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Lv 4
Souvik asked in HealthOptical · 6 years ago

Contact lens question?

I have purchased contact lens (Air optix for Astigmatism from Alcon).

1> How long can I wear it at a stretch without putting off?

2> How frequently should the lens solution be changed?

3> How long can I close my eyes putting this lenses on (in case I accidentally fell asleep)?

4 Answers

  • Robyn
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should take your contacts out every night. It's not good to sleep in them. Many optometrists say to change your solution every night, but personally, I just change it if I see anything floating around in my contact case. You can nap in them with no problem, but try and make a point to take them out at night if you're starting to feel tired. Sleeping in them for too long can cause issues with your eyes, and it can mess up the lenses so you have to change them more often.

  • 6 years ago

    I also use Air Optix. It depends what kind they are. Like mine are monthly lenses so I open new a new pair after one month. Also, try not to wear them for too long. Like I put my lenses in at 6 in the morning, go to university, and take them off when I get home around 7 in the evening. Just don't sleep with them. For the solution, I change it every 2 days and also change the lens case every month. If you're like sitting in a car or traveling on a plane and you just close your eyes for a hour or 2, it's fine. But if you actually go to bed wearing your contacts, make sure you have a new pair available. I've accidentally done it and when I woke up the next morning, my lenses shifted and got caught in my eye lid. Also, avoid wearing contacts when you're on a plane because of the air pressure. They start to feel irritating. Good luck!

  • 6 years ago

    Your lenses are monthly replacement lenses

    Your solution should be dumped out after you put your lenses in. The case should be rinsed out with hot water and allowed to air dry.

    Your lenses are approved for up to six nights of continuous wear. That is not a good idea especially since they are toric lenses. You can sleep in them once in a while with no problems.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Improve Your Eyesight Fast -
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