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Lv 5
Rookie asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 7 years ago

Is it necessary to split the ‘Spirit’ and ‘Soul’?

It’s easy to understand that our body is the organism containing our five senses with which we contact all the things of the physical in the material realm but I struggle to understand the distinction between ‘Spirit’ and ‘Soul’ and wonder if it’s actually helpful or necessary to do so.

My understanding is that they are both mental processes:

The ‘Soul’ is a ‘processing’ function of our mind, resulting in emotion and rationality allowing our organism to interact with the physical world.

Our ‘Spirit’ is a ‘qualitative’ function of the mind but defines our individuality through our values, conscience, intuition, and relationship with others.

Any thoughts?


Thanks for the brilliant answers so far.

I now realise that I have been taking the 'mind' for granted as a process of the organism allowing existential awareness. This may not the case but shows that my question should include the 'body' which is intrinsically linked to both spirit and soul (whatever they may be)

8 Answers

  • Raja
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Spirits are separate elements. Soul is nothing but a power like electricity or a state of functionality of a body. But most of the people think that soul has a form, but I don't think so. Human's senses are six, not five. The mind which is empty in birth is filled gradually with knowledge, feelings, emotions, interests etc. A human mind is almost like a computer's mind. It can work only within the stuff fed in it. The difference is, something strange or new may appear in human mind. The reason is, all knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything which are separate spirits or invisible elements can induce new thoughts in your mind as per situation and need. When you think i.e., when you accept this thought there starts the arrival of a new one. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.

    After death no one is going to be anything. Can you remember what all happened to you when you were a baby? You forget everything very soon. Even at the age of six, you don't know what happened to you when you were a baby. We are still new born babies. What you see in you, may be changes of intelligence or changes of behaviour, manners etc., whatever may be, are spirits - real spirits. That's why certain people during their deadly accidents lose everything and remains like a baby. During these accidents, the extremity of shock drives the spirits away from the body or contact. Their behaviour changes or go back to a level according to the number of spirits they have lost. After death all becomes nothing.

    There is no hell or heaven for human beings. They are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. We are like other creatures except that we have an additional sense (sixth sense). This sense had changed only the living conditions of the human beings but not the fate. The fate is almost same to all creatures including human beings.

  • Jesere
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You mention 5 senses what about the 6th sense?

    Spirit and Soul are the same thing and some refer to it as Consciousness

    The Mind is where the Spirit/Soul/Consciousness is,

    not to be confused with the Brain which is Physical

    The Mind has to work through the Brain which is very limiting while we inhabit the Physical Body and it is the Mind where all thought and "Mental Process" originates.

    The Mind does not need the Brain or Physical Body to exist,

    But the Physical Body and Brain need the Mind to exist...

    When you have an OBE (Out o Body Experience)

    it is the Mind which leaves the Physical Body,

    when I have my OBE's I still feel like I have a body

    and I walk, think, talk and function like I am still Me...

    I have had OBE's for over 50 years

    When one returns to the Physical Body you feel so very heavy

    I know we are Spiritual Beings having a Physical Expereince

  • Mr-Kay
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    For me it is my own experience, I try not to define it all. I think just knowing when you are more dominate in certain modes etc.

    Being the witness to those thoughts, feelings, emotions.

    Helps a lot, rather than judging and labeling them.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    this may sound insane, but i can tell you with absolute certainty, your body has something else you might like to call a sixth sense. One of the things it allows is precognitive dreaming. I accept the body is nothing but an organism though, its a biological machine. I dont believe in a spirit or soul either, everyone will become dirt just as i will.

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  • Thomas
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    This is a problem that Aristotle could not solve. Let's take the traditional model of the universe of Christianity, that there is a Heaven and that God dwells on the level of Pure Spirit. Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth". So, first there is God who has always existed, then God creates Heaven and other celestial beings like angels. And then the physical universe is created. So, we have 3 levels, God, Heaven and the physical universe. Heaven and God are on different levels or dimensions. Aristotle didn't know about other dimensions, so he struggled with the problem. And modern science and philosophy is also baffled by the problem. But scientists theorize about other dimensions but don't know what those other dimensions are like. There are a number of parts to the problem. In Heaven there are buildings and roads and beings are in bodies. Heaven has its own Periodic Table of Elements, as it were, their own elements, but with different frequencies than our own. What are the bodies of beings in heaven made of? Angels are not just clouds. They have form. The bodies in Heaven are made of the materials of Heaven. The way people's bodies on earth are made of the same material as desks and chairs and tables, because we are carbon based life forms, so too the beings in Heaven are in bodies made of the materials of Heaven, the kind of elements that the roads and buildings in Heaven are made of. There is also the level of Mind, which allows us on the level of the physical universe to know God. Mind acts as an intermediate level in the physical universe which allows us to know God. In Heaven mind becomes less important because we can commune more directly with God. The levels in Heaven become increasingly more spiritual as we progress through ascending levels of Heaven.

    The soul is what records our memories and is made of the material of Heaven. The soul is in another dimension, the dimension of the first level of Heaven.

    When we ascend through the increasingly spiritual levels of Heaven, we reach the level of Pure Spirit. But we are just reaching the first level of Pure Spirit. It is like an ocean. There is a difference between the deepest part of the ocean and a part of the ocean near the surface. The ocean is very vast and very deep. Spirit is Spirit and the Soul is in between Matter and Spirit.

  • Joppa
    Lv 6
    7 years ago


    thats all it is

    and you can approach the spirit/soul in whichever way you can imagine

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    complex thing seek on google and yahoo just that might help

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