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Lv 7

Christians, if there is a heaven and you're so sure you're going there after you die, why are you scared of being murdered by atheists?

I see a stream of questions accusing atheists of being immoral people who are on the verge of murder. My question is if there is a wonderful afterlife, why are you scared?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Christians, if there is a heaven and you're so sure you're going there after you die, why are you scared of being murdered by atheists?

    God is merciful but 666 is not forgivable. 666 is given with grey plastic card.

    Food stores, prisoners, and police will 666 people too. Don't get new documents. Don't get any surgeries. Don't eat meat. Don't eat fast food. Don't eat junk food. Pray the Jesus prayer.

    Don't go into UFO to be healed by evil demons. Feed the pigeons. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael. Reject vaccines. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape mark of the beast.

    Those who reject 666 and are killed by antichrist's forces for rejecting 666 are automatically martyrs for Christ. Martyrs go to 7th heaven. Monks go to 3rd heaven. Forgive me.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Not scared at all. What assumption led you to that conclusion?

    I do not fear those who can kill the body. I have been physically tortured on several occasions - nothing phases me. I only fear the One who can throw both body and soul into Hades.

    Simpleton! Bring it on! I have fought the hounds of Hell and come out victorious because God is with me!

    Don't you know that you can't really live until you've conquered death? I died with Jesus and I am resurrected immortal ALREADY. You cannot kill me... you can only kill my flesh. And I will welcome it - giving God praise as it is destroyed - with a big fat smile on my face! :)

    How long will you hate what really matters? How long will you despise true knowledge?

    Persist in challenging God's Chosen, and you will be killed.... going down alive to the realm of the dead, where the worm does not die and the fire does not go out.

  • 6 years ago

    Murders, rapes, thefts ,.... ALL are full of pains also!

    Since we are with God and have God's Love we Care for and Love others around us! Loss of a life with those that do Believe in God have pains also!

    How do you as an Atheist feel about Not being able to Love others; only caring for yourself, and what you can get for only yourself?

    Would it bother you IF you robbed a store or someone you knew? How would You feel IF someone robbed you?

  • l
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Symos, you know damn well there is no 'heaven' and that Christians aren't interested in evidence - they have Faith (gullibility and wish-thinking).

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  • 6 years ago

    Does Soviet Russia ring a bell? Your *logic* can lead to great destruction.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    no one leaves this planet until God says so and Atheists can only murder those chosen by God to die

    Attachment image
  • 6 years ago

    No fear. When the bad boys try to send me to Jesus, and it isn't time yet, Jesus will send me back.

  • 6 years ago

    probably because no one wants to be murdered

    Its really painful

  • 6 years ago

    Do I look scared?

  • John
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    Why is it often assumed that all atheists are "immoral people who are on the verge of murder"?

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