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ProLifers: How would you solve the population problem?

The U.N.'s projection for the planet is 9.6 billion by 2050. In the U.S. the population is expected to rise to 438 million (mostly dark-skinned) people.

What is the REAL problem with abortion? Is it lack of eduction? Not the best birth control? Too many people having sexual relations out of wedlock?

Be honest now.

24 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They don't seem to understand that women are going to have abortions whether they're legal or not. They want to drive pregnant women into the back alleys and attics and possibly die of severe infections than accept that it be done under sterile and safe conditions. That way, they can feel more "moral."

    They also think that "abortion is murder," and believe that doctors that perform the procedure should be charged with murder. As for the woman, she should be "counselled." If an abortion is murder, then asking for an abortion is a conspiracy to commit first-degree murder - which is a capital crime in many states. Both the woman and the doctor should be executed.

    The most crazy of the "Pro-lifers" are men - who will never need one. There's a logical train there that is worthy of a person with severe schizophrenia. Some of them should be locked up - there's such a complete disconnect from reality, that a psychiatrist would have them in a hospital and on strong antipsychotic medication.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    By doing what they always do and saying that the " problem " is an hysterical Liberal fantasy

    @ Taylor

    You're wrong

    I'm sixty years old and the US population has doubled in my lfetime

    US Population July 1, 1953 160.18 million

    US Poulation Nov 1, 2013 316.99 million

    In fact if the half of the ppl on Spaceship Earth vanished in the next 15 minutes the population of Spaceship Earth would return to it's current amount in< 35 years

  • 7 years ago

    The notion of over population is leading to a much lower regard for human life. That is not a good trend imo. Of course, poverty, hunger, and under development leads to many infant deaths in the undeveloped parts of the world as it is. There are many conflicting philanthropic efforts going on in the world all at the same time. China is considering doing away with their 1 child limit law.

    Population control was an issue particularly after the boomers were born. Zero population (meaning to limit family size to replacing yourselves) was a big deal when I started my family back in the late 60's, early 70's. There is little doubt in my mind that abortion has more to do with population control than women's rights. Gay marriage the same. Those couples won't be adding to the population and look how this is being pushed by the government. Also more and more government intrusion into family life.

  • 7 years ago


    If people were more conscious of consequences and more willing to be responsible in the first place, abortion numbers would dwindle.

    I do not support abortion, but I am actually pro-choice as it is not my place to dictate how another deals with their life. Adoption is a better alternative, but the bottom line is that if you know you cannot support a child, make better decisions to prevent it from becoming a problem in the first place. Yes, this is not a catch all concept, but the number of abortions show just how much apathy is really out there.

    The Warlock

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    By pointing out the densest populations are also the most prosperous.

    By allowing REALITY to function instead of trying to over-ride it as you demand. As population BECOMES a problem, reality itself WILL slow and in fact REVERSE population growth. the WORST possible case being through rather sudden "die-back," which no rational person finds particularly likely and with which you certainly have no objection.

    The REAL problem is that it is an INITIATION of lethal force.

    Another REAL problem is that an entire political faction ENCOURAGES it AND legislates, litigates and lobbies to PREVENT education relating thereto.

    Be honest now. You, of all people, surely knew that already.

  • 7 years ago

    People thinking abortion is the best way to go is wrong. Neither side would have an argument if people learned to control themselves better. Birth control and a condom for those that have low self control, and abstinence for those with high self control. Some people breed solely for the government check as well.

  • 7 years ago

    So, your solution to the problem of 'over population' then, is to kill the children. Brilliant. Genius!

    Well, here's an option, use a bloody condom! A simple, buck fifty sheath of rubber that stops the issue dead in its tracks! (I don't even trust the pill. There are too many 'pill babies' out there.) And yet it seems that the high technical complexities of this simple device are still above the capabilities of so many!

    New Flash, dear girl, pregnancy is 100% avoidable. Yes, 100%, if you have even half a clue.

    Source(s): <-- Been having frequent sex with women for over 35 years and have never unintentionally impregnated a woman. Really, it isn't that hard.
  • 7 years ago

    Low, Low fertility surpassing all the predictions make most graphs false-

    the aging we've done is a guarantee that we can't keep growing--

    Why the continued--PRETEND?-- belief in Population growth, explosion or even "problems"?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Well, I'm fairly open minded on the abortion issue. When you talk about it as a means of population control it is sickening. Would you be for forced abortions, or child limits? How about deciding who can breed? With your logic why don't we neuter all black children at birth?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I figure our durable little foes in the microorganism world will sort this problem out for us in due time. It happens in the animal kingdom when the humping and breeding exceeds the carrying capacity of the land, and they get sick and die off to a manageable and hearty population. We just haven't reached that tipping point yet, but we will.

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