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What's the worst...?

Hello... I'm in a very cynical mood today. So I've decided to ask a bunch of "What's the worst..." questions.

1) What's the worst classic you've ever read? Why? Why didn't you like it?

2) Who's the worst protagonist you've ever seen in a book? (Mine has to be Zoey Redbird... I think that was her name... from the House of Night).

3) What's the worst book cover you've ever seen? What was the image of?

4) Who's the worst romantic interest in a book you've read?... I think I'm expecting a lot of Twilight answers to this one.

5) What's the worst ending to a book you've read? I'm not talking generically, like, "I hate endings where everyone lives happily ever after," but a specific book you've read.

6) In your opinion, what's the worst genre to read for pleasure?

Hmm, writing these questions have inexplicably cheered me up.


Thanks for answering, answer as many as you want.

11 Answers

  • A User
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1/ Wuthering Heights - it really added little to Literature. And the romance is the 19th century equivalent of Fifty Shades - just better written and with no sex.

    2/ Zoey Redbird I definitely agree with. Ana Steele from Fifty Shades of Grey is worse though.

    3/ go on and be spoilt for choice.

    4/ Christian in Fifty Shades is worse. Patch in Hush Hush was also god-awful. I think if you read enough books, you end up rolling your eyes at all the "Twilight is the worst" discourses. There are tons of stuff significantly worse.

    5/ I Am Number Four. can't even remember what it was because it was so flat.

    6/ Technical manuals? lol. For fiction, I don't really know. I think I could enjoy any genre providing it's well written. I don't like formulaic chick lit like the kind of stuff Nicholas Sparks churns out industrially.

  • .
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    1) What's the worst classic you've ever read? Why? Why didn't you like it?

    Tess of the D'Urbervilles. There's a strong chance I only didn't like it especially because I had to study it, but seeing as I'm not a fan of some ways books of that time were often written it made sense that I didn't like it.

    2) Who's the worst protagonist you've ever seen in a book? (Mine has to be Zoey Redbird... I think that was her name... from the House of Night).

    Nora from Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, because she's an inconsistent, wetter version of Bella Swan.

    3) What's the worst book cover you've ever seen? What was the image of?

    Other than self published books with questionable covers and out of books I've actually read, the cover of my copy of Mistwood. It's this:

    4) Who's the worst romantic interest in a book you've read?... I think I'm expecting a lot of Twilight answers to this one.

    Patch of Hush, Hush. A more abusive Edward, anyone?

    5) What's the worst ending to a book you've read? I'm not talking generically, like, "I hate endings where everyone lives happily ever after," but a specific book you've read.

    Recently, I read Shift by Em Bailey. Most horrible, anti-climactic ending of any book I've read. What made it worse was that there was a massive ending-like (if that makes sense) plot twist right at the middle of the book. It felt like the book had been chopped apart and put back together in the wrong order.

    6) In your opinion, what's the worst genre to read for pleasure?


  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    1. Probably the Great Gatsby, although I don't know why. It just didn't hold my interest in high school and I reread it and had to force my way through.

    2. Zoey's pretty bad. Aside from Bella Swan, I don't know of any worse.

    3. I hated the cover for the Casual Vacancy, although I'm probably one of the few people who loved it (impossibly depressing, but I cried for days...anything that can affect me so much...)

    4. I try to avoid romance like the plague. I did get suckered into reading something self-published that was pretty unbelievable. It was gay romance too - I wanted so much to like it, but the writing! UGH.

    5. That's tough because if I don't like it, I usually don't finish. One that comes to mind is The Ruling Class by Francine Pascal. It was told in present tense and the way it ended gave the mental image that the girl was writing as it was happening. Dreadful.

    6. No idea, but I will say when Borders was going out of business I went in on the last day to see if I could get anything at a discount. All that was left was Amish fiction. Who knew there was so much of it? I couldn't imagine it being very interesting, LOL

  • 8 years ago

    1. A Passage to India by EM Forster I had seen the movie and it was richer; the book lacked the visuals of the film, which I needed to bring it to life. It is the only book I have read that paled compared to the film: the film was not an expanded adaptation, it was faithful to the book, yet brought so much more to the experience.

