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Barcode asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 7 years ago

Why is it when some asker doesn't agree w/your answer, they always report it as a violation?

Pretty much discourages one from participating.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They don't.

    As others said, it's more likely you broke the guidelines on format, and someone else (most likely multiple users) reported the answer.

    One issue is that you *must* attempt to answer the question asked. For instance, if someone asks a specific medical question, "Why are you asking people that are not qualified to make a diagnosis?" is not viewed as an answer. Nor are answers along the lines of "I agree with <username>" - even if you do, you *must* also answer the question yourself.

    And there are belligerent answers: telling the asker they're "stupid" or similar is likely to be in breach of the guideline on belligerent language.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    More than likely, it was because you violated a guideline and the asker or somebody else deleted it as a result. Don't always blame the person asking the question, it will lead to many unwarranted fights to innocent users who have no idea why you're attacking them. I've already seen many fights break out between users for that reason alone.

  • 7 years ago

    When some Asker does not agree with your Answer, they always give BEST ANSWER to someone else.

    Do you know (according to legend,) that if you really didn't do anything wrong, and you challenge your Deletion, you will get your points back? (COULD IT BE TRUE??? Wow!)

  • Grinch
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You have no way of knowing which user reports your answer, and in most cases it takes at least 2 users reporting before your question is deleted.

    If you answer opinion-based questions rather than those seeking actual information, you're more likely to be chatting and/or arguing with the user who asked the question rather than actually answering the question, so your answers are likely being reported for one of those reasons. Not because someone simply did not like it or agree with it.

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  • 7 years ago

    That isn't supposed to be the case, and I don't think it happens as often as people like to think it does. Disagreement isn't a reason for reporting something, only if a rule is broken are we supposed to report. The problem is, many users don't understand the rules, therefore they often assume they are being reported due to somebody disagreeing with them - or that reporter trolls are "attacking" them.

    Bear in mind that very few people here have "one strike" ability to remove content. Content is removed when enough reports are received to outweigh the "trust rating" (TR) of the person being reported. Which normally takes a number of reports, which means a number of users saw the content as being a violation. Which raises the likelihood that it really was. Plus, staff has indicated that over 90% of reporting IS valid, which also raises that likelihood. Finally, users with "one strike" ability have EARNED that ability through valid, correct reporting over a period of time. Which means that they aren't likely to jeopardize that ability by false reporting, just because they disagree with somebody.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It's because u tell all do us that dumb **** about genetics and it's not right and u post it on every question!!!!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You hurt their feelings so they get revenge.

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