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Do you believe the Bible has the final authority?

I've heard many Christians say "If it isn't in the Bible, it isn't true." I ask "Why" and the answer seems to be common: "The Bible has the final authority."

Jesus Christ did not say all authority is given to the books, He said all authority is given to HIM. While the Bible is true, its still black and white words that has gone through numerous translations.

Do you believe the Bible has the final authority or does God?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. I believe God has the final authority and the Bible is a guide to help you live the way God wants you to. God blessed us with the holy spirit to help us discern right from wrong and I use this to help when there are questions on weather I should go by the book or not.

  • Frost
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I myself am a Christian.

    That being said, it's not true that if "it's not in the bible than it's not true". A latent finger print lifted from a crime scene that identifies a person is true, and yet you won't find a forensic science section in the Bible.

    There's a balance. What I hear, are atheists always claiming that people who believe in God dismiss science altogether, and that it also not true. I believe science has an amazing ability to put pieces together accurately for the most part, by learning our past, present, and sometimes even predicting the future through science.

    But do I believe that the Bible has a final authority when science produces a theory claiming the Bible is wrong, then yes, the Bible has the final authority.

    The 2nd most popular complaint that I hear from people who bash Christians is that "Christians are all nothing but arrogant". But to me, the biggest arrogance you can exercise is that belief that Man is the acme of evolution, the top of the food chain, and that we don't answer to a higher power. To me, that belief is as arrogant as you can possibly get.

  • 7 years ago

    In a way yes and in a way no. To be honest there are a lot of rules that don't apply to today, such as selling your daughter off into slavery, and girls requiring long hair to basically veil themselves and men to have short hair and be more masculine. I think what's important in the bible is not exactly the specific details, but the love and hope and faith. Never take anything for literal in the bible. If you do that you can misuse the bible to push others down. The truth is that YOU have to read the bible and interpret it for yourself. That's why there's so many denominations. There's no one way to read the book. Just remember the love and compassion and everything falls into place. Don't be a sheep. Be a shepherd and lead people in the path you believe to be right.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    No- it was written by people-

    the bible was created during the council of Nicea- 325ad-where they took the ideas in separate church documents (what you know as the different chapters or sections) and decided which books made the cut and which books didn't - Then over the years their collection has been translated and words and meanings change through these translations.-

    It is still the words and work of man- even if you believe that it was influenced by God-

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The Bible has no authority it's a book even though the authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write it the Bible it however is incapable of making doctoral decisions in matters of the faith and moral teachings. Which is why Jesus having the authority given His authority to govern over His Church to the Apostles. As Christ said it Himself His Commandments are inscribed upon our hearts not inscribed in stone or inked on paper. Christ being both God and Man given His authority to men whom He would have sent the Holy Spirit to instruct them in matters of the faith and moral teachings.

    Remember Jesus given the keys to Heaven and earth to St. Peter to bind and let loose in which under St. Peter his brother Apostles hold this authority to bind and let loose. What is bound here on earth is bound in Heaven, what is let loose here on earth is let loosed in Heaven.

    Where in Scripture does it state the Bible has authority? It doesn't.

  • 7 years ago

    The bible has the final authority in instances of personal revelation. If what you discern is not compatible with what the bible teaches, it is not from God. That is how that phrase is interpreted.

  • 7 years ago

    I have the final authority. It is by my authority that I even consider the Bible.

  • 7 years ago

    I hope not! What could possibly go wrong if you live your life following ancient laws written in dead languages by ignorant, racist, sexist, superstitious barbarians who believed everything they could not explain in the world was magic?

  • 7 years ago



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