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Who made the Michael Brown incident a racial issue?

14 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Civil rights activists and the liberal media. It's ironic how the same people who radically claim to want race equality are the same people who iginite racial fires and are the first ones to jump to the conclusion that a white man is at fault. I don't remember the last time Al Sharpton stood up for a white male that was murdered by a black man and the current bigotry raging war on cops is ridiculous considering that many cops are minorities as well! There has been a wave of vicitmization that the black community has been riding for quite some time and many of them now feel entitled to "free" perks from the government (tax payers). Civil rights activists and the liberal media are further handicapping these people by telling them that they are a protected class, when really, that's not equal at all. What about all the other immigrants and minorites who live in America, this degrades their position as well but Filipinos, Koreans, Vietnamese, and most other peoples in this nation seem fine

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    No one needed to make it a racial issue: Michael Brown was a different race from Officer Darren Wilson. I'd say the incident itself was a racial from the start.

    If you mean to ask why the incident became an issue of RACISM, it's probably because some believe the system in the US is designed to maliciously produce young black thugs such as Michael Brown. Many African-Americans mistrust American culture, and so teach their young to mistrust authority, including law enforcement, and to believe business owners such as the convenience store owner owe them something. Wrong as this may be, it seems right to many African-Americans based on their history in the US.

    I can't fully explain African-American mistrust to you here because I have an extensive understanding of African-American history in the US that you may not have. Suffice it to say that a culture may not be able to turn around on a dime after centuries of its having been abused - even though most of that abuse had ended decades ago. Also, many African-Americans may believe that if they did become model citizens who "buried the hatchet," white racists might take advantage of them worse than ever.

    It's a complex problem with no simple answers, but I'm sure most of us hope it's resolving itself albeit slowly.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    Rev. Al Hatemongering Sharpton. I'm white- if I did HALF of what Michael Brown did I would also have been shot... the fact he was Black had NOTHING to do with the fact he was a criminal and the Black community shouldn't be so quick to allow bullies, thugs and crooks to be their martyrs. When they do that, they allow the entire community to be held to the lowest denominator... Bad PR Rev. Al, bad PR indeed...

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Barack Obama the same person who made the Treyvon incident racial.

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  • 6 years ago

    The media, Al Sharpton, and Eric Holder, primarily made it a racial issue.

  • Jet
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    His buddy that robbed the store with Brown, Darien Johnson, was the liar that started the BS, "hands up, don't shoot".

    He lied about that to protect his thug lifestyle.

    All the libs joined in on the rioting and looting based on this lying punk bich, Johnson.

    That is how stupid the liberals have become.

    I can see blacks acting out and hating whitey, it is their game, but white libs playing that same race BS, that is vile and sick.

    That is the liberal.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Barack Hussein Obama and his Hamburger happy clown Eric Holder.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    BHO, Holder, Jessee Jackson, The NOREVEREND Al Sharpton, Brown's stepfather...................

  • 6 years ago

    The national news media and Al Sharpton.

  • 6 years ago

    I'd say the government of Ferguson Missouri, since they're not representing their community in terms of police.

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