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  • Separate bank accounts, is the money still "Ours"?

    My husband was told (by his bankruptcy lawyer) that even though I have a separate bank account (had it since I was 16) that he is NOT on that the money inside is still considered "ours". And that I couldn't have more than a set amount in it because of this.

    It's the whole basic "Whats yours is mine" concept. He can not withdraw money, he is not on account at all. Is the money inside really 50% mine and 50% his?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance6 years ago
  • If the biological dad is not on the birth certificate...?

    I was reading a question on one website where one person made this statement:

    "okay so if your fiance just signs the birth certificate, then yes he has rights. But if at any point in this childs life the bio father changes his mind, can't he just have a paternity test done and can fight for his rights?"

    And I got wondering, what is the answer to that question?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • What legal action can I take?

    I have a dog, a GSD mix. I live in an apartment, there are other dogs and a few others who are just as large as mine. I got home today and there was a note taped to my door saying "Clean up after your dog" and there was literal feces thrown against our door.

    I ALWAYS pick up after my dog, personally I believe it's a pride of ownership to actually take care of your dog to the point to pick up it's waist. Almost all of my neighbors have seen me doing this, almost all of my neighbors personally know my dog by name.

    This is not the first time we have had feces thrown against our door. Kids also throw rocks at it, hit our windows, and taunt my dog.

    When can I start taking legal action against the parents/family of the children and potentially get them evicted? My landlord has been called about issues like this before and nothing has been done.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Can't find my old posts in a FB group?

    If I search my name in the "Search this group" bar in any of the FB groups I'm a part of, it says "Sorry, we couldn't find any results for this search."

    I used to be able to find my old posts but now I can't. Help?

    1 AnswerFacebook6 years ago
  • Open adoptions, parental rights?

    So an ex of mine is willing to let my current boyfriend adopt our daughter. He hasn't been in her life more than three times. Once when she was born, once when she was 6 months, and once on her 1st birthday.

    My boyfriend has been in her life since day 1. Which is why I would like for him to have the rights, my ex is willing but is thinking in an open adoption he would be able to take her for weekends and holidays... I thought in an adoption (Open or closed) the person adopting the child gets the rights while the other gives them up.

    Who is right? Would he really get her for holidays?

    9 AnswersAdoption7 years ago
  • Which pet owner would be at fault?

    I live in an apartment, I own a large mutt (she's GSD mixed with a bunch of other things). I take her outside to potty every day, multiple times a day. As far as I know I have the biggest dog (there is a French mastiff here too though, but she's smaller than my dog). Most of the other dogs here are Chihuahuas and Poms. Other than the owner of the French Mastiff I am the ONLY one who walks my dog on a leash, everybody else lets their dogs just run around without supervision.

    None of these small dogs are friendly towards other dogs I've noticed. If one came up and bit my dog, resulting in my dog biting it back (possibly doing major damage since the size difference) who is at fault? Me with my dog on a leash, or them for not leashing and supervising their dog?

    10 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Puppy from Beethoven's 2nd Movie?

    I just got done watching Beethoven's 2nd on netflix and was curious, there is one puppy who doesn't have a white blaze on it's head and has mostly brown on it's back instead of brown patches. . I can't find any St.Bernards who lack that blaze, or are mostly brown like that.

    What would his coloration be? (The puppy in question is the one on the bottom left)

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • ePSXe 1.7.0 memory help?

    I downloaded the ePSXe 1.7.0 the other day, and I have been playing Harvest Moon Back to Nature on it. I had memory issues with it yesterday and found a solution (or so I thought) I ended my game after saving, closed the entire program, opened it up and my save was still there.

    But this morning my save is gone? Who can help? I want to be able to play my game, turn it off, and come back to my save more than just once.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • What do do about these kids?

    I recently moved into an apartment complex. There are A LOT of kids, most of which are good kids. But there seems to be that typical group of trouble makers. Of which they will bang on our windows, they throw rocks at the windows, they throw rocks at the door, they've played ding-dong-ditch on us. And quite frankly I'm getting tired of it.

    I own a GSD who every time they do this growls and barks. I have a 16 month old daughter who these kids keep waking up. I figure I will catch them on camera. But sad thing is, I don't know who the parents are to these kids.

    Would simply calling the cops to deal with them help? Again these are kids, but they are being serious trouble makers.

    3 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • Cat meows even more?

    I asked a question a couple days ago on how to get my cat to stop meowing all the time at the top of his lungs.

    I have tried giving him food, he has two cat companions plus a dog. So he isn't lonely or hungry. All my pets have access to water 24/7 so he isnt' thirsty.

    Over the course of the past two days he has started meowing even more. Now he does it almost all day (Quite literally) he does it walk walking, sitting, hiding, getting attention, during everything.

    He has the markings of a flame point Siamese, but he's not a Siamese. He's not even remotely part Siamese (I've seen his lineage) he's not even oriental. I know Siamese cats meow a lot, and other oriental breeds are known for being chatty.

    I have tried playing with him to wear him out during the day, but he is so slow when playing. It would take probably around 2-3 days to wear him out for one night, he is that slow to play.

    I need ideas again on how to help my cat chill out and stop meowing all the time. People here do need sleep, and he gets louder once the house is quiet.

    8 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • How to stop a cats annoying habit?

    I have a young male cat, he's fixed, who has an EXTREMELY annoying habit every morning.

    He will wake up around 5:00 AM and start howling. At the top of his lungs. He does this for hours, usually stopping at around 8:00 AM.

