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Lv 4
? asked in PetsCats · 7 years ago

Cat meows even more?

I asked a question a couple days ago on how to get my cat to stop meowing all the time at the top of his lungs.

I have tried giving him food, he has two cat companions plus a dog. So he isn't lonely or hungry. All my pets have access to water 24/7 so he isnt' thirsty.

Over the course of the past two days he has started meowing even more. Now he does it almost all day (Quite literally) he does it walk walking, sitting, hiding, getting attention, during everything.

He has the markings of a flame point Siamese, but he's not a Siamese. He's not even remotely part Siamese (I've seen his lineage) he's not even oriental. I know Siamese cats meow a lot, and other oriental breeds are known for being chatty.

I have tried playing with him to wear him out during the day, but he is so slow when playing. It would take probably around 2-3 days to wear him out for one night, he is that slow to play.

I need ideas again on how to help my cat chill out and stop meowing all the time. People here do need sleep, and he gets louder once the house is quiet.


He's been checked by a vet, nothing is wrong with him. He is cross eyed but his vision is fine.

He is fixed.

Update 2:

He's been checked by a vet, nothing is wrong with him. He is cross eyed but his vision is fine.

He is fixed.

Update 3:

His bowel movements are normal, and pees just fine. And he's slow to play because he is cross eyed, he has issues keeping track of toys (Yes even mice or large toys he's playing with)

He has been checked by a vet, more than once. He is healthy, he's not in pain.

The meows he does aren't in pain or anything of the sort, he does it like he's searching. He wont meow if my other male cat is there grooming him, but unless that cat is near he is meowing.

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If your cat is healthy -- you said you had him checked out by a vet -- then there are two possibilities.

    First, it could be an emotional problem. Was he a stray? Feral? Abused? Did he have a recent possible trauma? You may need to really meditate on all this, because cats are complex and sensitive, and the smallest event can traumatize them.

    You seem to be doing everything you would do to placate a troubled cat, so it seems this is unlikely.

    Second, your cat is part Siamese, and may have just gotten the yappy gene, and gotten it in spades. This is often the problem with getting mutt dogs and moggie cats -- they can be trait lottery, and you can get a dog that is goofy and cute looking but who has the killer instincts of a terrier.

    Your cat may just be developing his talking, and this could have been prompted by some minor experience. However, if it is genetic, then you are stuck with it, and have to find a way of dealing with the situation. The problem with a yappy cat is that it is often a sign of high intelligence, which makes dealing with the cat even more difficult. Maybe there is something that can quiet him down. Maybe he needs a playmate? Maybe music will soothe him. Maybe if you just have a conversation with him, he will quiet down.

    I had a tom cat who was a yapper, and he got this from his father. Both cats would walk and talk, wherever they were -- and not just meowing, but all sorts of talky sounds. I hate to say it, because I do not advocate this at all, but my cat shut up once he went outside and had the opportunity to tire himself out. There was no way I could give him the stimulation he needed.

    Consult your vet about the possibility of this being an emotional or psychological problem. He should be able to offer some insight. If worse comes to worse, look into putting the cat on medication. He may be the feline equivalent of a kid with ADHD, and it is better to put him on meds than let him out (my cat was eventually poisoned and died).

  • Jess
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    My cat meows at 6 in the morning when I am in bed. For a few nights I'll put him in a room with my other cat and he will be fine again for a couple days but when I do come out of my room he only cuddles for a couple minutes and walks away. press and make sure he is not hurting physically somewhere, you might have to take him to the vet. I think my cat just has seperation anxiety

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    His meowing may be his way of dealing with not being able to see very well--like sending out a message to everyone who can hear that he's there and he wants someone to pay attention...all the time. Being cross-eyes, even a little, can make a cat feel a bit inferior and insecure so his making a loud sound may be his way of coping --"hey, I'm walking here!"

  • J C
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Has he been checked by the vet? Cats that are losing their vision or hearing will often howl. And his thyroid should be tested too. He could have a thyroid problem. With an older cat it's generally part of the aging process to become hyperthyroid, but a young cat could have an underlying thyroid problem (like a tumor) that is causing them to be hyperthyroid. Get him in to the vet to rule out a health problem, especially if this is something new.

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  • 7 years ago

    Does he pee and poo okay? Sometimes toms have problems with the waterworks, which makes weeing difficult and painful.

    It'd be worth having him checked by the vet, even if nothing comes of it, especially if he is slow when playing. He might be in pain.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    If your cat isn't neutered, he may smell a female cat in heat. If he doesn't play, there may be something physically wrong with him, and he may be in pain.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Maybe there is something that can quiet him down. Maybe he needs a playmate? Maybe music will soothe him.

  • 7 years ago


    CALL 911

    Source(s): I'm a cat
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