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Is the federal government unnecessarily shutting down some things to make sure the public suffers?

There are many places and services in the federal government that are being shut down due to not having the personnel to operate facilities. This is reasonable because of the federal shutdown. (Not arguing if the shutdown is reasonable). There also seems to be some things being shutdown simply to annoy the general public. Why is it necessary to shut down roadside observation parking areas in some national parks that are free to enter? This is being done at the Grand Canyon and in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park that I have heard so far. These are unmanned parking/scenic observation areas along roads that are remaining open. They are also closing down hiking trails which may make some sense because there would not be rescue workers if something happens but people hike at their own risk at all times.

So is it really necessary to close parking lots or are they doing to put anger the public so they will put pressure on Congress?

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