    He does this every morning. He's done it since the day I brought him home. At first I lived with my parents, and slept with him in my room (Door was shut) so I would just let him out into the main house. But now I live in an apartment, sleeping with the door open. He has access to the entire apartment, but still insists on howling.

    How can I stop this annoying habit? I am open to ANY ideas. Also why do you think he does this?

    2 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • When should I turn her car seat around?

    My daughter is 15 months old. Her car seat is currently facing the rear of the car.

    She's about 22lbs, and 30+ inches (Can't remember exactly how tall she is). When she is sitting in her carseat her legs can't be straight out anymore because she is really tall. I don't want to turn her around to early and I have read it's best to keep them backwards till at least 2 years old or they exceed their carseats rear facing limits.

    Her car seat says its good rear-facing for a child from 5-40 lbs and 19"-40"

    Should I worry about her legs? They aren't scrunched up or anything, but I want her comfortable. And again I don't mind her being rear facing, she doesn't mind it either I don't want to turn her around to soon, but any tips on what I could do for as she grows on how to keep her comfortable? (I already know about the 2 year thing and that is what I'm aiming for)

    2 AnswersSafety7 years ago
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    Limit on answering questions?

    I went to answer a question, I've answered a few today. And I couldn't click on the box, while it had this warning?

    Is there really a limit to how many questions you can answer daily?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What breed of rabbit is this?

    I went camping and somebody yelled "There's a bunny!" so I got quite a few pictures of the little guy. And personally I don't think it's wild. It came right into camp and only scampered off when we got within 2 feet of it (Then it would come back)

    So any ideas as to what breed it might be? I personally thought it might be a English Spot, or mix of it. He doesn't have a black stripe down his back, but has small spots on his tail and right hind foot. Also doesn't have black on his muzzle.

    5 AnswersOther - Pets7 years ago
  • 14 month old and walking?

    I'm not worried about her growth or anything, Just curious for ideas.

    My daughter is 14 months old, she stands all on her own fantastically. She is able to walk on her own, she doesn't run or anything and is still a bit unsteady when actually walking. The reason for this is that she walks (Or tries to) on her toes.

    I place her flat on her feet but once she starts to walk she gets on her toes. Does anybody else's child do this? Is this something she will grow out of?

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Ferret close to death?

    I have an albino Ferret named Buck. He's a healthy ferret, always has food and water available to him. His cage is clean with blankets in it to help keep warm. He has two brothers in the cage with him, and they all snuggle. They come out to play every day, and he's always romping around, his stool looks normal, eyes are alert and gums are healthy.

    But sometimes, like this morning, I will find him almost completely lifeless. His body will physically be cold, he'll be stiff, and very unresponsive to any sort of touch. I've taken him to the vet for this every time I find him like this and they just warm him up and give him fluids. The only time he is dehydrated is when this happens (And I think the vet blames me for not giving enough water or something) but he ALWAYS has water, there are two water bottles and one water bowl that is always full. I check him frequently and the only time he's dehydrated is when he is in this "Condition".

    I warmed him up with a heating pad and now he's moving, but his movements are very jerky.

    Any ideas what keeps causing this? It only happens with my albino the other two are sable's and they NEVER have had this issue.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets7 years ago
  • Dog jumps fences. Advice?

    I have a German Shepherd Siberian Husky mix, female, about 85lbs in weight. When I first got her, she had the horrible habit of jumping fences. I managed to break her of it before by having her drag a small tire. The tire was always hatched to her harness and not her collar. (I know the tire sounds cruel, but I have to keep my dog in my yard we live right next to a busy highway and I do not want her to get hit) This trick worked, but now she's jumping fences again. My dog is almost 6 years old.

    I am very limited on money, so I need some ideas that will work but are financially friendly.

    How can I keep my darn dog in my yard? My entire yard is fenced, and she stays on my property (usually, but does wander around the neighborhood) when she jumps out. I don't want her to get hit or picked up by animal control. She has tags on her collar, but I still worry.

    7 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • bike tire tube help?

    I own this bike:

    for what I need it's a fantastic little thing and was cheap too. The tire went flat so I pumped it back up and within the day it was flat again. So I bought a new tube, a 20" tube that says it fits tire widths: X 1.75 and many more. My tire itself is 1.75 (Says right on the tire) and the tire is 20" but this new tube is to big for both the tire and the rim... Like literally when I put the tube on the rim I can fold it over there is quite a bit extra.

    Can someone help me with finding the right tube?

    IF it makes a difference the tube I bought says: Standard 20" Schrader Valve Tube

    and the bike I have is a little kids bike. Is there a difference?

    3 AnswersCycling7 years ago
  • To avid figurine collectors, help?!?

    For once I can't find something on my own and am in need of assistance. My husband's grandmother is curious about the price of these little metal foxes.

    These are the foxes that came with the book "The Problem Fox". I know nothing about them, and cant' find anything other than they came with the book.

    Somebody PLEASE help. (I am not sure if the images will work, so there are two different attempts)


    1 AnswerSculpture7 years ago
  • How can I get my 1 year old to talk?

    She knows the basics, such as "yeah" "no" "Nana" "Mama" "Dada" and "grr" (referring to my dad, her grandpa).

    Just the other day she said "I love pancakes" while eating waffles.

    I am usually repetative when trying to help her learn a word, but she usually still talks in babbles and other baby talk.

    My whole family knows she can talk, so why isn't she talking more?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago