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my boyfriend is an "Open-Minded" person & I'm a Christian..?

I've grown up to be a Christian, and I have always made God my #1, and have lived for Him and everything. Well i started off in college back in August, and i could not believe how many people really do no believe in God. I was in awe. Then i met my boyfriend in September, and as our relationship has progressed he says he is open minded. He was once a Christian, too. I remember a couple of us having this argument over having faith and he said there could be a chance of it just being science and there could be a God. and then a few days ago he said he read this book "Zen and the art of happiness" and he said it completely changed his mind about everything and that he should just stay open minded.

and I have no idea what to do. and I'm not the kinda person to say " oh I am so going to pray for you" but it really does make me upset knowing that he is like that. he's been the first boyfriend i've had that is not a Christian or really and truly believes in God. is there any way that i can sort of just talk to him about all of this?


pretttty sure I just want him to live eternally in Heaven? I just care that way, I'm not being like a freaky paranoid clingy girlfriend, I'm no where near that, so chill, dude.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "help guyz, my boyfriend is open minded and able to consider different ideas and possibilities! WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM????"

    And people wonder why we laugh at religious people *sigh*

  • 8 years ago

    I'll be straightforward... you may have to separate from him. he has fallen into the trap that i had once almost fallen into: the teachings of demons. i have found that falling into "zen" and astral projection, the whole nine yards is often a result of boredom and dissatisfaction in the Christian faith. it's possible that your boyfriend feels starved of the wonder that Christianity has to offer and is trying to supplement it by using teachings that are not of God. With believers becoming lukewarm, it is getting easier and easier to follow these things. i know a "Catholic" who is now apparently into the worship of nature.

    The minute I realized this phenomenon, i also realized that there must be a solution. if so many people crave this, then there is something missing in faith that we ought to be getting. This led me into a few (very few) teachings of the Charismatics and things like hearing God and visions and the like. I have discovered that these are in fact biblical and that many of the 'wise teachings' in other religions are in fact true, but they are twisted in a way that leads away from God. Jesus talked about taking things one day at a time (new age teaches about being "present") and Paul talked about having good thoughts (many cults and religions discuss positive thinking). it's all there, but most of the time, Christians don't focus on it. However, these things are part of following God. so mention those things to him if that's what he's looking for. I have come to find that the very thing i've thirsted for is in fact already here, but i simply had not seen it before. if you have anymore questions or if you just need to talk about this, feel free to email me. oh, and also, pray for him. you don't have to tell him. just do it. Prayer changes things.

  • 8 years ago

    Firstly I'd say a divided house will fall. God instructs us to marry fellow Christians - it's for our own best and also for our kids.

    In college people like to be logical and come to rational conclusions - ask him to dwell on the alternatives:

    Have you got a rational explanation for the fact that the universe exists?

    It could be some version of:

    1 an illusion (but has been proven false),

    2 it could be self existent and eternal (but this is not what most science theories suggest),

    3 it could be self created (but the basis for this is illogical - to create itself it must have existed - self creation is absurd by definition as it requires to be, before it is.

    From nothing, comes nothing. The theories opposing this are illogical.

    4 an eternal uncreated Creator created it - it is not God of the gaps, it is a rational conclusion. IN MY OPINION - this option is the most logical.

    Be honest with yourself when you consider the alternatives and don't base your answer on theories that goes against sound science and rationality.

    Once God is established, Christianity is easily proven to be the Truth.

  • 8 years ago

    When looking for a successful, committed relationship, or a lifelong partner, it is important to look for three things in your partner in order for it to be a successful relationship.

    1. Common Faith

    2. Same Political Views

    3. Common interests

    You could try to convert him again to Christianity, which I do not see as having a positive impact on the relationship. Also, I don't think that will work because he was a Christian before and already rejected Christianity.

    Do talk to him about your concerns; communication really does help to some extent.

    If you are concerned about this and think that this will hinder a healthy, committed relationship between the two of you, find someone who is also a Christian and share your faith with them, within your relationship.

    Your faith is the biggest and most important thing in your life, and needs to be shared with the one who you love in order to have the best happiness.

    Source(s): -May God Bless!-
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  • 8 years ago

    He's right, you're mistaken. Is there any way he could talk to YOU about this and YOU could keep an open mind? He sounds like a smart guy and a good catch if you could be a little more open minded and take a long hard look at the zero evidence in support of a ghost in the sky that purportedly knows knows your every thought and will some day judge you for any and all thought crime you may have committed. That's crazy talk.

    "Faith is believing in what you know ain't so."

    -- Mark Twain

  • Are you asking:

    'Should I stay with someone with a view to marrying them when they don't have the same #1 as me?'

    If so, the answer should be plain..

    Or is it:

    'Shall I stay with him and hope he'll change to be more like how I want him to be?'

    If so, try finding someone who succeeded in that and ask her how she did it

    Hmm I don't think I'm much help here, everyone is different, and every relationship is different only God can know and I'm not sure, guidance

  • 8 years ago

    Being open minded is a good thing. I'm guessing he's at the age where he's trying to figure out what he believes. Let him explore possibilities. If you must pray for him then do it but don't force him to convert to your religion. that could cost your relationship among other things.

  • 8 years ago

    Do you believe the man should lead and the woman follow? Isn't that the Christian way of doing things?

  • 8 years ago

    2 Corinthians 6:14 (ESV)

    14 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I can't think of a gentle way to say this so I'm just going to say it; if you are dating a non-Christian then there is a good chance that God is not really number one in your life.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Buy the book "On Guard" by William Lane Craig and give it to him to read.

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