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Why do so many Christians persist in their willful ignorance regarding atheism?

It seems that there are some people who, no matter how often you try to educate them to the contrary, continue to insist that, say, atheists worship Satan (which is impossible since we don't believe that such an entity exists), that atheists hate God (we no more hate God than we hate Spider-Man. We simply don't believe he exists), that we would change our minds if we read the bible (most of us have, and for many of us, reading the bible was one of the reasons we became atheist in the first place), and a whole host of other things that not only are not true, but make absolutely no sense.

19 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Christians believe that everything that doesn't follow their dogma is evil.

    They believe evil things are the workings of satan.

    Therefore atheists are of satan, despite what they may or may not believe.

    Source(s): Christian logic
  • india
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Point number one, regarding the worship of Satan: My dad was taught that anyone who doesn't worship HIS gods is clearly worshiping Satan, even if it's Satan in disguise as another god, or no god at all. It's complicated. I remember that I had to stop watching the Smurfs because my dad thought they were Satanic. Looking back, I think the Smurfs were probably Pagan. They subsisted off the earth, after all. My dad does not distinguish between pagan and Satanist. You worship Jesus or you worship Satan. I don't know how common this belief is, but it's out there. It's ridiculous, of course, but it is what it is.

    Point number two, regarding atheists hating God: There are people who become angry at their chosen god(s). They rebel in the way they think will hurt their gods the most. They call themselves atheist. You and I can see the logical error here, but that's what they do. Again, I'm not sure how common this is, but I know of several people who have gone through this and I occasionally see language on here that leads me to believe a user is struggling in this. Some atheists are really just theists who are angry at their god(s). It's not like we can kick them out of atheism. * shrugs*

    I'm with you. I don't get it either.

  • The very choice to hate God, is a choice to follow Satan. Those are the choices, there isn't a third choice. Whether you believe or not, God is still waiting for you to make the right choice.

    Wow maybe you need to read with a prayerful open heart not critical. Maybe you need to read it with someone you can ask questions. I read it and it and read it, and fell in love.

    You should get the CD or phone APP 66 Love Letters : Larry Crabb. If you have a hard time seeing the different images, like Jesus as king, or shepherd, he helps.

    Source(s): Usually it's religion not the Bible that turns people off. So, think again about what part of it turned you off. I can understand if the religion did. That was not Jesus favorite part, He hated it. From the beginning it was His plan to come and die and rise for us, to stop all that stupid sacrificial religious stuff. We let go of sacrifices but we are hanging on to religion for dear life, when we need to hang on to Jesus with dear life.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Its Faith! They feel so strongly about their belief! I read the bible as well. I dont label myself because once u do, ur judged. In the bible, there are verses that say, not exact words just getting to the point, if u believe make it known. Also if someone doesnt believe alot will happen to them. If ur not with GOD THEN UR WITH THE OTHER ONE. If they had any brains they would stay quietpositive because anyone that reads the bible daily would know that, anyone who doesnt believe can be cursed, why waste time them. Its alot of ways to answer ur question. I will leave u with this, it isnt only who u believe in. Its about following laws of life. If u follow the laws u follow GOD. I DONT MEAN MANS LAWS I MEAN THE LAWS IN THE BIBLE. READ PSALMS AND PROVERBS FOR STARTERS.

    Source(s): Personal experience
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  • 8 years ago

    You are discussing ignorance here. you are insinuating that Christians are ignorant. That is a display of ignorance in itself.

    If you don't believe God exist, fine, but why are you pressing your views and beliefs on people.

    That's like the pot calling the kettle black.

    You can not find one statement in the Holy Bible you can prove is not true, many athiest have tried, theologist as well. What a person believes is not 'willful ignorance',it is their choice.

    I don't know of any atheists that worship Satan, that is another religion altogether. Don't know of Christians that would insinuate this either. A true Christian believes in choice, you obviously have made yours. No point to prove.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    >>There are people who become angry at their chosen god(s). They rebel in the way they think will hurt their gods the most. They call themselves atheist.<<

    I have never met a single Atheist that wanted to HURT the christian godling..

    that is simply another Tall Tale Invented by Theists to explain why Atheists exist,,and it is wrong...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    as a non believer, you are able to not fathom that any christian in this difficulty of the words which you describe could pray first devoid of even thinking, you are able to have published such a competent tale in entertainment or poems. on your 2d paragraph or "analogy" as you call it, besides you study this component factors to your confusion and delusion. seems there's a predator, non believer attempting to transform human beings to their dogma after being indoctrinated by potential of philosophies which could fee their souls and probably a splash disillusioned with the aid of fact the christian is wiser than being deceived into entire darkness with little wish for salvation. that predator isn't interior the woods, that's everywhere it, desiree, describes you and your practice of theory and the non believer such as you who're so self impuned with confusion and doubt that they have got closed ears and hearts. i wish which you will sometime chosen salvation. that's loose. by potential of how, Jews are actually not racist. God loves them and you too. seek for ye first the dominion of heaven and all else would be further unto you. no different thank you to declare it, you in lots of circumstances talk as a fool. with the aid of fact an atheist does not have faith in hell does not propose that it does not exist, so unhappy they could could die and get their cost ticket there in unbelief additionally, to confirm that the possibility they have been given to get it magnificent substitute into swallowed up in self magnitude and denial, yet then it may be too previous with the aid of alter it huh? i think quite unhappy for you desiree, you have not any appreciate for others and that doesn't make up what we've seen of the Atheist with adulthood.

  • 8 years ago

    Why do you act like they don't know what you believe?

    They are aware of what you "think you" believe. That is how they think of it, and how they think it works. They believe in a being called Satan that has supernatural power, and that this being influences or tries to influence all of humanity. Saying you don't believe in Satan is like a Christian telling you he doesn't believe in a deity-less beginning of the universe (I would just say "Big Bang", but I don't want to assume you accept that theory. If you do, then just substitute that). There is no proof for either theory, but each has evidence enough for their own sense of things.

    Not a lot of Christians think Atheists hate God, but most of them probably think you're being influenced by Satan. They think of this as bad and they view asking for help from a being the call Jesus and/or his father deity, God as a good thing.

    The Bible is enough evidence for them, just as there is enough evidence for evolution for most Atheists to accept it, or not enough evidence for their religion for you not to support it.. It's as simple as that. By telling a Christian to think differently is telling him to redefine his sense of reality, just as when you're told to believe in Satan and their other deities.

    Source(s): A Pagan
  • 8 years ago

    Spider Man does to exist!

  • Beyond
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I think there is a certain maturity level at which many Christians simply do not bother with the atheists who simply don't bother with them.

    It is pretty plain in the scriptures that we are to present the gospel when asked to give our defense for what we believe, but we are told that God has prepared the hearts of those to whom we are to give attention, and otherwise, not to pursue those who simply don't want to hear.

    My apologies on behalf of those who feel it their necessity to give you grief over your lack of belief. I assume they simply haven't reached a level or maturity of faith that lets them let God bring to Himself whomever He wills. They do not realize it is not their duty to "save you" or "convict you."

    Both those functions are accomplished by the Holy Spirit, not the zealous Christian.

  • Keith
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Anything that challenges religious faith is regarded as 'evil', but most of Christians I know are just normal people and we don't even bring up religion. We enjoy the company of each other not for what gods we do or do not believe in, rather who we are as people.

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