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Should employers be held legally responsible for accidents and injuries?

Should employers be held legally responsible for accidents and injuries sustained by their employees on their way to and from their workplace? Why or Why not ?

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Are you NUTS?

    How in the H.E.11 is it the employer's problem if somebody drives like an idiot, or for THAT matter, if somebody ELSE drives like an idiot and causes a crash???????????

    You've been brainwashed by bleeding heart liberals, who believe NOTHING is their fault.

    I can't take any more of this.............I'm out!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    It is commonly understood that the employer has no responsibility until the employee reaches their workplace. If this were not true, then it could lead to several strange circumstances, such as an employee being fired for getting a traffic ticket outside of work or for moving to a home that is too great a distance from work, or in a less-safe location like on a mountain. Most employees like the fact that those things are none of the employer's business.

  • 8 years ago

    Are you serious? Most of the time they shouldn't even be held responsible for stupidity at work. It's the same as if someone is a guest in your home, & they stick a fork in aplug in to see if it works or the appliance is bad. Only in cases where an employer has been told by numerous people that something is unsafe or needs to be corrected should they be held responsible.

    Remember, every lawsuit including workman's comp & medical malpractice ends up with the consumer paying for it. Progressives think that lawsuits only hits the rich insurance companies & corporations in the pocket book. Not true at all. Even when they push for higher corporate taxes. We pay it, not the corporation. Those costs are passed onto the consumer.

    I really wish people would start thinking for a change.

  • 8 years ago

    They should not be responsible, since they do not have any control over the employee's environment and actions except when the employee is at work.

    If you believe the opposite, then you would also have to agree that:

    - Schools are responsible for accidents and injuries of students on the way to or from school

    - Friends and family are responsible for accidents and injuries of their friends or family members on the way to or from their home

    - Stores are responsible for accidents and injuries of customers on the way to or from the store

    ... etc. etc. etc....

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  • 8 years ago

    Really? Because on your way to and from work you are on your own time. You are not on the clock so your employer is not responsible for you. Here's an about some personal responsibility here?

  • 8 years ago

    Not to or from; only when "on the clock." One of the basic rules of management is to match authority with responsibility - if you are responsible for something you must have authority over it. If the employer is to be responsible for your driving to and from work he also must be able to set the rules the same as they are set during your working hours and even to fire you for getting a ticket on the way to or from work.

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