    2. Heathcliff (Bronte sister romance -- Wuthering Heights?)


    4. Heathcliff (ibid)

    5. There have been a few -- what are they?? The ones that leave me saying "Whaaaa? I read through all this for *that*?"

    6. Harlequin Romances

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    1) Worst classic is definitely George Orwells 1984: the characters were so.... lame, cowardly and irritating. It completely ruined the book. I especially hated the girlfriend of the main character who was supposed to be a "radical free thinker rebel" but was actually just a backstabbing and disgusting skank. I actually forced myself to agree with Obrien (the crazy bad guy in the novel) because i hated the main characters so much.

    2) Worst protagonist: Anyone from a ray bradbury short story. They get angry at any small little thing, flip out, get a gun and start killing everyone.

    3)Worst book cover: The phantom tollbooth. Great book, kindergarten level art for book cover.

    4)Worst romantic interest: not sure, i avoid romance novels like the plague.

    5) Worst ending: The Dark Tower by stephan king... frustrating ending, after 7 books he ends the series like that????

    6) Worst genre for pleasure: Romance novels

    7) worst book ever made?: Nausea by sartre, just no.... just no sartre, go away. So boring.

  • 1) I have yet to find a classic that I actually like, since realistic fiction doesn't appeal to me much at all. The worst is probably... The Outsiders (that's a classic isn't it?). I didn't like the characters, the writing didn't connect with me, and the plot as a whole reaaaaaally bored me.

    2) Probably Lady Sandrilene fa Toren "Sandry" from Sandry's Book by Tamora Pierce (which is the worst book I have ever read in my entire life). I've never come across a character with less personality. She was completely flat and dull.

    3) It was probably the cover for "Goddess of the Night" by Kristyn Brandi. I found it in my school library, and though the book itself was really quite good, the cover looks like it was hand-drawn by a teenager (and actually it probably was).

    4) I hate to be so cliche, but ya, Twilight was probably the worst -__-

    5) Definitely the ending to Sandry's Book by Tamora Pierce >>.<< It was as flat and uneventful as the rest of the book. Sandry's Book had no plot, no conflict, no interesting events in the least, and the ending was no different. Worst book ever written.

    6) For me, it's romance novels -__- Things like Nicholas Sparks.


  • 5 years ago

    Just studying these answers are going to provide me a nightmare pondering of if these musicians formed a band. Worst Vocalist: Chad Kroeger Worst Drummer: Meg White (despite the fact that I do just like the White Stripes) Worst Bassist: Nikki Sixx Worst Guitarist: Herman Lee

  • 8 years ago

    1. I dont know if it counts as a "classic" but 1984 but George Orwell

    2.Hm...don't know if I've encountered one yet

    3. Again, most are okay. Some of those covers from the 80s and 90s are pretty scary/boring

    4. Er, Twilight. Ha ha!

    5. Hunger Games. You don't make both Peeta and Katniss live! It's cowardly.

    6. Errotica and anything chalk full of stupid, silly romance

  • 8 years ago

    1)Kate Chopin's The Awakening. I finished the book and I understand and appreciate the value that people see in it, but I just didn't like it.

    2)Bella Swan=useless character

    3)O Iluminado- Just awful

    4)Defintely Twilight- As bad to watch as to read all of the romance is so cliche and unstylish. In my opinion.

    5)Tempted- The ending both of the main characters die and then the ending is so abrupt. After reading pages which seemed blank.

    6)I think sci-fi. I find it monotonous to read; not to watch.

    Source(s): A decent bookshelf
  • 1) I haven't read many classics

    2) I just couldn't bring myself to like the main character of Anthem. He seemed selfish, arrogant and weak to me.

    3) I don't know

    4) I don't know I like Twilight though.

    5) The last line of the last book in the Animorph's series was "Ram the battleship" It made me so mad.

    6) I don't know.

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