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Are you concerned about a lost generation abandoned by Obama? Conservatives show they are, what about the left?

Have Americans recognized yet how dismal and increasingly useless credentials have become with the ugly economy and employers’ avoidance of graduates here in favor of H-1B's, LPR's and illegal migrants for jobs?

Government data shows more than 750,000 H-1B visas having been awarded under Obama, including renewals, in response to employers claiming our domestic workforce hasn't been sufficiently trained for their jobs. The State Department issues this special visa once an employer petitions for, then guarantees a job for the foreign national to secure a coveted H-1B visa that's growing in numbers under Obama's shift from American workers to outsiders his Administration favors.

That doesn't touch the 1.1 million LPR's awarded green cards for each of the President's first few years, which has been upped to nearly 1.25 million more recently. Those on the left in support of increasing immigration numbers who claim national sovereignty is outdated, continue their fight to boost that count to 2 million. For perspective, the highest workforce participation rate according to BLS statistics belongs to Hispanic males who are employed at 81.7% of their recognizable numbers in the U.S. The next highest group of participants is foreign born males, who show a 79.6% workforce participation rate. Lagging behind those prized and almost always working individuals are native born college graduates, including those with masters, doctorates and professional degrees, at a 75.0% participation rate. For the math challenged here, our brightest and best educated home-grown talent lags behind south-of-the-Border newcomers by 6.7% for employment after completing their extensive higher education training.

Pair those puzzling numbers with the loss of 107 million jobs through early October, according to summarized Department of Labor data released every Thursday by the ETA, since January 24, 2009, and there should be little misunderstanding about why nearly three times as many unemployed have been dropped from BLS counts as those returned to work under this Administration. Keep in mind, as well, the Digest of Education Statistics shows just over 3.5 million college graduates, including those with advance degrees, for five successive years now under Obama. Between 1.1 and 1.2 million high school graduates choose to enter the workforce without higher education credentials, and several hundred thousand more are prepped and ready for employment through trade schools annually. With the undergraduate rate of enrollees who never complete degrees ranging from 35 to 38% over the past five years, another million-plus need to be factored into numbers of our age-appropriate newcomers looking for entry into the workforce.

Together, the above data from secondary and post-secondary institutions nationwide, show at least 28 to 30 million of our own young adults seeking jobs since Obama's been in Office. Pair that with the H-1B visa newcomers, the nearly 6 million LPR's, and the increasing, unabated migration across the Southern Border this Administration demands ICE and Border Patrol agents apply "prosecutorial discretion" for (a euphemism for catch-and-release policies without threat of arrest) in place of actual enforcement of laws across the region, and there are another 10 million-plus newcomers desperate for jobs in the President’s painfully shrunken economy.

Back to the ETA real nationwide counts, employers' payroll records showed a workforce of 133,886,830 gainfully employed contributors to the economy in January 2009. That number has come back from 8.3 million jobs lost by midyear 2011 to a total of 129,827,178 in September, which remains 4,059,652 workers down from the workforce Obama inherited. That's right. This Administration remains more than 4 million jobs down on the DOL's verified nationwide counts, which differs from the BLS' survey-based estimates, especially on seasonally adjusted figures, while almost 40 million newcomers were ready and sought entry to the workforce.

Do you think a few are going to be left behind, especially in light of the foreign born workers being hired ahead of our own graduates? It's safe to assume tens of millions of the soon-to-be 107 million experienced workers who filed as new registrants for unemployment after job losses are still in search of survival income. Aren't you glad we're told regularly how the economy has turned and the Obama Administration has worked its magic to provide opportunities for all in his wondrous, impressive economy? Perhaps, somewhere in the President's stoner's mind from years ago, referenced in his autobiographical texts, there is such a thing somewhere for a small percentage of Americans. Maybe we're supposed to be satisfied the American dream is increasingly available to foreigners.


For those unwilling to follow the link above over concern for the political implications of letters in the IP address, I'll include an alternative site for Schlafly's well-written commentary. In addition, the ETA data is linked through the Rocky Mountain Perspective site.

Update 2:

Kevin - You apparently didn't read the sentence all the way through, because it mentioned ETA counts "since January 24, 2009," which covers the entirety of Obama's time in Office. Of course the figures are mind-boggling and hard to accept, yet they're on display in Excel charts at the Rocky Mountain Perspective website. The soon-to-be 107 million jobs lost little more than a week into October is very real and frighteningly indicative of the economic situation scores of millions of Americans remain outcast from and in survival mode over the blood-letting.

Update 3:

Rick - The overall number of illegal migrants removed from the country, overwhelmingly Mexican Nationals, by the way, has dropped like the anchor newcomers have abused and misused our system to birth on U.S. soil, only this time the anchor sinks at sea. The average numbers of foreign nationals removed and repatriated has dropped to roughly a third of the average number deported in the stretch from 1998 to the turn of 2002. Average deportations, calculated by returns and removals together exceeded 1.8 million during that stretch. Across the entirety of Bush's Presidency, the average was more than 1.1 million. The past two years under Obama's prosecutorial discretion mandate have averaged just over 600,000, with early 2013 data showing closer to the half million mark. I’ll include a link to a New York immigration attorneys' law office site, because of how well it shows the numbers mentioned above. Following that is a link to the DHS’ Yearbook of Immigration Statistics site,..

Update 4:

Rick (cont.) - which is far behind its expected release date for the 2012 Yearbook. Prior years are available, and charts in the Enforcement section show what’s mentioned above, along with what's posted at the Amoachi & Johnson site. Videos, which include ICE Agents' Union Director Chris Crane testifying before Congress, then the Union's suit against appointees Morton and Napolitano, should make the reality clear enough. In spite of the propaganda, the number and rate of deportations has fallen-off DRAMATICALLY under Obama, while foreigners have taken jobs millions of Americans desperately needed.

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am concerned. But the problem is two-fold.

    Not only is the younger generation being failed, we who are over 55 are apparently just supposed to wander off and die. Not to mention the "middle class" is an endangered species, having been under attack for decades and every 10 years their assets get wiped out by engineered economic problems.

    Obama did not invent this. He just took the Ship of State to warp speed in the same wrong direction it has been going for a long time. Don;t forget the role the Federal Reserve banksters play in all this.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    There is only a Far Right in the USA and a Less-far Right. There is no Left in the USA.

    Personally, I've taken my talents and education and emigrated to a country which wants me. The USA belongs to plutocrats. The politicians are like Jannissaries and court eunuchs serving the 1% and not benefitting me, no matter which team they play for.

  • 8 years ago

    I don't think so about the left!! they see this shut down as Right sanctioned!!!

    what they fail to realize is if obama would of just sat down, negotiated, compromised, in good faith, the government would not be taking a paid holiday!!!

    doesn't it bring back memories of when clinton shut down the government? in the last thirty years, that's since George the First and then some, it's been liberals/democrats that have shut the government down!!!! wonder why this is!!!

  • Talyn
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I don't believe that "Lost Generation" is applicable, as there haven't been any widescale wars that have wiped out 90% of the 18-30 year old age bracket in the United States.

    But that's just me. Not using historical terms for something as silly as modern day politics.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    There is only one group of people that Obama hates with a passion: U.S. born white wage earning males.

  • Golfer
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    In my day libs were compassionate and today the are heartless, bitter and stupid aka Harry Reid, in my opinion and observation.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I don't get it. The "lost" generation of which you write was a specific GOAL of the conservatives. They're the ones who argue that the richer you are, the more you "deserved" it, and the poorer you are, the more you "deserved" that too.

    As for immigration, you seem to have left out the number of people deported or denied residency. Until you show that that number has decreased under Obama (and it hasn't), your point means absolutely nothing.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    "107 million jobs through early October" You realize that's about one third of the US population losing their jobs in less than a month. I think your numbers are screwy.

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