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Offbeat black hole theory?

For the reasons of a thought experiment only and assuming that a black hole has a surface just below the event horizon, I already know this is not the standard model but I am out on the limb, but want to know why my theory is not acepeted by the establishment?


It used to be thoght that super massive black holes turned slow but it has recently been shown that they rotate close to the speed of light. Scientists are cofirming this as I write. What are the implications thereof?

Update 2:

Lodar, are you from some south Bronx shithole like I am? You need to expand your mind by thinking deep. A one dimentional object is impossible in our Universe. QED

5 Answers

  • Zardoz
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    A 4 billion Sun supermassive black hole would have the mean density of air. Would it too have a solid surface just below the event horizon?

    "A one dimentional object is impossible in our Universe."

    And how do you support that assertion?


    Source(s): [n] = 10ⁿ
  • Loud
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    The event horizon is the boundary where absolutely nothing can escape including light. The only way to escape a black hole is to exceed its escape velocity which is greater then the speed of light. Since nothing can exceed the speed of light, a solid surface below the event horizon would be impossible because it too would fall into the black hole and be destroyed. Black holes tear apart objects OUTSIDE their event horizon. What makes you think that there is a solid surface INSIDE the event horizon?

    By the way you have a HYPOTHESIS not a THEORY. A theory is a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena <the wave theory of light>. While a hypothesis is a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

  • According to classical physics, no such surface can exist below the event horizon. The reason is that the space-time curvature is so high than an object would need to exceed the speed of light in order to keep from falling further down. And according to classical physics, nothing can exceed the speed of light. You are suggesting otherwise, so unless you can find some loophole in special relativity, no one is going to buy it.

    One dimensional as in a singularity? I was referring only to classical physics, since areas like loop quantum gravity are still hypothetical. But whether a singlularity is zero size or near Planck length doesn't make much difference in this context. As far a spinning black holes, a lot of conjecture is involved about the angular momentum producing naked singularities. The Kerr-Newman solution is a ring singularity approaching or even destroying the event horizon.

  • Robert
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    because the mathematics of atoms with no particle gaps means the black hole is the size of a few city blocks but the event horizon is much bigger-the eh is merely a gravity barrier so dense that nothing escapes it-it would exceed the surface of the bh by more than the bh's area, but bhs are wierd we may never know its surface as its so dense a teaspoon weighs over a billion tons!

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  • Who
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    just saying "I got this idea" you are just wasting your breath

    and you MUST get to know the difference between an "idea" and a "theory" it will save you a hellova lot of wasted time.

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