try well-reasoned arguments and at least a smidgen of tact rather than "proclamations from on high". You see: anyone who disagrees with you is not going to accept you as the ultimate and unimpeachable authority on this topic.

    - Jim,


    You wrote:

    I was going to address your response, but as you have misrepresented me deliberately

    Really? How?

    You wrote:

    attempted to draw me into an argument

    I intended no such thing! That is not the truth! I expected no response whatsoever!

    You wrote:

    I will post this scripture for you to read:

    The Bible passage you quote causes me to **strongly** suspect that you, in fact, have no rational response to any of my comments. It seems to me as if the sum total of your response is, "I'm right and your stupid." - which in fact comes as no surprise in light of what you wrote previously.

    P.P.S. Please read more carefully and think more carefully. Your reasoning is horrible, some of your claims patently false. There's no point in me responding further to someone who - for emotional reasons - refuses to consider what I actually wrote in my answer *and* in my previous response to your criticism.

  • 8 years ago

    Andrew, Good question. All a person need to do is read the Bible and the accounts of Jesus Christ and his Apostles..What these men did,what they preached and worshiped, or didn't worship. Only one religion can claim they model Jesus Christ.They need also most importantly why Christ was born to man and what his perfect sacrifice meant to mankind.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If those that have truth about the sciptures are pagans.

    Then what does that make JWs?

    Remember, Jesus also said those that insult others show

    they do not have the truth.

    You lot cant even recognize Jehovah in the OT is Jesus!?

    Those in their own eyes will be proved to be foolish by God.

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  • 8 years ago

    1. Genesis 1:26  And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    Who is the 'us' and 'our' referring to? According to you, the Bible should read 'Let me make man in my image'.


    What is your explanation?

    2. I agree

    3. You don't have to know everything about the Bible to be a Christian. It does help. However, many people that are still learning have a lifetime to learn about the Bible. That includes YOU. Don't be pompous and arrogant to assume you have ALL the truth in your head.

    GOD bless

  • 8 years ago

    2 Cor 13:14 - "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen."

    This is the Trinity you fool.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Christianity is a Pagan and Jewish synchretic religion. There is no escaping Christian roots in Paganism.

  • 8 years ago

    Please don't call the typical Christian 'pagan'. It's an insult to pagans. Despite pagan origins, it's concept of God is not pagan in any way.

    Source(s): Shakti bless.
  • They have not made the effort to come to accurate knowledge .

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