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Do victims of abuse, rape, murder etc go to hell too or is there a special place where they will go?

They say there is only two places humans will go once they die. Hell for bad people and Heaven for God worshipping perfect people. But what about those who are in the middle? The ones that arent perfect but are still good peopel. what about those who are alread living a miserable life? Those who have been abused , bullied , etc? The victims? Do they go to hell too? I think its not fair tht the God doesnt really give you much option. Either you worship him and go to heaven, or dont worship him and end up goin to hell, even if your a good person. You have to worship him, thats your only way to get to heaven. I think its unfair. Where would all the jews that died in the hollocaust go? The black people that were enslaved by white man and murdered and raped? What about the native americans that were killed? What about all children caught in wars etc, will all these people go to hell to. Isnt all this chaos and mmisery on earth already enough hell for humans? Why is God soo cruel. What kind of God is he?


Not to mention, God the father, was not there for all these people during their time of need. He was not there to protect them even when they prayed to him. Peopel say, if you seek God he will answer you, but that never happens. So many innocent peopel suffer and are always praying to God but he never cares for them. But people say, he will answer us when the time is right, but that never seems to happen either. Im starting to lose my religion. If i end up in hell, oh well.

12 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There likely isn't a heaven/hell. But for those who believe there is, it's as simple as this:

    ABUSERS, RAPISTS, THIEVES, MURDERERS and all-around BAD GUYS go to HEAVEN if they say: "Oops! Sorry! Ok, you're the one true god and I believe it" to the god (the victim is irrelevant)

    the VICTIMS go to HELL if they don't believe and can't forgive their abuser (even if he/she didn't try saying sorry)

  • Linda
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    They say? Ok, why don't we blame God? After all, humans are so much smarter. We can tell because, they say.

    Or, we could read the bible. Isn't that an interesting idea? Then we could discover that, no where in it, does it offer man the opportunity to go to heaven or threaten man with a place called hell.

    If you would like to know what it does say, you can contact Jehovah's witnesses and ask for a free bible study.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    When we die, our bodies are dead, our spirits are in a spirit realm where they await resurrection. Where a person awaits the resurrection depends on their faith in Jesus Christ. Those who accept him are in paradise, and those who reject him await in spirit prison. All those who never had an opportunity to hear the message of God will be waiting in paradise, all little children will be waiting in Paradise too. Only those who had opportunity to reject Christ and did, will be in spirit prison. God isn't cruel, the people in prison are more comfortable there than they would be in paradise. Upon resurrection we go before the judgment of Christ and get assigned our eternal reward, according to what we accepted, believed, and did. A Christian who did not live as a Christian won't be better than an Atheist. "Faith without works is dead". Those who have overcome will receive the greatest rewards.

  • 7 years ago

    But they are not guilty are they?

    They are more likely given a place in a type of hospital or healing sanctuary in Heaven!

    I hope that these victims are amongst those who have their tears washed away in heaven, as God has promised; they certainly will if they turn to God for healing and mercy - for not one of us is free from guilt, a small sin, misdeed or bad attitude soils our soul/spirit. But Jesus has suffered for every sin that mankind has committed so Divine forgiveness is for ALL - even truly repentant rapists and murderers.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Hell and Heaven does not exist.

    Why would an all-loving God send VICTIMS to a horrible place? Doesn't make very much sense.

  • 7 years ago

    I dont believe in hell. If god is a perfect soul then why would he be ok with people burning in hell for eternity. It makes no sense.Also God is a jealous god yet jealousy is one of the seven deadly sins. The bible contradicts itself everywhere.

  • 7 years ago

    nobody knows or ever will know,,until we die. there is no way a human mind is capable of knowing or conceiving the notions of heaven or hell. we can state what we believe in our minds to be. period.

  • 7 years ago

    Riddle me this, all ye who still believe in God.

    In the Garden of Eden, when Adam ate the apple, why Did God let this happen either...

    1. God wanted human kind to suffer for all eternity.

    2. God is not all knowing, and did not forsee this.

    Either way, god lies about himself, talk about a narcissist.

  • 7 years ago

    heaven isn't for "good" people. there are no "good" people. we are all sinners. according to the bible, John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that who ever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting (or eternal) life."

    EVERYONE is capable of being saved by accepting Jesus as your savior and living your life for God. it doesn't matter what you've been through or what you've done. all that matters is that you give your life to God and be sincere and repent for your sins. Christians are not sin free but we are set free from sin meaning we aren't tied down by it. Find a good REAL Christian church, pray for help to find one. you can have an immediate connection to God if you want one. Just talk to him.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    No such thing as Hell *****

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